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Posts posted by FenderFreek

  1. NC, where I'm stationed, has the same BS law. You "can" open carry, however if anyone sees you and panics you could be arrested for going armed to the terror of the public.


    That is absolutely 100% false. That is the biggest lie repeated by antigunners and the gullible gun owners continue to blindly repeat it all the time. Not a month goes by that I don't see or hear that BS brought up among otherwise intelligent gun folks.


    That arcane law has *nothing* to do with OC, and it will never, ever hold up in court for OC. Ever. It's a tack-on charge at best, and requires the violator to satisfy four things:


    1) Going armed with a dangerous and unusual weapon (yes firearms count as both, State v. Robert S., Huntley, 1843)

    2) For the purpose of terrifying others

    3) goes about on public highways

    4) In a manner to cause terror to others


    Points 2 and 3 are what completely defer this from OC. Point 1 perhaps, 4 is a big stretch, the other two are totally out of the question.


    Don't believe the anti-gunners lies, and don't buy into the anti-OC hype. Just because it's on THR doesn't make it gospel. Open carry in NC is every last bit as legal and safe as CC. Get out there and do it.


    You calling me a liar? The feeling of being terrorized is up to the individual, not the person OC'ing. Therefore, if little, old, PelosiBama, Grandma feels like your a threat or is terrorized by your sidearm then that is all she needs to call, you will at best be held up for questioning, and possible more depending on the LEO involved.


    Now, I will call you a LIAR for GP :haha: and the fact that page 23, paragraph 6 backs what I have said. NC DOJ Firearms Link Based off of the 1-4 above all I need to do is strap on a weapon and go out in public to possibly be harrassed by this BS, I do agree it is BS common-law. Although, 2 & 4 are based off the feeling that the OC person imposes while in said public place and the perception of what your actions may be by the people around you. It wasnt pulled off THR as gospel...I do my DD and keep myself current...dont make yourself out to be more special then you are.


    Never called you a liar. Misinformed, yes, but a liar, no.


    Can you be harassed by LEO? Bet your life on it.

    Will GATTTOTP stick if you're just going about your business and someone calls 911? Not a chance.


    GATTTOTP charges for OC'ing are a myth at best, a remote possibility at worst, and one of the most often repeated untruths by gun owners. That's all I said about it, and that's all I meant by it. No offense intended.


    I aim to enlighten more people and get them OC'ing without fear of being harassed or jailed. FUD like these age-old common-law charges just scares people away from that.

  2. NC, where I'm stationed, has the same BS law. You "can" open carry, however if anyone sees you and panics you could be arrested for going armed to the terror of the public.






    That is absolutely 100% false. That is the biggest lie repeated by antigunners and the gullible gun owners continue to blindly repeat it all the time. Not a month goes by that I don't see or hear that BS brought up among otherwise intelligent gun folks.


    That arcane law has *nothing* to do with OC, and it will never, ever hold up in court for OC. Ever. It's a tack-on charge at best, and requires the violator to satisfy four things:


    1) Going armed with a dangerous and unusual weapon (yes firearms count as both, State v. Robert S., Huntley, 1843)

    2) For the purpose of terrifying others

    3) goes about on public highways

    4) In a manner to cause terror to others


    Points 2 and 3 are what completely defer this from OC. Point 1 perhaps, 4 is a big stretch, the other two are totally out of the question.


    Don't believe the anti-gunners lies, and don't buy into the anti-OC hype. Just because it's on THR doesn't make it gospel. Open carry in NC is every last bit as legal and safe as CC. Get out there and do it.

  3. I just got mine back from having the factory threads removed and the barrel tapped for Rem chokes. I highly recommend Steve at RAS for this work. The turnaround was fast, the price was very reasonable, and I couldn't have asked for better quality workmanship.


    Pics will be forthcoming as soon as I get my hands on a camera.


    A big :up: for Rose Action Sports.


