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He's on P&S if anyone is interested in watching.


I watched that; about the only thing he gets right is when he says "I could have just shut up."  To hell with both of them.  Even if Comedy Central edited the video to make it say something totally opposite from what was said, that doesn't explain away the following:




Seems to eliminate any question of him having been taken out of context.  As much as he'd like to change it now, he said it and he meant it.

Edited by Netpackrat
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Background checks and databases and bans, oh my...


Gun owners who are too reasonable can be duped by "reasonable restrictions".  That's why I'm an unreasonable gun owner.  I will not be reasoned out of my rights and the rights of every law abiding citizen.  Fortunately the majority of Americans still support the Second Amendment.


But these days the greatest danger is not to the Second Amendment, but to the First Amendment.  In just about every western country you can now be thrown in prison for expressing the wrong opinion.  But here in America we have the First Amendment, the absolute protection of our right to free speech.  Or do we...  Even here in America the camel's nose is under the tent.  If you say the wrong thing it is labeled "hate speech".  It is called discrimination.  You can lose your job.  You can lose your business.  You can be bankrkupted.


As that great philosopher Al Sharpton said, "Resist we much!"

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If you think universal background checks will accomplish little to nothing then you don't understand what it is actually meant to accomplish.


It is meant to close the "loophole" that allows people to buy and sell guns without government knowledge.  UBC gives the government the registration database that they need to accomplish their long term goals.


Waiting periods accomplish nothing.  They are just a silly distraction meant to appease the weak-minded.

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What Darth said, plus every time they can add more ass-pain to the process, they ensure that fewer people will be willing to go through it.  That's the real reason so many places are off limits to CCW....  The point is to make carry enough of a pain in the ass that few people will bother, or alternatively to force otherwise law abiding gun owners into breaking the law if they want to go armed.

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We all agree that crazy people should not have guns.

Back ground checks will never stop them.

I have a vet freind who is breaking down mentally. He will not get help, he cannot keep a job, his wife ended their marriage but lets him stay at the house. He is in a different world and at times in anger talks about shooting his wife. He came to me the other day asking to borrow money. I bought his guns with out a background check but because he has not been diagnosed as mentally Ill he can get all the guns he wants.

Evene if they are diagnosed mentally ill they can still lie on the application and most of the time the diagnosis does not get into the loop.

Obama Care was supposed to link all this up.

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We all agree that crazy people should not have guns.

Back ground checks will never stop them.

I have a vet freind who is breaking down mentally. He will not get help, he cannot keep a job, his wife ended their marriage but lets him stay at the house. He is in a different world and at times in anger talks about shooting his wife. He came to me the other day asking to borrow money. I bought his guns with out a background check but because he has not been diagnosed as mentally Ill he can get all the guns he wants.

Evene if they are diagnosed mentally ill they can still lie on the application and most of the time the diagnosis does not get into the loop.

Obama Care was supposed to link all this up.

The problem was as always had been, they lump arbitrary power in to decide what is "mentally defunct" instead of simply including only officially adjudicated individuals.

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If you think universal background checks will accomplish little to nothing then you don't understand what it is actually meant to accomplish.


It is meant to close the "loophole" that allows people to buy and sell guns without government knowledge.  UBC gives the government the registration database that they need to accomplish their long term goals.


Waiting periods accomplish nothing.  They are just a silly distraction meant to appease the weak-minded.

For clarity, little or nothing good. Trust me, I know what the goal is.

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If you think universal background checks will accomplish little to nothing then you don't understand what it is actually meant to accomplish.


It is meant to close the "loophole" that allows people to buy and sell guns without government knowledge.  UBC gives the government the registration database that they need to accomplish their long term goals.


Waiting periods accomplish nothing.  They are just a silly distraction meant to appease the weak-minded.

For clarity, little or nothing good. Trust me, I know what the goal is.


This is why I've considered the idea of simply including an disclaimer such as "PROHIBITED" on DL's or ID's... when an individual has been adjudicated as ineligible to own a firearm. We do it for minors so that store clerks can see at a glance they're too young to purchase liquor.. it would also mean that in the event it was necessary for armed citizen action in the context of which the 2nd Amendment was written, there would be no true barrier to preventing private sale... 


 Ultimately the universal background check is just a stepping stone to achieve universal registration. 

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