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Posts posted by Wolverine

  1. I get linked to this stuff about every day by someone I know and they're always shocked when I don't share their enthusiasm over it.  It's junk ammo built from junk 'science' and hyped up with testosterone-fueled marketing.  I've studied a lot about the effectiveness of handguns and bullet designs... and little bits of metal darting off within the first few inches, whether they be called 'trocars' or anything else, just don't cut it.  You need a large and long permanent cavity to reliably cause incapacitation through blood loss.  Regardless of the bullet performance and beyond damaging the central nervous system, handguns simply cannot cause immediate physical incapacitation the way rifles are capable of.... Most stops with handguns are purely psychological and are brought on by pain, shock, and even disbelief.  Actually, a big part of it comes from watching TV and movies and knowing that when you're shot, you fall down.  We just come programmed that way.  So maybe if the person you're shooting has watched the RIP video and knows you shot him with one, he might drop dead... but otherwise...



    So all the Japanese soldiers fell dead from a .45 acp round because they saw it in a movie or was it the stopping power of the round?

  2. That's a great picture Doc.  You looked like a proud owner of that machine gun.  I spent countless hours playing with guns and toy army figures and tanks as a kid.  I had a pretty good collection to pass on to my youngest brother when he came along and his interest was peaked.  Among my dad and three brothers I was clearly the biggest fan of firearms.  My dad hunted but was not much of a target shooter or plinker.

  3. I had the Hopalong Cassidy holster set and watch. That stuff came out in the 50's but I was born in 1960 so it must have been popular to be around for a few years.


    My grandfather worked for a toy factory, besides being a farmer. Their X-mas bonuses were HUGE boxes of toys, not only the ones they produced locally, but from all the factories in the Corporation. It was good because my family didn't have much money. 


    We didn't have much money either but some how mom and dad came through every Christmas.  I had my guns and I was a happy boy!

  4. I'm so old that most toy guns I had were western replicas.  I remember getting a Bat Masterson outfit for Christmas from Santa that included a derby, vest, cane, holster and revolver.  I had a crap load of guns as a kid and they were my favorite toys. Later I owned BB guns and a pellet gun followed by a Marlin Glenfield .22 that I still own to this day.  I bought that with paper route money when I was 14.  I have loved firearms as far back as I can remember.  I think the nurse handed me one when I was delivered.  smile.png   I think I will be buried with an M-14.

  5. This guy was marked or targeted.  It is just unbelievable that the DA would try to apply the statute to the facts of this case.  It makes the state look like small minded petty fools that are pressing on based upon false pride rather than common sense.  If anything, they should be apologizing to the man and his family for the first warrantless illegal search.  There should be some legal precedent or recourse for this guy beyond or other than relying on the good will of a jury who is likely to turn him loose based upon jury nullification.  It seems like harassment to me.

  6. Chile,


    Tell your boss to prepare to have his auto insurance cancelled and be thrown into a high risk pool with ridiculous rates for 2 or 3 years.  If he  hires an attorney he can probably get a restricted license to go to and from work if the judge suspends his license for 6 months.  As stated above a taxi is a drop in the bucket compared to DUI costs.  The moral of the story is don't drink and drive.  It ain't worth what can happen.



    Too bad I didn't find it when I rented a car.  The only thing I found in a rental car was a C clamp.  I would have loved to find an AR-15.


    One would think so but really the paranoia that hits when you find something like that is likely common sense.


    Used to rent a lot of cars when I traveled constantly. Found a wallet, bag of grass, and other less identifiable substances.

    Returned the wallet to the agency and chucked anything I could not identify.




    What'd ya do with that bag of green stuff?  000.gif



    You never know what they spray on that stuff while its' growing.  Could be all kinds of stuff that is real good for you.  Especially the stuff that is grown south of the border.  grimace.gif

  8. This may have jaded the Sheriff's opinion of the "Good Samaritan" who shot the perp:


    "Jackson confirmed that Marlo Ellis, the customer who used deadly force, is facing charges of rape in the second degree and enticing a child for immoral purposes, stemming from a 2013 investigation involving a girl under the age of 16. Court documents state that Ellis picked the victim up at a school basketball game and drove her to his house where they had sex. The district attorney said Ellis' sex case is on the trial docket for February. He has been out of jail on bond."


    Any guy that molests a 12 year old girl (drunk or not) needs his junk cut off.  Any further molestation is met with life without parole in the general population of a State prison.

    They gave the fucker who did it to my 12 year old daughter probation.





    I am very sorry to hear that happened to your daughter.  It should not happen to any woman much less a girl of 12.  Like many victims she may have thoughts of guilt thinking she had something to do with what happened.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  It's all on the pervert who molested her regardless of his approach.  I hope you were able to get her into effective counseling that will help her cope and adjust well as she matures.


    Given the sentence I would not have blamed you if you did the job yourself.  But that would have likely put you in the slammer.  No justice in that.  I know if it were my daughter it would have strained the bounds of my Christian faith not to hire a guy who would hire a guy to get the neutering done while I had a rock solid alibi.  But in the end he will stand before God and will be judged for his deeds.  Unless he turns and takes refuge in the blood of Christ there is a special place in Hell waiting for him.  It's best left in God's hands for the dispensing of real justice.

