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Posts posted by Dedicated_Dad

  1. You quote a man talking about those that are not willing to fight back against a government that ruled over the colonists without representation..


    ...we have representation...

    DO we? REALLY? So when literal millions of people, all over our Republic, took to the streets to make it perfectly clear that we DO.NOT.WANT. what the tyrants in DC were pushing on us, when every poll showed a majority of Citizens OPPOSED to it, when they couldn't even muster the votes without resorting to "deem and pass" or outright bribery of certain Senators and Reps -- Were we being represented?


    When the 8@$+@rds mocked us as "racists" and "tea-baggers", outright lied about supposed racism, spitting, etc. -- were we being represented?


    When the midterm saw more seats change parties than at any time in history - EVER - before, and the losing party rushed to push through more of their rejected agenda during the "lame duck session" -- were we being represented?


    When a "regular guy" CANNOT POSSIBLY ever be elected to National office - without the blessing of one of the two branches of The Government Party, nothing more than two wings of the same rapacious bird of prey - are we being represented?


    When the CONgress cannot pass laws desired by the regime ("cap & trade", "Net Neutrality", etc) - because We The People gave his party a shellacking they'll never forget - and the usurping _resident does an end-run and has his agencies implement the laws anyway -- are we being represented?


    F**K NO we're not. Our Founders would have tarred-&-feathered Nazi Pelosi et al decades ago, and would have taken up arms a long damn time ago.


    ...Keep in mind that I picked up arms and went to serve my country...and defended those freedoms with my life...


    Then you took a solemn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies - foreign OR DOMESTIC.


    What part of that oath set the expiration-date?


    Didn't have one, did it?



  2. Finally got it back in.


    I used a piece of floss in one hand to lift the spring while I pushed it to the side of the receiver with a small screwdriver in the other.


    Then I used my third hand to push the BHO down, and my 4th to guide its tab through the slot in the bottom of the receiver.:wacko:


    It really did seem to be a 4-hand job....




    I filed a little notch in the BHO, and was finally able to bend the tip of the spring over so it should stay in that notch, now.




    'Course now it's too late to get to the range...


    c'est la vie....



  3. Hi all. I was FINALLY able to get the da*n thing unstuck, and remove the bolt and etc so I can see what's happening in there.


    The BHO spring has 2 "legs" on it -- a longer one and a shorter one.


    It SEEMS as though the shorter one should face front - thus leaving extra length at the rear so it doesn't pop off as the BHO rotates.


    In mine, the longer leg of the spring faces the front. The shorter leg is just barely long enough to reach the far side of the rectangular hole in the bottom of the receiver-the hole the BHO tabs sticks through.


    From the looks of things even if I notch the BHO, the next time it gets pushed up the end/tip of the spring will be too short and slide off again.


    I tried using a punch to tap the pin out a little bit, but it doesn't want to move. Is this thing permanently installed?


    How in the aytch-ee-double-hockey-sticks am I supposed to flip that spring around?


    **NOT** a happy camper!! :evil:



  4. ...so in fact I am correct about regulation...as it pertains to law...




    Said "regulation" - and the "law" which supports it, are however null and void on their face because they're based on illegitimate usurpation of authority. This is a well-known, fundamental axiom of common law and has been for centuries.


    Ergo, you're right about what some tyrants have claimed - but utterly wrong about the legitimacy of the claim.

  5. Dangit... One more point...


    Any idea that getting "approval" to own firearms at some interval is so ludicrous as to be not worth discussing.


    The FIRST person who was killed by someone who'd been "approved" would end the whole thing. Nobody would assume the liability of such "approval" and would simply deny everyone. So, would you put the .gov in charge of deciding, and have some .Gov drone with "sovereign immunity" handle it?


    When the .gov gets to decide which of us is allowed to exercise our Natural (I believe G*d-given) rights as defined in the BoR, there will cease to be any at all.


    The entire concept is ludicrous in the extreme.


    Would you agree to having your bank be the sole authority to interpret your mortgage contract, or decide to unilaterally amend it at will? Of course not - for obvious reasons.


    One more fallacy in which you're apparently invested: The Fed.gov did not create the States or the people, but rather the States and people created the Fed.gov. The Fed.gov exists ONLY to serve the States and the people in very specific, limited ways. **ANYTHING** outside that is usurpation and tyranny - period.



  6. There were actually many variations of the 2nd Amendment...the one in the Constitution and the ones sent to the States to be ratified...


    If I recall correctly the differences are in some commas and capitalization of the words Arms and People.


    Now if we were to take this to a mental extreme lets break down the words "keep and bear" arms.


