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Posts posted by Spence

  1. Thanks for the information.


    I looked at the rusmilitary website. You are correct - expensive and sold out. It was exactly what I was thinking. No modification required to mount the handguard.


    I have thought about the regular AK furniture, but was hoping to mount similar to the handguard that shipped with the unit.


    Any additional thoughts are welcomed.

  2. Hey folks -


    Does anyone have a resource or a reference for a provider of wood furniture for the Saiga 12?


    I have seen several conversions using the wood furniture. Some include modifications to use the more traditional AK style furniture. I am looking for a complete set which could mount similar to the factory butt stock and handguard with a matching pistol grip.


    Anyone providing these things at this time?


    PM response is ok too.



  3. Thanks for the suggestion and the thought process, but I am not sure that the answer is overgassed and the solution is to move from setting 1 to setting 2 as a solution. Setting 2 increases the gas flow and not decrease it.


    I have the gas fixr plug already, but have not installed it yet.

  4. Shooting a Walmart's Federal Birdshot on a 24 inch barrel Saiga 12 without modifications.


    I had the unit on setting 1 and could have easily gone to setting 2, but I wanted to see the frequency of occurrence. I noticed that it had a FTE on the last round only using the factory magazine. It would catch the brass base with the plastic case poking out at 90°. I was wondering with your collective knowledge that you may direct me to investigate some other aspect of the system. The mag was an obvious place to look, but I did not see anything to explain the pattern. I do not have an alternate mag for comparison yet.



    Before you ask, I had my thing-a-ma-jiggee twisted over the watcha-ma-called, and that other thingee firmly clicked in to its locking area with the whatever-it-was pulled up tight before squeezing. Just in case you were thinking of asking.


    In all seriousness, any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

  5. I am still relatively new to the board and I am planning the conversion for my S-12. I know how I want to do most of it with the exception of the trigger guard itself. I have seen several different solutions pictured on the site as well as discussed in several of the "How-To" stickies. I am interested in finding as true a restoration to the original design intent, but I have seen so many treatments that I do not know what original would look like.


    Would anyone be interested in contributing to this thread with a picture of their favorite trigger guard treatment? I was thinking a pic and a brief description of how to achieve.


    I started to pirate some pics and post as a starter, but I did not want to disrespect the work any have submitted by doing so.



    Hats off to all the contributors on here. Great work - one and all.

  6. Thanks to all for the forum. Great read and it sparked my interest to buy my first S-12. I am looking forward to doing the conversion. I purchased my first unit on Friday. This weekend I was cleaning and going through it. I inspected the gas ports. I only found two. There may be a third under the gas block, but I could not see any evidence of it looking down the barrel. Also, I removed the infamous puck.


    This being my first Saiga, I was surprised to see the view down the tube. Being a newbie, I must ask if this view is typical. It does not seem to be consistent with the way I imagined the unit would work. ie gas to puck, and puck to bolt carrier.



    Are having only two ports worth calling about warranty?


    Is the picture consistent with the design and operation of the tube?



    Thanks to all. post-24271-12722284707869_thumb.jpg

  7. Got it. I was aware of the Europeans using commas for the place holder. In my focus relative to the other model information, I did not think about quoting the diameter of the shotgun shell. It makes sense.


    I appreciate your help.

  8. Reading the forum drove me to buy a Saiga and to enjoy customizing one.


    Great, but I was expecting to see the box, paperwork, or receiver marked such that it clearly could be identified as a model IZ-107, 108, 109.


    The unit appears to have been packaged in December 2008. It has a threaded barrel and standard sights. It is marked with the common 12x76 which I understand. What does the marking "18,3" mean?


    Also, how is barrel length measured on these units? End of chamber to end of barrel? or barrel exclusive of the 3 inch chamber?


    Is this information consistent with a 19" barrel version or the 24" barrel version?


    Looking forward to making the mods if I do not get lost in the details ...

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