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Posts posted by uzitiger

  1. Fuck them. Those chiefs must be ego maniacs if they think they are qualified to determine who should have the right to bear arms. That alone should DQ them from owning and carrying any firearms.

    The motherfuckers are probably DemocRATs. It's sickening to see the birthplace of the American Revolution become such a police state. The people there celebrated Islam after the Islamic terror attack during the Boston Marathon.


    I just got back from Boston.  I fucking hate the whole east coast.

    I was in Boston twice and both times I hated it. The people are the rudest and most arrogant assholes I ever saw in my life. No fucking manners at all. I was glad to get out of there and I remember the Rube Goldberg machines in the Delta Terminal at Logan Airport. Their liberal mentality reflects the Rube Goldberg devices in the terminal. they complicate everything.

    • Like 1
  2. Right in the middle of Clinton admin


    Dems could not have another scandal of terrorism during the shit storm.


    Or maybe it was fumes and bad wiring.


    I plain DONT KNOW...but I am suspicious


    The Clintons wanted to cover up this disaster which occurred before the 1996 elections which would have hurt their chances to stay in the White House.


    I worked for Douglas Aircraft and the wiring story is so bogus.

  3. Is coming here worth losing their lives? They can die of thirst or fall off the train car. How many will die when the train enters a tunnel or goes under a signal bridge or overpass?


    This is an invasion thanks to the Muslim in Thief to turn this country into a third world nation. It is also germ warfare with living carriers instead of biological bombs.

    • Like 1
  4. I heard on the radio while driving home from work that obutfuker bashed the Israely gubmit for not showing enough restraint.......doesn't that just figure   scorn.gif

    Restraint? Why the fuck should Israel use restraint? The Allies didn't use restraint against the Axis in WWII and only idiots use restrain. Muslim douchebag who can't see his fellow Hajjis lose to Israel.


    About time!!!



    I would burn gaza to the ground

    G-d willing it will happen.

    • Like 1
  5. And they still call a brutal unprovoked attack with a deadly weapon "a game"! Un-fucking believable.....


    These knockout racist anti white assaults need to be dealt with.  A few of these attackers got the shit beat out of them by girls who knew self defense and a few got shot. I would love to see him get beaten with baseball bats until he can't attack anyone again.


    You will find 100 to 1 hate crimes by blacks against whites, than white hate crimes against blacks.


    Only one kind gets to the national news


    The black on white attacks don't fit the lamestream media's agenda so they ignore them. They have been emboldened by Obama and have feel they can do as they please.

    • Like 1
  6. Spring Valley State Range.  Take I-71 north to Exit 45 go west to US 42 north then you'll see signs to the state range.


    Also Target World has new rifle lanes as do Point Blank in Montgomery and Harrison. The Point Blank in Harrison has a 50 yd indoor range.

    There's another range in Northern Kentucky off SR 17 but you'll have to look it up.

  7. To me the hardest part to understand is how this could happen when so many of the VA employees are veterans. How did the people who you risked your life with in the service become less important to you than posting a good number?

    My father worked at and retired from the VA in Dayton and Cincinnati in radiology and when he started working there he said "G-d help anyone who needs care there".  He said that in the 80s the care improved but he didn't know about the secret lists and other mishandling patients there.  He is disgusted with VA management who aren't doing their jobs while veterans suffer needlessly.

    • Like 3
  8. To see Obama give tribute to these great men is an insult to them.  I remember 20 years ago I had a next door neighbor who landed on Omaha Beach who was so bothered by having Clinton appear there after he saw his fellow soldiers cut down at that beach. He was bothered at the way the freedom he fought for was being eroded by the then Pervert in Chief. These men are probably feeling more insulted by that Muslim occupying the White House that Joe did 20 years ago.

    • Like 2
  9. It's not over yet. They just wanted to calm the crowds down and let them think the people won. As soon as they blink, they will invade the compound and probably light it on fire or kill a mother holding a baby.


    That asshole Harry Reid said "it's not over" and he will find other means of attacking the Bundy Ranch so he and  his Chinese cronies can enrich themselves at Bundy's expense even if it means murdering him or his family.


    It was sad. As much as those agents pointing weapons at unarmed civilians was deplorable, it was equally deplorable to see civilians pointing weapons back at them. I can honestly not remember ever seeing the country this polarized ever in my 45 years alive. I don't even know who to blame? I guess we are all responsible for not putting our collective feet down years ago and limiting federal power when we still could.


    It's a good thing the federal thugs did not murder anyone and I for one am glad these Nazi wannabes had guns pointed back at them.  The federal government has a lot more firepower and they didn't hesitate to incinerate the Branch Davidians and machine gun those who escaped the fire. The agents were said to have made T shirts to commemorate the atrocity they committed afterwards.  Federal power is out of control and I pray that we can get it back under control and that it's not too late.

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  10. And thats why these "bullying policies" dont work and never will. Because they are so ass backwards probably written by idiots that dont even have children themselves.  Half the time the only ones it projects is the bully himself.  


    IMO, kids being bullied should have the right to lay a ass whoopin down on the bullies with no threat of punishment. But get me on my soap box!


    The school's 'zero tolerance' is zero brains and these progressives bully children who want to be free thinking and refuse to march in goose steps in a 'Common Core'.

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