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Posts posted by Patriot12

  1. Are there any sporting events/competitions that are only suited for the saiga 12?



    If one does not exsist, anyone want to create one really fast?

    I want to say 3-gun competitions, but I don't think that these are limited to saiga 12s. Why do you ask?

    I ask this question because if a competition or sporting event exsist that were limited to Saiga 12s, the Saiga 12 would then be a "sporting purpose" shotgun according to the ATF study. If you read the study closely, they don't recognize plinking because any gun can be used for plinking. They are on the fence reguarding tacticle shooting, but even if they do recognize tacticle shooting they can still argue that you can do this with other shotguns. However, is a unique shooting competition or sport exsist or was created in which only Saiga 12 could be used, then a Saiga 12 becomes a guarenteed "sporting purpose" shotgun accourding to the criteria of the ATF study.


    Any thoughts?


    That is a brilliant idea!!! I like the way you think.

  2. I left the following message:


    As a 25 year police veteran I assure you this is nothing more then an attempt to disarm the people of the USA. It has nothing to do with "crime control" and everything to do with "citizen control."


    If you want to see a real weapon of mass destruction in the wrong hands I submit to you usage of the ordinary automobile by the inebriated. One car may selectively used to run over one person or for mass carnage into a large crowd.


    The answer is to quit trying to invest inanimate objects with intrinsic criminally and start realizing that we must do everything possible to find and punish the perpetrators.


    It is that simple.

    Good comments. I too gave you a +1 on both the HR308 and S32 comments. Yours is the hightest ranked comment for the S32 bill feedback.

  3. Make sure you voice your opposition to HR308 and S32 which are the magazine ban bills of the house and senate.


    The following sites are from opencongress.com. You can place comments on these as well as vote your opposition. Politicians and voters browes this site so it may help.






    Done, thanks for the links

    I voted and left a few comments. Thanks again for the link!!

    • Like 1
  4. Make sure you voice your opposition to HR308 and S32 which are the magazine ban bills of the house and senate.


    The following sites are from opencongress.com. You can place comments on these as well as vote your opposition.





    Thanks for the links!! I voted and made comments so our voice has been multiplied!! I also copied this to other forms. Let us drown out the tyrants with the sound of our collective voice!!!

  5. ProMag Fix


    Description in first post, pics bottom of page 2.

    Do you have a fix to get them to honor their warrenty?

    Patriot12, You could try to boil some water, put a cork on a fork and cram it up you ass!

    Crusader, that is uncalled for. If you have a personnal beef with me then take it to the fight club forum. These personal attacks are destracting from serious discussions.

  6. Hi'ya peeps,

    I just ordered some S12 parts from Doug at avtomats-in-action.com.

    They can be found, get out there and LOOK!


    Feels good to know I have a complete bolt assembly if I need it.




    I may just have to match the Euro and order from Europe for a few things :unsure:

    SAIGA-SLING This is the original Izhmash issue sling! It features standard light OD green military webbing and is outfitted with adjustable heavy duty weight leather tabs and captive dichromate belt buckles on each end. This is the correct factory sling for fitment to all Saiga shotguns, carbines, Tigr rifles and many other Izhmash firearms that use small sling swivels. The length can be adjusted from about 37"-47" $9.95 ea. (+ $4.85 shipping) IN STOCK


    S12-SL Saiga-12 selector lever, Izhmash original in new condition, correct factory black finish. Great to have as a spare, or slot it to use as a custom bolt hold open mechanism, $12.95 (+ shipping $4.90) IN STOCK

    S12-B-N Saiga-12 bolt assembly, complete, new, no serial number $59.95 (+ shipping $4.90) IN STOCK



    If you know where to find parts, please post your sources here!



    Great find. Good work.

    Wonderful, you won Patriot12's approval. If he is happy, everyone is happy.

    Crusader, what the hell is your problem, must every thread be a fight club thread?

  7. I have never fired a Promag..... I am just recalling back to the AGP early days......

    Every other thread was "I can't get my AGP to work...."


    we NOW have a fantastic product with AGP....

