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Posts posted by crobinson

  1. Nice shotty, its kindof interesting to me you installed the tapco OP rod too. I have one but havn't installed it yet.


    Theres a few posts going around about the best way to install the krebs sights, definitly look them up.


    every time i see a post like this where someone shows a new buildup and has a MD20 i get jealous...


    I installed the TAPCO rod just to cover all my bases.

    We all know what a fickle, illogical and just plain mean beast the BATF can be, and with them not having made a actual call on what IS the piston.

    They could go with IZZAMASH's technical specification, the puck, or with the rod, or both.

    It was inexpensive and relatively easy to replace, so why not.



    I still have yet to remove the OEM rear and install the Kreb's, I need to look those threads up.


    I just installed the Krebs sights. To relpace the rear sight I used a brass hammer and punch, just tap out the factory sight and tap the Krebs in. It took 5 minutes.



  2. She's very sick and could use all the prayers and good vibes anyone cares to send. I've been up most of the night, since getting home from the ER late last night and I'm returning there now. Please if you have any business with Cobra's Custom be patient and I will get to each of you. She has been taking most of the orders and I will have to get her log in info to get into her PM box to see if there are any new ones pending.

    Not sure when I'll be back. If I have time I'll check in tonite when I come home to take care of the animals. I'm praying she can come home with me sometime soon.


    My prayers are with both of you.



  3. Glad your day went good....mine was crap. One of the larger area shows was today (500 table), I usually hit it at opening, today I went an hour later. People were double parked as far as the eye could see, in the drive lanes, in to commuter parking lots a 1/4mi away, and on the road. I figured at this point all the ammo was gone as well as the few items I was interested in so back home I went. It's amazing that America just realized we have a right to firearms, the whole circus today just floored me.


    Yeah, I know the feeling man. The gun shop around here has a ten port indoor range. All weekend long you've got all ten ports booked up, a line around the back of the range and at one point people were waiting in line to get in the line. A dozen people are waiting outside before it opens to get in and shoot. Makes you wonder where the hell all these people were all these years that various states/fed have been passing law after law. They should have cared earlier!


    What's important is that they care now.

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