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Squeaky last won the day on April 30 2020

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135 Good

About Squeaky

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/27/1970

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  • Interests
    Guns, foreign policy, military history, aviation.

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  1. Hi Everyone: I want to ask does anyone makes a classic mil-dot scope anymore? I'm talking about scopes with reticles that are FFP, and literally have dots instead of hash marks on the crosshairs. I think the dots are simply one mil in diameter. It seems like everyone makes either plain crosshair or "Christmas tree" reticles now. In my opinion, those Christmas tree reticles are too busy. I don't doubt their accuracy. They're just too busy. Just wondering. I have an M-40A1 clone project I want to pursue, and it'd be nice to have a classic mil-dot scope for it. I think Leopold us
  2. Hi Guys: I'm getting interested in learning to preserve meat. I've purchased a few books, but the focus seems to be on preserving pork. One can learn how to make prosciutto or cure a ham. I want to learn how to preserve pieces of beef. I assume similar processes can be used (like smoking), but I'd like to have a book focused on beef just to be sure I am doing things right. It occurred to me our ancestors kept both types of meat around for centuries before refrigerators were invented. I want to learn how. However, like I said, the books I've found on Amazon seem to focus on pork
  3. Hi Guys: Are there any companies that make direct replacement heavy bull barrels for the Savage 93FV in .22 Magnum? I'm talking about barrels like Green Mountain makes for Ruger 10/22s that are direct replacement bull barrels. However, they apparently don't make direct replacement Savage 93 bull barrels. I'd like to pursue an idea to take my Savage 93FV's bolt-action receiver and a .920" dia. bull barrel (like for Ruger 10/22s) and put them into a Boyds gunstock. I figure if I could have the barrel tapered a bit in a Boyds "Tacticool" gunstock to make it be a mini M-40A-3. CZ
  4. Hi Guys: I have an idea for a custom .22 Magnum rifle project. I'll be using my Savage 93FV as a donor gun. I was wondering if anyone like Timney makes triggers for this rifle. Also, does anyone make pillars for the Savage 93 action? If the answer is "no" to either of these questions, fine. I'm thinking about getting a Green Mountain .22 Mag barrel turned down to the classic .920" bull barrel diameter, attaching it to my 93's bolt, and putting them into a Boyds "tacticool" gunstock that'll be glass bedded. I'll call it my mini M-40A3. I figure I'll get the barrel cerakoted and
  5. Hello: I want to ask if anyone knows where I can get a type of axe that's called a "broad axe" or "broadaxe" for a decent price. I'm used to axe prices I see at hardware stores. For some reason, a broad axe is not a type of axe you typically find at a hardware store anymore. Broad axe prices I've seen on-line are around $200 -$300. I'm having serious sticker shock!
  6. I've pillared and bedded too. Should be a very accurate rifle.
  7. Hi Everyone: I got a Badger .25" thick recoil lug for a custom rifle. I know it's supposed to help with accuracy, but I forgot how. Can someone please remind me? Thank you.
  8. Hi Guys: I was wondering if anyone knows where to get the periscope German troops use on the MG-3 machine gun. I think it's made by Zeiss, but I can't find it on sites like optics planet. I don't own an MG-3 (though that'd be cool). I just like that periscope. Thanks!
  9. Green Mountain apparently uses 1:14 for .22 Magnum. They use 1:16 for .22 LR like everyone else. I want to make a heavy barreled .22 Magnum using a Boyds thumbhole varmint gunstock and my Savage 93FV's bolt action. I just think it'd look cool and probably will shoot very well too. I suppose I'd use a 24" long barrel just for the fun of it. It'd be my M-40's little brother. 😉
  10. In case anyone wonders, it occurred to me to see if Green Mountain makes .22 Magnum barrels. They do.
  11. Hi Guys: I am wondering what the proper twist rate is for a .22 WMR barrel. I've always assumed it'd be 1:16 like .22 LR usually is, but it occurred to me it might be different since .22 Mag bullets are faster. I'm thinking about a custom .22 WMR project and might need to specify a barrel twist rate if I get a custom heavy target barrel made. Thanks!
  12. Hi Everyone: Years ago I visited an elderly family friend who was not a shooter or gun collector. This was before I knew guns as well as I do now too. He had worked in some exotic locations during his life like Saudi Arabia. I think he once worked in Germany too because of an antique gun he showed me. He was glad I knew some German and wanted me to translate something on it. It said "Schmidt und Sohne" - Schmidt and Sons. Am I correct thinking he had something valuable? At the time, I had enough sense to tell him to let someone at a place like Christies appraise it for him if only f
  13. No insult taken. For some dumb reason I'm always calling a sling a "strap." Can't believe I've had my Saiga 223 all this time without a sling. At least I have magazines and ammo for it.
  14. Hi guys: I went to check my Saiga .223 the other day and realized I'd never bought a strap for it. Duh! My question is who makes a proper strap for this rifle? I suppose any AK strap will do, but I thought I'd ask anyway. Thanks!
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