    I STILL never had a problem with my first gen AGP's... but many did....


    Give Promag a chance before we bash em.....

    Just sayin'... I ain't never had a polly mag that didn't need "a little" work to be perfect....


    And before people post here to bitch.........



    I contacted the manufacturer before starting this thread and have been given the run around.

  8. Hi'ya peeps,

    I just ordered some S12 parts from Doug at avtomats-in-action.com.

    They can be found, get out there and LOOK!


    Feels good to know I have a complete bolt assembly if I need it.




    I may just have to match the Euro and order from Europe for a few things :unsure:

    SAIGA-SLING This is the original Izhmash issue sling! It features standard light OD green military webbing and is outfitted with adjustable heavy duty weight leather tabs and captive dichromate belt buckles on each end. This is the correct factory sling for fitment to all Saiga shotguns, carbines, Tigr rifles and many other Izhmash firearms that use small sling swivels. The length can be adjusted from about 37"-47" $9.95 ea. (+ $4.85 shipping) IN STOCK


    S12-SL Saiga-12 selector lever, Izhmash original in new condition, correct factory black finish. Great to have as a spare, or slot it to use as a custom bolt hold open mechanism, $12.95 (+ shipping $4.90) IN STOCK

    S12-B-N Saiga-12 bolt assembly, complete, new, no serial number $59.95 (+ shipping $4.90) IN STOCK



    If you know where to find parts, please post your sources here!



    Great find. Good work.

  9. I'll keep mine, thanks. :up:


    Saw a post here today about somebody's Surefire malfunctioning on them, but no one's doing a virtual drive-by on their mags... :rolleyes:

    +1. Patriot12, if you have a beef with promag take it up with them. Leave messages if you have to, but to trash them over the net is just low. They are not here to defend themselves.

    Thats right they are not here to defend themselve because promag is not a member of this community! If they were, I am sure they would produce a better product and not hide from warrenty obligations.

  10. You could always go postal at the ProMag factory... :killer:



    If he used their mags, I think they would be pretty safe, LOL!



    Maybe. I think Patriot got a bad batch ...

    These are no worse than the norm that I have been hearing. I just figued that instead of spending time tring to fix all those mags, I would take advantage of their warrenty and let them do the cork up the ass and everything else you got to do to get them to work. So far, I have been getting the run around. They could at least give me a refund so that I could buy 6 good surefire mags.

  11. I sent my promags back last week to take advantage of their so called life time warrenty and so far have been getting the run around. They admit to recieving the package, but the person who answers the phone keeps telling me that their tech will call me back with the status. Ofcourse I hear nothing and every time I call, I get the same answer. I am getting the feeling that I would have been better just selling them.


    I did convert mine, but did not have too big of issue with the factory set up. In it's original form, it still feels better than most pump action shotguns. You can still get a GUNFIXER plug, KA puck, and 25% reduced hammerspring to increase performance without changing the sporting appearance.


    Thanks for those recommedations, when I eventually do fire the weapon, I'll know if I need them. I'm thinking the hammerspring is a definate no-go.

    You fellows better get it right.


    A reduced power hammer spring will lead to light strikes / failure to fire.


    You are talking about a reduced power recoil spring, I believe.

    Nope, 25% reduced hammer spring from CSS and it will not lead to light strikes/ failure to fire.


  13. After lurking here for a brief while, I have come to realize that the majority have or will convert their Saiga's. Being the owner of several Kalishnakov variants, I understand the logic behind it. And if you think about it, Un-converting would be a more accurate description of the process by which most with undertake to bring their Russian weapons back to their original design configuration.


    I just acquired a new ('08 manufactured model) Saiga 12, with fixed sites and 19-inch barrel. After disassembling the gun completely and inspecting the build aspects, I must say that I am impressed with my purchase. I have yet to fire it, but have gone through the action and trigger pull several times. I even chambered and discharged several shells to check loading and ejection. The finish is the nicest I have seen on a factory Kalishnakov variant and the furniture is not too bad either.