  10. When I was a kid we had all kinds of toy guns.  In fact my best friend had an older brother that made us all kinds of guns out of wood.  They were cool. We had hours and days of fun playing army and such.  We knew the difference between make believe and real guns and respected the difference.  We survived somehow.  I think the whole thing about toy guns and pop tarts that "look like a gun" is a lot of politically correct crap.  Let's let boys be boys.


    Do you actually believe there are antis out there that would have killed all those children to sway America to their cherished point of view that all guns should be melted down and made into bicycles or something else green?


    Anything's possible.  These are the same tards who go apeshit when a kid bites his pop tart into an "L" shape, and confiscate plastic weapons from a childs G.I. Joe doll before they can board a airplane. laugh.png


    Remember, some of these same types seem to idolize Joseph Goebbels (and other Nazi's) too with the ways they disseminate their lies and misinformation. huh.pngunsure.png  


    Besides, pics, or it didn't happen.  I've seen Kurt Cobain's blown apart head posted online along with Tupac's corpse with a bunch of holes poked in him, and even photos of Jodi Arias's nasty alien face hugger looking snatch.  Additionally, I've seen pictures of dead kids posted online already where no one's made a fuss.   Nothing's too shocking or sacred anymore for posting on the Internet. horror.gif



    Possible, yes.  Likely, no.


    If pictures would have been released and posted there would have been lawsuits, firings and an outcry by the families and many from the public in support of those families.  Anybody releasing those pictures would have been vilified beyond belief.  That event rose to a national tragedy level that exceeded or gained more attention than all the soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan together and the liberals capitalized on it.  It was the slaughter of innocent children.

  12. Not everything is a conspiracy, but when nobody believes a conspiracy is possible, it's easier to pull off.

    I'm sure children were killed. But honestly this whole thing played out like gun control porn. Then add in the inept and corrupt media, not hard to see how things can spiral out of context. Assuming there was a ever an intention to maintain one.

    Of course the bizarre behavior of Robbie Parker, the corner, and what about the guy "the Hunter" apprehended in the woods shouting " I didn't do it"? None of that was ever addressed.


    The coroner was in over his head.  He had never seen anything like it.  Nor had he ever had such intense scrutiny by the press or the public.  In short, he did not know what he was doing under the circumstances.  They should have sent in deep experience and more than one coroner to do the job.  Hind sight is 20/20.


    Do you actually believe there are antis out there that would have killed all those children to sway America to their cherished point of view that all guns should be melted down and made into bicycles or something else green?


    As for the alleged "hunter", don't you think some State investigator would have chased that down, got all the facts and ruled out any culpability?


    I do think it was a criminal conspiracy of sorts.  While Lanza's mother did not have foreknowledge of his intended crimes, I think Lanza's mother was guilty of a crime for failing to secure her weapons from her nutbag son and that her son was an off his rocker killer.  

  13. Or you could believe this guys explanation of what went down....




    Or this debunking:




    Or one of the many unproven conspiracy theories floating around on the net.


    The only thing that supports a conspiracy is the lack of photographic evidence of the slain children which I'm sure was withheld because of the evidence of the horror of open slaughter of children and out of respect for the families.  You don't have to see their brains splattered all over the floor to affirm your opinion one way or the other.


    To me the Lanza story is quite plausible.  His mother was a fool to leave weapons unsecured around the house knowing her son suffered from serious disabilities including severe emotional problems.  He killed her first and God only knows why he chose children next other than they were easy targets.  In the end he took the cowards way out by pulling the trigger on himself when he was cornered.  Is that so hard to believe?  That case was not about taking our rights away.  It was about a mental defective.  The liberals made it out to be an anti gun thing because it fit their narrative.  No one seriously believes you can stop mass killings by banning "assault" weapons.  You could do as much or more damage with a pump shotgun when no one is in a position to defend or protect themselves. 


    Not everything is a freakin conspiracy....but that is my $0.02.

  14. Unless you are learning a trade today a four year degree is just the price of entry.  It is expected you will have one....... kind of like a HS diploma years ago. I know kids today with a degree that couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag.  Of course once you graduate with your expensive four year degree finding a good job is as easy as locating a unicorn.  Just another facet of our society that is pretty screwed up.

  15. GOB is right.  This is troubling.  Who would have ever thought something like that would happen in Texas?  I'd be shopping for another place that would cooperate within reasonable driving distance.  People might have to drive to another city but I would not just throw in the towel.  I think I might explore legal options as well.  I guess it is a matter of principle as much as or more than an economic issue.


    Just get the vibrator that plugs into the wall.  You'll go through a lot less batteries.

    I actually modded a vibrator for a girl at work so it'd run off a wall wart. I asked her how long she let it run....she said "Until the batteries run down" It ran on 2 C batteries.


    She liked the modification, but didn't like the six foot cord. I repaired the broken cord a few times before she ended up going back to batteries. I guess she used the thing for hours at a stretch and didn't like being tied to the wall socket..



    How in the world did that conversation ever strike up leading to your electrical experimentation?  Did you volunteer to substitute or help cut down on battery use and costs?  laugh.png

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