    So keep, meaning you can own and bear meaning carry around with you.


    This Amendment says nothing, absolutely nothing on how those items are sold, traded..etc within the States.


    The above poster is correct that the provision for regulating the sale of firearms (or anything) is covered under the Commerce clause, both Interstate and Foreign.


    So either the State you live in or the Federal Government has the authority to regulate arms sales as they see fit.


    You cant cherry pick the Constitution or the Bill of Rights...


    Wow. Just.... Wow.


    There are SO many things wrong with every post you've made, I don't even know where to begin fisking.


    **READ** the writings of our Founders - the Federalist/Anti-federalist papers, their letters, minutes/notes/records of debates, etc.


    There were many who believed that our Constitution **HAD** to contain an explicit "Bill of Rights" or else some future .gov would infringe. There were others who believed that the clear listing of Fed.gov privileges detailed in Article 1/Section 8 and elsewhere were enough -- after all, when you write a contract that says "Party 1 may do A, B, C, D and E" then it's pretty obvious that "F" isn't on the list. Further, they feared that by listing a BoR that future tyrants would argue that anything *NOT* on the list was open-season.


    Further, you must understand what those words meant to the people who wrote them -- "regulate" for example (as in "to regulate Commerce between the several States") meant "to make REGULAR" -- in other words "to make common and streamlined" or "uniform" -- their job was NOT to pile law on law on law and complicate, but to SIMPLIFY. Further, "a well-regulated militia" meant "well-trained, disciplined" -- again -- REGULAR. Common and streamlined, uniform.


    Further, **ALL** Fed.gov privileges are rightly interpreted via the plain text of Article 1 Section 8, as clarified in the 10th Amendment which was *ONLY* inserted to pacify those who were prescient enough to imagine how "the commerce clause" and such could be abused.


    A1/s8 says "the Fed.gov is allowed to do these few, specific things" -- and the 10A came behind to say "And, just in case y'all missed it, if it ain't on that list then the Fed.gov cannot do it!"


    Not that any of it means a hot fart in a cold wind today - as we tolerate tyranny our Founders (PBUT) would have happily died to resist -- but it's beyond rational argument that an overwhelming majority of everything our Fed.gov does is outside the bounds of any Constitutional authority regardless of what SCOTUS may have said.


    While I'm at it - SCOTUS too has no authority to do what THEY have done -- and our Founders knew what would happen and tried to prevent THAT as well! In any case, SCOTUS also upheld slavery, denial of basic Constitutional rights to freedmen, segregation and numerous other things we'd (RIGHTLY) find abhorrent today. They're no more infallible than the Pope - no matter what the "College of Cardinals" or its modern .gov equivalent may declare.


    You'd know all of this if you'd spent the time to study the well-documented facts that surround its creation - but that would require you to let go of all the false propaganda you've ingested and absorbed.


    For those who think "hurr..durr...only for militia..." - or that Congress or any State has any right to mess with our G*d-given rights as protected by the BoR/2A, that the 2A was somehow not about ensuring our ability to resist and overthrow an out-of-control .gov, or that machine-guns, grenades and every other bit of military hardware was not included - I'll leave you with these quotes from Tench Cox -- Patriot, Rev.war fighter and Delegate to the Con-Con:


    * The power of the sword, say the minority..., is in the hands of Congress. My friends and countrymen, it is not so, for The powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from sixteen to sixty. The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress has no power to disarm the militia. Their swords and every terrible implement of the soldier are the birthright of Americans. The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments but where, I trust in God, it will always remain, in the hands of the people.

    o The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788.


    * Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American... [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.

    o Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788.


    * Whereas civil rulers, not having their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.

    o "Remarks on the First Part of the Amendments to the Federal Constitution," under the pseudonym "A Pennsylvanian" in the Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789.


    It was common for Citizens with the means to own cannon, and the greatest Battleships of their day which had the ability to shell coastal cities and forts.


    If the .mil can have it, then so can we.


    No - FTR, this doesn't include Nuke-weapons, for the reasons that would be obvious to anyone who'd studied the aforementioned records from our Founders (PBUT). It **WOULD** however include anything and everything that might be carried or used by soldiers in our Fed.Gov's Army - through and including crew-served weapons.



    • Like 1
  7. The problem is not going to be so much the United States but the united nations


    They already have a say so in your childrens education.


    Firearms will be next.


    I fear that's the point where the cold war goes hot.


    As I said elsewhere tonight, that would unequivocally answer the "ignorance or malice" question -- they KNOW how many of us would react to that...