    And...as promised -


    Here's what I got to go with it - Full, Mod., and Imp. Cyl. chokes



    No more factory threading



    Very good job finishing the crown - smooth, flush fit



    Smoothly reamed inside, with nice, tight threads



    This is exactly what it was modified to accept - standard Remington style choke tubes



    Range report forthcoming when the weather clears up.

  4. Best way I've found to get that bugger back in there is with dental floss. Thread it through the loop in the spring, then drop the free ends through the BHO slot. Pull down on the string to get the spring tensioned down into place then push the pin in.

  5. How much do you charge? I'm thinking of buying the reamer and tap from Brownells and doing it myself. I'm figuring at least when I'm done, I can sell the tools off and/or do my friends' guns. I'm actually interested in cutting off the factory threads (that will leave me 18.15" to the BF) and threading it for a normal Rem-choke or a Win-choke.


    Good idea, bad idea? I can't find a price anywhere for the work, so I'm not sure if it would be cost effective to do it this way.

  6. I did the exact same thing on my S-12. It was cheap, and relatively easy because I didn't have to drill, grind, or cut anything. I've gone all the way on my x39, but I just didn't feel like doing it again, and I'm quite satisfied with my choice. The only drawback I find is that the stock trigger is far spongier than a normal one, but it's a shotgun, so I don't care about having a nice trigger.


    If it suits you fine, then gg.

  7. Thanx a bunch guys!

    I see that I can get the NATO length in 2 different styles.



    The decisions never stop....

    Only one of those fits the Saiga, the 020BUS. The other one ending in M is for milled receivers. I didn't check, but I know how K-var numbers there stuff.



    I layed out where I wanted the slots ,then I center punched the end of each hole.Then I drilled a pilot hole using my air drill.Then enlarged the holes with my final bit.Then connected the holes with a cut off wheel on my dremel.You will need to clean the cut off disk well after the 2nd hole and then continually till done.Go on medium to slow speed and move the disk from one end of the hole to the other slowly.Then to clean it all up I put a sanding wheel on the dremmel drum attachment and sunk this in to the middle of the slot and then ran it back and forth .Consequently the slots are the same size as the sand drum..Sometime in the near future ,when I fell like it ill sand the slots out with finer paper to get the gloss back.May even try a polishing system on the dremel.






    I used the same technique on my 7.62 HG, and it came out okay. From a distance it looks fine, but when you get up close to it it's more obvious that they aren't perfect. I may try it again with an endmill and a jig on my S12 HG.

  8. OK so I do not have an answer, but have done some research on the net and apparently everyone is stating the same thing, so can someone explain why the this is the opposite for the 5.56 and the 223?


    Does anyone know where I can get a NATO reloading manual? Thx GL


    I can't tell you the history or the why, but you are correct that they are reversed from the 5.56/223 problem. The SAAMI spec for the 308 commercial rounds is 10k PSI higher than the NATO spec x51. The NATO chamber spec is, as stated, a bit looser, but the cartridge itself is generally the same dimension as a 308.

  9. Here's pics as promised -


    On the rifle, with Tapco Galil-style AK HG and tri-rail



    Close up




    Another angle



    I didn't get any of it off the gun, as removing it involves field stripping and removing the gas tube, but if anyone wants some of it by itself, I'll break it down and snap some more.


    I noticed that it wasn't straight after looking at the pictures, so I took it off and fixed it. Got some pics of the retainer while I was at it.







  10. I just finished making one of these, same as the OP.


    Used the .625 collar, modded AK retainer, and some JB weld. Sanded and painted the whole piece and it looks like it was made for the gun!


    I'm very impressed with how it turned out, and the only tool I used was a Dremel. Only took a couple hours to do all the cutting and fitting too.


    Pics to come once I borrow a camera.

  11. Haven't done my S-12, but on the 7.62 I know for a fact that you have to take off about 1/16" of material to let it go in clear. I used a dremel, but you could use a flat file to take off some material. Go slow, check for fit constantly - you can always take away, but not add. ;)

  12. I would put a few through it, just to make sure it works. If it doesn't work properly after converting, at least you know it was something you did. If it is f-ed up before you start hacking on it, you can probably get it replaced/fixed too - not so much after.

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