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Posts posted by Wolverine

  1. No, but it makes many others including the police nervous.  If it was done all the time by a large segment of society it would become an accepted norm with less fuss.  It's controversial for sure.  Just check out Home Depot's open carry day response by both sides of the issue.



  2. I heard on the radio yesterday that he had Aspergers Syndrome.  Same shit as sandy hook.


    If true it would explain the extreme social deficits.   It's a brain hard wiring issue.  But few with the problem go to the extreme of violence or murder.  Some with Asperger's are gifted in one way or another....almost genius but clueless when it comes to social cues and things.  He likely took his misery out on the blameless others.


    Did they see any signs of anger at others for being able to hook up when he had no clue how to relate to others?


    He was "away at school." I've seen lots of college students do crazy/stupid/illegal things that their parents had no clue about.



    I was under the impression he was in and out of school several times but was not enrolled at the time of the killings.  Apparently he was living with others regardless as he killed those people first.


    I suspect he did not understand his own demons.


    And apparantly teams of therapists didn't either.



    Maybe they did.  They can't force a patient to take their anti-psychotic meds.  Dr. Ablow seems to be of the opinion that the perp quit taking his meds and this played a part in his irrational siege.


    Yes, meds cause some to have serious problems but many find relief if they stay on their medication after finding the right meds and dosage which is another grand experiment.

  5. So the pistols were purchased legally?  Were the parents aware their troubled son with multiple therapists was in possession of multiple handguns?  Did they see any signs of anger at others for being able to hook up when he had no clue how to relate to others?  Certainly they knew he was deeply troubled.  It sounds like they weren't tracking their son too close until he announced he was going on a killing spree.  I don't know if he was mentally ill but he sure was full of hate and jealousy.  On the other hand, killing people cause you can't get laid is not too rational.  Like the others have said, with his resources he could have bought a girlfriend, date or a lay if that would have cooled his jets but I suspect he did not understand his own demons.


    Edit to add:  Dr. Keith Ablow on this case:  http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/05/27/our-mental-health-care-system-is-joke-even-mass-murderer-elliot-rodger-slipped/

  6. The guy that "resigned" had put his retirement papers in months ago.  He is the visible scapegoat.  They need to change the leadership and start holding people accountable.  Those clerks only did what they were told to keep their jobs.  Get those who were the big bonus winners and had every incentive to fudge the numbers.  The housecleaning has to be about the total function of services not just scheduling of patients.  More resources may be needed because of all the vets from our last two wars.  Whatever it takes.  Take the fat and waste (pork) out of Washington and give it to our vets for top quality care.  I treat at the local VA clinic and it has all the earmarks of bureaucracy.  There should be someone at each VA clinic or hospital with an open door policy to hear about problems and complaints directly from those served.  Despite the death of many and the attention it is getting right now I would be surprised if real reform comes that helps our vets but I can hope and keep pressure on the politicians.


    Can you imagine watching the lost sheeples as they fumble around with no electronics?

    It's hard for me to imagine what it would be like for those who grew up with an iphone in their hand.  They have never known a world without high speed internet, text messages, gps, laptops, 50" flat screens...  Their lives are built on gadgets and they can't comprehend a world without them.


    The infrastructure that supports all of those things is just magic that has always been there and always will be.


    Except it won't.  That infrastructure is fragile.  Natural and man-made forces can bring it down all too easily.


    And there are far more important things than google maps that rely on that infrastructure.



    To the op, I don't believe this can withstand the tidal wave of public outrage so I'm not going to get worked up about it until it actually happens.




    I'm sure that many are too busy playing with their gadgets to pay attention to the fact that this is coming down the pike and will result in a big fat price increase for speed on their toys such as 4G phones and "high speed" internet for gaming, etc.  I won't pay for Comcast's high priced 105 mb service now based on price.  I run at 50 mb and it gets the job done including gaming for my son.  AT&T is much slower.


    The proposal just plain stinks and needs to go away for good.

  8. The Obama Administration would be wise to see that the VA house is cleaned, set on track and has the resources it needs to support our nation's veteran's. To blow this off like so many other things under his watch would be both morally wrong but also a major political mistake relative to 2016 and 2018.  I'd send a lightening bolt down upon VA leadership starting at the top.  There needs to be a hotline for neglect and abuse that reaches outside of the VA as a check and balance to internal administration and politics.

  9. His attitude didn't change one bit. He remained a prick and starred at me when I was leaving the place a few minutes later. I smiled and waved.


    Well, he could have been courteous even if he chose to remain stone faced.  Some people are serious souls.  He sounds like he has issues but I'm not sure we can extrapolate based on a single encounter.  Maybe his wife told him she was having an affair with his father that morning before reporting to work or maybe he had to whiz like a racehorse but couldn't leave his post until relief coverage showed up.  Who knows?  I'd chalk it up to an isolated unfortunate experience and let it go.


    As for the corruption problem where you live, I'm sorry to hear about that.  I've never experienced that in law enforcement but have run into similar kinds of experience in the corporate world.  One corrupt leader can influence a lot of direct reports and the corporate environment.  I'm sure the same happens with politicians and authorities in law enforcement.  Keep your chin up.  Maybe you should consider looking for greener pastures.  It's just a thought.

  10. I would surmise the officer wanted to know who was locking eyes with him and if you represented trouble coming his way.  With your ID he can check you out on the radio.  No rap sheet, no attitude, no problem.  Being suspicious helps keep you alive when you wear the uniform and carry a badge.  How did he treat you after he saw your ID?  Was he courteous or did he display an attitude of his own?





    Eotech on the new TWS dog leg.



    Let me know how you like the dog leg.

    Holds zero well?

    It farkin better. It's all one piece and seems to be made the right way. It locks in very tight and square against the rear of the receiver. I'll let you know next weekend when I actually get to shoot it.
    Have you tried the primary arms mount that mounts where the upper handguard should be?


    There are a few different makers of these.  Not a fan of the way it looks on the gun.  




    Eotech on the new TWS dog leg.



    Let me know how you like the dog leg.

    Holds zero well?


    It farkin better.  It's all one piece and seems to be made the right way.   It locks in very tight and square against the rear of the receiver.  I'll let you know next weekend when I actually get to shoot it.



    It does on a 308 so I cant see a x39 having any problem at all.

    Besides it has been out for long enough that it didnt we would know.



    That's pretty much what I thought when I bought it.  Always skeptical, till I see it work personally.

    A new Colt LE 6940 rifle in .223/5.56 and 3000 rounds of ammo.  I'm buying guns and ammo  before the next run which will happen as sure as I live and breathe.

    Pics or it didn't happen...



    Here's the new Colt rifle and Primary Arms red dot.  The ammo is in many new Magpul 30 round mags with the rest stashed for now.  I need another 3000 rounds to hit my comfort zone.

    Colt LE6940.JPG

  12. It is just a matter of time. Stock up now while you can.


    Wise advice.  There will be another run and shortage of guns and ammo.  And prices......well you know what to expect.  Stock up now while you can find what you want.  Prices will not get better other than maybe .22 lr if things ever level out on supply and demand but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one either.  Ammo will be better than gold for barter.

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