  8. I can get my top cover of with the bolt held back with the BHO. You might have to use both hands. It'll open once the push pin detent is just barely into the top cover.


    Duude... Yer KILLIN' me with that avatar...


    Both hands? YEaaaaaaaahhh..... Mmmmmmmm.......:wub:


    What were we talking about again?:wacko:


    Oh, yeah...


    I got the top-cover off -- it's the RECOIL SPRING THAT I CAN'T GET OUT - it won't go forward far enough to clear the dovetail-ish thing on top of the trunion that the back-end of the recoil spring assy's in.

    I figured if I COULD get the R.S. out, perhaps the bolt would move back just enough for me to push the BHO down...


    Is there some way to get the BHO out with the bolt locked to the rear??!!



  9. They all come with a hole in the box. If you get a Saiga that doesn't have a hole in the box, then it's probably defective and you should send it back. Sounds like you got a good one. :rolleyes:




    That explains it!


    My box was MINT.


    The SG OTOH.... BHO has it jammed up TIGHT, and I can't see any good way to clear it...






    PS: I'd bet the "grit" is really dessicant - "silica-gel" - from a busted packet...

  10. Alright DD...It pissed me off too after I converted mine and I thought "what the...!"


    What Paulyski said. Notch the lever and also bend the spring over it.


    But first you got to get the damn thing apart. Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Push the spring forward, with the bolt open it won't go more than a fraction of an inch. Then insert a flat head screwdriver under it and lift. That should give it enough clearance to pull out. Carefull when it does clear as it's in compression and will fly out a few feet if you don't hold on to it.


    Good luck and after this you'll be glad you got the S12.




    You're talking about the recoil-spring? It can't come out -- it won't go far enough to clear the dovetails in the trunion that keep it from popping out.


    I **MIGHT** be able to pry it out -- but I sure don't want to do anything to booger it up... If I've got to take it back, you know?


    IS there really no way to get the dang BHO to move out of the way so I can do this the normal way?


    Can I remove the gas-tube and free it up that way...?


    Can I push a pin out enough to let the BHO drop out of the way?


    I really don't want to pry the spring out on a brand new gun.... :cryss::cryss::cryss:

  11. ...Perhaps you might understand my position when I tell you I'm from Virginia Tech and was in my senior year when Cho attacked Norris Hall...Again he was ordered by a court to get mental help...never entered into NICS and as a result my schoolmates died.


    The problem was Cho and Loughner, not the 22, the 9mms or the extended magazines...






    There was a bill in the VA Legislature to PREVENT colleges from prohibiting concealed-carry-permit holders from carrying. One of the BIGGEST opponents was the VT Admin - and they bragged about how their opposition had killed the bill!


    They weren't bragging after THAT turd killed 32 students.


    FTR, I sit here -- RIGHT NOW, AS I TYPE -- wearing a Hokie Polo, a Hokie ball-cap, and a pair of Hokie sunglasses on top.


    (ETA): Just in case you thought I was BS-ing you... 15p21j7.jpg(/Edit)


    My wife got her MFA from VT.

    My Son was a Cadet at the time and is now serving honorably and with distinction in our Navy.

    My Daughter is a Sophomore there RIGHT NOW - and is an RA in Main-Eggleston.

    My Youngest daughter has a "Future HOKIE!" sticker on her car, and a bedroom done up entirely in Maroon and Orange.


    Ergo, I'm qualified to speak!


    I've - PERSONALLY - talked to two people who were in Norris Hall when that sick f*** did what he did -- and BOTH of them would have been carrying if they weren't afraid of being expelled.


    One of them was in the habit of carrying anyway, but had left his piece in the car that morning because he'd gone straight from the gym to class.


    How different might this conversation be if either of them had been carrying that day -- or if any number of others had gotten their permit (VA is "shall-issue") who didn't because they knew it wouldn't matter?


    Compare Norris to the Appalachian School of Law event -- where (2) permit-holders took the guy down - 2 wounded, no dead!!


    Again -- look at all the dead in Chicago, DC and NYFC - places where guns are essentially banned! Did the ban stop anyone with evil-intent from getting a gun??


    Google the phrase "Stalking the Bogeman" and read... This guy -- also clearly disturbed, but a leftard to boot -- describes how easily he bought an illegal gun with a supressor, and found someone to obscure the "ballistic ID" capabilities to boot. Then look at his other writings to see that HE STILL DOESN'T GET IT!


    **NOTHING** would have stopped either of the turds you mentioned -- NOTHING.


    All your stupid laws did was make sure that when that psycho walked into Norris that morning, he had a clear field of fire and nobody with the proper tools necessary to resist!


