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    Dear Vodka Gods, I have committed blasphemy and adultery. I bought a Lynx 12 with the intention of replacing my Saiga. My cruel plot was to take all of the jewels off my Russian queen and put them on a cheap Asian model. At first sight and touch, China appeared to be everything the reviews made it out to be. It felt good in hand, racked nice, and brought some Chinese jewels with her. She needed a polish and some affection but nicer out of the box than the Saiga. China was pleasing to the eyes compared to the Russian's 15 year old Cerakote makeover. The gun naked is heavier and
  3. Dear Nicolai, Wladimir, and fellow vodka gods, It has been years since my last confession/post. Just saying hello before I start sinning (asking stupid questions) again. It's good to be back after lurker life
  4. My favorite horror movies are 1) Hereditary 2) Evil dead 3) wrong turn all parts 4) grudge all parts 5) hills have eyes 6) quiet place you can suggest me more movies
  5. Earlier
  6. The issue now might be getting any barrel since K-USA went under.
  7. I got in a car wreck and had to call it a day after finally realizing my 'self' wasn't coming back. I'm not the same physical and intellectual resource I used to be and that's ok, nothing lasts forever. I'm not aware of anyone specializing in them anymore. It's a shame. I planned on doing it at least another 30 years but someone else had other ideas ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  8. The parts on these guns are not all that sensitive to welding. I've welded all over them, never had one of my own fail anywhere and in 9 years never had a customer send anything back for failure. Weld your heart out, barrel and all. For welding up ports I had a tight fitting aluminum plug with a hole drilled in it for some all-thread, and would stick it in the barrel, weld up the ports, and machine or file it back down depending on whether or not it would be seen. For drilling the ports in the same spot, an abrasive diamond coated Dremel bit can be used to make the port. If you have some expen
  9. $90 for a non-chrome lined barrel that is usable is still a great deal
  10. I'm still alive, sort of. Juggernaut, I hope all is good for you.
  11. Hi, thanks for the response. It was the cartridge size. I tried some true 76mm carts and they fed and cycled fantastically on the restricted gas setting. Next job is to test if subsonic carts cycle on either gas setting and getting to work suppressing this thing!
  12. Do you have a picture with the bolt locked back with a loaded magazine inserted in the gun? I'm not sure if the magazine is presenting the round "high enough" to slide up into the chamber. Do you have another magazine to try? The 10 round factory mags aren't as common on this side of the pond compared to the 4 round ones. We also used to have at least one other UK Saiga member back in the day but I can't recall his username.
  13. Hi, first time Siaga 410 owner. I'm also from the UK which is probably a rarity here. My gun will not feed at all. It looks like the cartridge is off centre with the bolt. See the below pics. I am using 75mm carts, which state on the box they are for 2-3/4 inch chambers. I'm also using the factory 10 round mags which state 410x76 on them. Any advice? Thanks.
  14. There is so much here for anyone interested in the platform. It needs to carry on. Too much knowledge is stored here. I learned so much here.
  15. I noticed a lot of Saiga 103s that have a 2006 test stamp also have an etched out triangle with a C inside of the triangle and a ะ˜ inside of the C. What does this stamp mean, who etched it out and why?
  16. I don't know if Mike over at Lone Star Arms is going that short or not.
  17. Depending on what size choke is on your barrel, yes, you CAN shoot slugs. They came in three sizes. Full, modified and cylinder. Likely cylinder is marked 0/0 or the like. Use that one for slugs.
  18. I like the Tromix 8" and also the Evlutionz 6.5" builds. I have shotguns that were worked on by both, and am very happy. Unfortunately, neither are currently doing any Saiga 12 work, so I ask for referrals from you all. Thank you, in advance, for your recommendations.
  19. Can anyone recommend a gunsmith to build a reliable 8" SBS?
  20. I've acquired a Noveske N4 with Aimpoint T1 and a Beretta 92GElite LTT. Nate got a DDM4V7 and a Ruger American Compact.
  21. Much love for the Spiker. Diving deeper into 5.45, money says ya got it stacked deep. Nothing but Like for Blonde AKs
  22. Polytech Type 56 Pre-ban Spiker, Arsenal SLR-105, and some customized Hungarian wood for the 16โ€ Saiga .308๐Ÿ™‚
  23. Curious if anyone here can identify this stock. It came on a 2004 Arsenal 105R that I picked up. I have switched it out for wood, but was wondering its origins.
  24. Greetings to ALL! New owner of a saiga 410 and absolutely determined to make the most out of it. I live in Europe and apart from gun laws that make no sence, it is also super expensive and dificult to import any cool gun related accesories. That is why i started a few months ago the side-project of designing my own moder AK/saiga chassis. I started with a similar concept to MK3 Chassis System and the first protoype apart from a few corrections to some dimentions proved to be really sturdy and lightweight. BUT!!! I scrapped all this and started again! I wanted a better solution... ..
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