    As the title implies, I feel like the exception when it comes to this weapon. I actually like the Monte-Carlo stock. It feels natural in my hands and when held to the shoulder. The "build a mouse-trap" trigger as it is called does have a spongy feel compared to my other AK's, but it is functional and this is a shotgun, after all. The 5rd factory mag looks good in the gun and is my only option with the sporting configuration. I will probably stock up on the comparable Taiwan mags. My only complaint, if you want to call it that, is the hollow buttstock. I will most likely fill it with something that will add integrity and a little weight to help balance the gun.


    So does anyone else feel the way I do?


    I did convert mine, but did not have too big of issue with the factory set up. In it's original form, it still feels better than most pump action shotguns. You can still get a GUNFIXER plug, KA puck, and 25% reduced hammerspring to increase performance without changing the sporting appearance.

  14. Thinking about getting the GUNFIXER plug for my S12. I like that fact that you can change its setting without any tools. Speaking of settings, does the plug come with any instructions as to which setting is appropriate for what ammo, or is it a trial and error deal?


    You guys who have one, what are your settings for slugs, 00 buck, and birdshot?

    Yes, it comes with detailed instructions. Always start at -1 and work your way up to avoid over gassing. The plug both restricts more gas than the factory plug and focusses for more gas depending on the setting.

  15. Just ordered a Surefire 12 round from Mississippi Auto.

    Hope it works better than the Pro mag. :dollar:

    If you cut your 12rd surefire to 8rds it will work best. You will notice even stiffer spring tension because the spring stays the same. A 8rd surefire mag will cycle any ammo available.

  16. Yall have me scared now. I bought 2 promag 10 rd. at the gun show a while ago. They have been just sitting in the safe b\c my Saiga is with Mr Cole having some work done. I just had a hard time loading 2 rounds in each. Do you have problems loading too?

    Yes, get 8rd surefire mags. Save time and headach. Even money in the long run.

  17. Actually Ive seen quite a few pics of our guys in Iraq with simular things on their battlefield weapons, from Punisher skulls to little smiley faces on their scope covers lol......

    I would have got my ass chewed for putting something like that on my weapon in Iraq. I was just a regular Marine grunt though. I'm sure the Spec Ops guys could get away with it. Every once in a while in Iraq you'd see somebody with a rifle that was all digi camo'd. I did know one guy that got away with painting flames on the barrel and skulls on the receiver of a M240G. It was in the turret of Humvee and he was just lucky nobody important saw it. So when I say I couldn't do that in Iraq, it's not that I didn't want to. Marines will personalize anything just because uniformity gets old.

    +1. I just think you are playing with fire when you start breaking uniform. Soldiers do get away with it from time to time, but -10, -20 is the standard.

  18. Nice stencil job. But if it were me, I would stick to more of a mil spec theme. More business and a little less comic book fantasy... I doubt serious professionals run around with childish skulls painted all over their little toy gun. Nice job though.

    I have to agree with Gothchick. Great art work, but you are going to run into trouble with your Command Sergeant Major or 1SG. I would definately make it look more professional. Just keep IAW your Unit SOP or TACSOP and you won't have any problems. Remember -10, -20 is the Standard.

  19. Already have the KA puck on order and I plan on getting the the gun fixer plug this week. I really don't want to mess w/ the 25% reduced recoil spring as my gunsmithing skills are that of a 4 yr. old child. I would like to leave all the internals as is. I don't mind swapping out stuff like the handguard, puck and plug. If the KA tappet solves my problem I will still add the plug to make life easier. It is a pain to use my leatherman tool to change the gas settings. Do I absolutely need all 3 parts to make this gun digest low recoil rounds? Can I getaway w/ just the KA tappet and plug??

    Most likely yes. The 25% reduced hammer spring is icing on the cake. It reduces trigger pull and the resistance on the bolt carrier. It is not hard to put in and once you do you won't know how you were able to live without it. The reduced recoil spring is for light loads only don't confuse the 25% hammer spring with reduced recoil spring, they are not the same.

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