    Best of all, when the VT Admin-moron was bragging in the paper about how he'd successfully blocked the carry-law, was his statement about "All of our students, faculty and parents will ***FEEL*** much safer knowing that their classmates will not be armed."


    Yup. I bet you felt safe as hell -- until the shots started echoing all around! Didn't feel too safe THEN, though - did you?


    You've a **FAR** better chance of dying in a car-wreck than being shot by some madman.


    Heck - you've got a FAR better chance of choking on your lunch!


    But you drive, right?


    Advocate "mental exams" for cars? Advocate everyone being forced to eat through a straw?


    It **SEEMS** worse because it's so violent -- you FEEL (not THINK -- **FEEL**) that we should be able to do something.


    We can't.


    People will die in car-wrecks.

    People will choke to death on their food

    People will get hit by lightning.

    Babies will drown in bathtubs and mop-buckets.


    BAD S**T WILL HAPPEN -- and there's NOTHING you can do to PREVENT IT.




    You wear your seat-belt, right?

    Keep a fire-extinguisher in the house -- right?


    Carry a weapon.




    Be prepared - so the NEXT time you're in a building and some madman starts killing people, you can stop him instead of cowering under your desk and hoping he runs out of ammo before he gets to you!

    • Like 1
  12. No indication that any ban or restriction will pass, let alone lose on appeal from the numerous lawsuits in the event of such legislation / executive order.


    Gun rights have expanded during this administration... And no the president may not act like a king..a king is not subject to the law of the people..the president is...now a president may choose to work outside the normal scope of due process by issuing an executive order...


    I see that however as a far fetched notion....the thing to due is try to lobby the NRA to lobby congress to impose gun control that ACTUALLY works...


    Things like...

    1. A required psych eval - yearly ( Granted this can backfire by doctors who are anti-firearms )

    2. A safety class for each type of firearm

    3. A criminal background check

    4. A modest waiting period

    5. Requirement to keep a registry of firearm transactions - basically a requirement to personally keep a record of sale...(I bought it from Bob Guy on this date, sold it to Timmy Someone on this date...)

    6. States actually contributing to the NICS denied persons list...


    Wow, you really endorse this stuff? I have some choice things to say to you, but I won't.


    That shit doesn't work. That guy in AZ who just shot up a bunch of people followed all the laws and that didn't stop him.


    Like I said, people who think gun control works are brainwashed. Politicians who are in favor of gun control have a very specific reason as to why.


    I will: Screw you!


    What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" isn't clear?


    Since you MAY not be a native English-speaker, let me clear something up for you...


    We close sentences with a little dot - known as a "period." This dot indicates that the statement is closed. Finished. Done.


    A statement which is *NOT* finished will use a comma, or - if something's missing - an "ellipsis" -- a set of three periods ("...").


    Our Founders (PBUT) Didn't say "...shall not be infringed...".


    They didn't say "...shall not be infringed, unless it's for the children/we're talking about SCARY-looking guns/unless it's a 'reasonable restriction'/etc."


    What they said was "...The Right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED <**PERIOD**>


    Washington DC, NYFC, and Sh*tcago have the top three, without-question, MOST restrictive "gun-control" laws in the US -- they also are the top three, without-question, MOST dangerous places in the US, with the highest rates of violent crime and of gun-crimes.


    "Gun Control" DOES.NOT.WORK. PERIOD!


    See, criminals do not obey laws. They IGNORE them -- hence the appelation "CRIMINAL"!


    Guns are essentially BANNED in the UK. Prior to their ban, UK cops carried a stick and whistle. SINCE the ban, they now all wear body-armor, and most carry MP5s in their car. Why? Because now the citizens cannot defend themselves, and the criminals have pretty much taken over!


    Worked like a CHARM, didn't it??!!


    Google "Luty submachine gun" or "BSP Submachine gun" to see how easy it can be for a reasonably-handy person, using basic hand-tools and parts that are available at any well-stocked hardware store, to build a full-auto sub-gun!


    Look at the havoc some sicko with a chef's-knife just caused in NYFC!


    All the schemes you can dream up will - quite simply - do nothing but impact the law-abiding and do NOTHING to hamper criminals.


    Do you know that - per SCOTUS - gun registration schemes DO NOT APPLY TO FELONS??!! It's TRUE!


    See, SCOTUS found that forcing a felon to register his gun - since he's committing a crime by even HAVING it - is tantamount to forcing him to confess to a crime, and thus is a violation of his 5th-Amendment right against self-incrimination!


