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I say keep them moving. I sold off nearly everything I had and have no regret at all. I had some really nice collectible pieces. It is still just stuff and on top of that it is stuff that you have to worry about someone stealing or selling for nothing if you happen to die before you can do something sensible with it. Really, if you don't shoot it and can do ok on it, let it go. That's how I see it. I went from being a rigid collector to if it doesn't get used regularly and hard it gets gone. The only exception is if it is something that will be used for a future project and I still haven't had time to do it. I'm much happier. A nightmare of my wife selling my very early Polytech Legend for $50 at a yard sale led to that. Things like that do happen.

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I'm starting to feel that way about a lot of things. Seems they just sit in the safe. I've been thinking of getting rid of my M1A for something I will actually shoot with frequency. Maybe get a IWI Ace instead.

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I have a HARD time wrapping my head around selling my things. Eventually we all need to decide what to do with our things when we will no longer have use of them. I hope to be able to give most of them to the Grandkids, so there will be some selling of what I like and buying of what they like - just hope I am around long enough to enjoy some of these  things with them, and hand them over personally.

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I also am down sizing.  Aged 72 now.  Too much stuff.  Way too much.  Including guns and ammo.  Plus the fun fact that the bucks released or generated can be spent going on that long planned but never realized vacation.  That plus more doting on the grandkids.  Fun!  :)

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I also am down sizing.  Aged 72 now.  Too much stuff.  Way too much.  Including guns and ammo.  Plus the fun fact that the bucks released or generated can be spent going on that long planned but never realized vacation.  That plus more doting on the grandkids.  Fun!  smile.png

Oh, the ammo is easy. Shoot a lot like you always wanted to but were too worried about using up the ammo. Keep enough for serious matters and have a great time with the rest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been downsizing and consolidating myself.  Witht eh new Russian sanctions, I've been paring down my 7.62 rifles. 


DLT, My insurance appraiser valued my SGL21-16 at $1800 last year.  I was offered $3K after the SH fiasco, and turned it down.

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I've got (3) sons (step) who shoot and (7) grandkids, (5) of who enjoy shooting.

My take on the subject is that while we're enjoying a respite from the grabbers for the time being, it won't be long 'till the pendulum starts to swing the opposite direction.

I'm thinkin' some of my grandkids will never be able to buy their own firearms and/or ammo, so my mission is to see to it that they will have what they need. So, I'm a buyer, not a seller.

Obviously, enough is never enough, but I'm doing what I can. That includes teaching them about reloading and hand loading.


-Guido in TX

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  • 3 months later...

And in only a few months later.....shes coming back to me. My friend needs the money for some crazy ass project. Called me and asked if I wanted it back. By pure coincidence, the timing is perfect with my annual bonus. So the SGL is headed back to be with it's other friends!

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There is one other SGL21 floating around these parts that I transferred for a doctor back when they were running $700. I've told that doc many times thaet I've got $700 ready when he decides to sell. Keeping my fingers crossed he doesn't check current pricing if he ever calls me up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only have 3 AK's....two Saiga's that I did full conversions on and a WASR. If we could still get Saiga's, I would have one more. But I see them as a generational investment, like someone mentioned. If I needed the money, however, I wouldn't have too hard of a time letting them go. I did trade my VEPR 308 for a S&W M&P 10.

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