    Ergo, even "registration" schemes only affect the law-abiding, since they DO NOT APPLY TO CRIMINALS!!


    Currently - since Giffords got shot - the push is on for "mandatory reporting." The (illogical) thought FEELING is that - if we force Docs to report mental-cases to the State, and the State to feed NICS, we could stop folks like the Tucson-turd from buying guns. That sorta SEEMS to make sense -- provided you're FEELING instead of THINKING!!


    See... What would happen?


    People who NEEDED HELP would be MUCH less likely to go ask for it - fearing they'd be stripped of their 2A rights!


    Result? MORE really-unstable nuts running around, untreated -- which WILL result in more chaos!


    Is this what we want??!!


    The **FACT** is that the world is a dangerous place. Though we'd LIKE to be able to wrap everything in bubble-wrap, we can't.


    Bad s**t happpens -- and it always will.


    Sick people will do sick things - and they always will.


    Criminals will commit crimes - and they always will.


    **NOTHING** you can do will ever stop the sick and bad people from doing sick and bad things.




    What can we do?


    For one thing, we can REMOVE the restrictions that exist on law-abiding people.


    Had their been a few people packing in Tucson that day, the numbers of people shot would have been much lower. This wouldn't have helped Giffords - she was the target, and recipient of his first round - but it would certainly have helped others. Sadly - though AZ recently passed no-permit carry - there wasn't one person present who was carrying. No surprise -- they were all leftards/collectivists who think guns are "icky" and "evil" -- and who think nobody but the "Only-Ones" should be allowed to carry them.


    There WAS one guy nearby - in a drug-store - who was packing, but he didn't even know what was happening until the turd had emptied his mag and been jumped and disarmed.


    The **ONLY** solution to "bad guy with a gun" is "GOOD guy with a gun". EVERY SINGLE mass shooting where there has been no good-guy-with-gun didn't end until the shooter ran out of ammo, killed himself, or got tired of shooting -- UNTIL one of the good guys showed up with a gun!!


    Meanwhile, EVERY mass shooting where there WAS a good-guy-with-gun had AT MOST only a couple of victims.


    And yes -- as sad as it is to say -- a couple of victims every so often is the price we pay to live in a (relatively) free society.


    Our BIGGEST problem is that - every time something bad happens - some collectivist leftard says "We've got to DO SOMETHING!!!" So we pass another idiotic law that does nothing but make the situation worse.


    NO MORE.


    As to the impending "import ban" -- it's tyranny, pure and simple. We don't have a problem with Saigas, or Benellis, or WHATEVER - being used in crimes. Even if we DID -- as I've already established beyond any reasonable doubt -- banning their import will do *NOTHING* to stop the gang-bangers from getting them.


    Once again -- THINK!


    If human "mules" can move TONS of drugs into the US every year from South America, what stops them from bringing in TONS of guns? The *ONLY* reason they don't bring in MORE of them now is that it's not worth it -- they're available here. The minute they're NOT, then they'll be imported via illegal means, and the only ones who have them will be the gang-bangers.


    Government is not the solution to ANY problem -- in most cases government *IS* the problem!


    Don't Tread On Me!!

    • Like 1
  13. Brand new gun (19" S-12) - just picked it up today.


    I live Behind Enemy Lines - in a state that treats any Kalashnikov action as a deadly "assault weapon" -- so I had to wait a week after paying/paperwork before I could actually take it home.


    Last time I handled it - a week ago - it was fine. I engaged the BHO while checking it out, and left it that way.


    Picked it up today, and stopped to see a friend on the way home. Took it out of the box and..... JAMMED!


    After a bunch of looking it over, I realize the BHO is pushed up inside the receiver, and the little spring is blocking the hole.


    "NO PROBLEM!" I thought -- "I'll just pull the cover and spring, relieve the pressure, and I should be able to push it out!"


    I got the cover off, but - as I'm sure YOU guys probably know - I can't remove the spring with the bolt locked to the rear.


    I've tried to push the BHO down while holding bolt back manually - it won't fall on its own and I can't push it down far enough to clear the bolt.


    "Frustrated" doesn't even BEGIN to cover it -- in fact "P!$$3D OFF" doesn't even come CLOSE!!


    My guess is FFL let someone handle it, and they - finding bolt locked back - tried to release it like a regular semi -- so they pushed (and pushed, and...) on the button until it's all the way up inside the gun...


    Now I **REALLY** want to go kill something.... :evil:


    I've searched all over here, but none of the threads I've found on the topic have any advice I haven't already tried. Someone mentioned "floss" but...???




    Any help/hints/etc deeply appreciated!!



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