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Posts posted by Spartacus


    Heck, being a married guy, it's been so long since a woman played with my pecker, I'd put up with a little pain.


    Where do I volunteer?


    Try asking at a medical school. Sometimes they pay people to be guinea pigs.


    ...though you might want to reconsider having an entire class use you to practice inserting catheters.



    Lol.... 50 year old guy asking around about such a thing, that's not creepy at all.

    Good way to meet campus police I'm guessing.



    • Like 1
  2. I'd forgotten about this guy until just recently. The warnings he gave us 30 years ago, the socialization of America, have now come to pass.

    Watch the first video as a basis for what he is talking about. Then watch the second video, and you'll see that the next step for us is "crisis".

    Then with a crisis, the next step will be somebody bringing us their "solutions".



    29 YEARS AGO, Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, specializing in the fields of Marxist-Leninist propaganda and ideological subversion; warned us about the silent war being waged against America as part of a long term plan to take over and destroy the American system and way of life.

    Watch this clip in AMAZEMENT as you realize he is describing EXACTLY what's happening in America today, where by Obama and his gang of Marxist usurpers who now have control of your government are just the culmination of a very long term plan, but are the ones who are about to bring it into fruition."





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  3. I have a "Cozy Legs" flat panel electric heater in my safe wired up to a timer so it kicks on/off several times a day.

    Probably way overkill and costs me a few bucks a month on my electric bill, but so what.


    Safe is always very warm, and no rust at all on anything.


    Get the accessory power switch that cuts it back from 150W to 75W unless you want to bake brownies in the safe too.




  4. I would try one of your neighborhood fix it shops.

    Spot weld, clean it up, and a shot of spray paint.


    I have a shop I take small welding jobs to and they only charge me a few bucks each time.

    Probably a good idea to not bring in the whole shotgun though.   lol


    That way you don't have to be without the part for a long time too.

    • Like 5

    So what would you say to an old person or someone with a physical handicap, who simply can not operate a .45, but can empty a .22 into a 4" group at 30 yards?

    There are all kinds of people in the world, think before making blanket statements!

    Ronin38 I am not trolling , I am laid up since last Wednesday with a broken leg with a steel rod in it, this is my 2nd surgery on my leg in the last 11 months. I have been surfing the net as I cant do much else right now . A lot of prepper sights and other sights highly recommend a 22. I have had a young man very close to me a MARINE executed shot in the back while he was on his knees handing a thug his car keys and wallet to the perp, he was eating birthday cake with my 8 yr old son on 6-3-06 and we buried him on 6-26-06 I think . He did this , because he had taken his wife out partying for her b day and they were pointing a gun at his wife. He only had 40.00 in his wallet . I know what a 22 can due with proper shot placement it went between his shoulder blades and clipped the top artery in his heart the bullet never exited .I guess I hate 22's . I would like to share a personal experience of my own . I farm and have several Great Pyrenees Mt Dogs I like my dogs and take good care of them . I had a female about 10 years ago that went crazy she would attack any dog or person beside's me and there are a lot of children that come around my house. I had to lock her up in one of those magnum kennels with a top , when she saw any kid she would go pyscho chewing on the wire and trying to dig out. My wife said you are going to have to do something with her or she is going to hurt someone . I like my dogs and she had been born and raised here , treats and petting and all the good stuff. I was afraid to try and give her somebody as she wouldn't let anyone pet her without growling at them and that's if I was holding her . I rote her name on 4 mini mags and went down put here in a pen and dispatched here[ it hurt because I liked her ] . I went to get my truck so I could take and bury her and when I got back [ if I never draw another breath ] she was standing up and she didn't like me after that , MIGHT BE ANOTHER REASON I DONT LIKE 22S . I walked back to the house and got my glock and fixed the problem . I took her to the back and buried her and all the rest of my dogs love kids she just went crazy. R.I.P LANCE COPORAL JOHNATHAN PRICE LEX KY

    P. S. I still love my dogs as they are part of my family and have 6 of them and no I am not running a puppy mill most are spayed or neutered y'all be safe and watch over your children and your 6 as nobody else will



    Wow... God bless you and your buddy's family and all involved.


    You've had some tough stuff going on.

    Heal up and I hope things get better for you.

  6. >>And for those who say a pump shotgun is "simple", let me say Bull Chit. Take a pump apart next to a Saiga 12 and tell me which is simple. You also introduce human error possibilities like short shucking.


    Absolutely true.


    Which is a great point as to why take the pump at all over the S-12.

    Especially if you plan to further hobble the pump with add-ons.


    One range trip I had with a buddy, I brought the S-12 and a pump. He was unfamiliar with both so it was a good starting point for him.

    He managed to screw up the pump by short shucking and got one trapped under the elevator. I had to pull the barrel to get it going.

    The S-12 didn't miss a beat all day, no problems.

  7. So I'm gonna need heavier tackle. Found a big shark last night just after dusk, ripped the sand spike out of the ground and dragged my pole down the beach. I caught the pole before it got wet but whatever fish it was ran out All of my line, about 350 feet of 30lb mono, and then it broke near the leader, I don't fish a ton but I have never felt something like that...




    Glad you're having a great time!

  8. I don't care about Nut's personal opinion of one particular firearm.  I was pointing out a pretty nifty design.  Its not Nut's design, he is just showcasing it.  But, I guess, since he doesn't like the S-12, what ever he shows on his channel must be garbage.  Yep, pure garbage.  I believe he has, for the most part, an excellent channel with pretty decent reviews.  Does he like the S-12? No, not so much.  Can the S-12 be pretty stubborn and finicky?  Yes.  Do I believe this is a pretty cool idea for a pump?  Yes.  So put your hatred aside for one particular man, and just look at the product.




    Again, truly, put away what he thinks of the saiga and just look at the product.  Do you think its a fairly good idea.   Don't let what his opinion of one particular firearm sway you.  Look at it for what its worth.


    I don't "hate" Nut'n..... more like don't respect him as the authority on firearms he thinks he is.

    His videos do drone on and on, but I'll still watch them sometimes.


    As to this new product, no I don't like it.

    I can't see taking my reliable pump and bolting on this stuff to make it "better".


    Putting all the stuff on the pump takes away all the reasons to like it as a simple and reliable pump.

    And even then, it's still a pump. You still have the mags and drums to carry, but no semi-auto benefit.


    If I want a pump, I'll take the pump. If I want mags and drums and semi-auto, I'll take the S-12.

    • Like 2
  9. There's a couple of threads about it and similar products. 


    I haven't watched that video, but I would take that guy's opinion of S12s and similar with a shovel or two of salt. His experience is limited to very clumsy un-tuned builds. As in the guy has his guns FTEing in his own promo videos with bolt on parts and UTG rails. Nutn's opinions will be based on comparing to that bodgery.


    Pretty much my thoughts too.

    He's bashing the S-12 (again) while seconds later filming multiple failures with the cool new toy.


    In a way that works out well for S-12 owners.... probably just as well to have Nut'n saying the S-12 sucks.

    Yes, Nut'n, the S-12 sucks and nobody who watches your videos should buy one. Just ignore it.

    • Like 1
  10. >>I think it all boils down to the notion of some sort of equality. We are not all equal, period, and it is a fantasy to even think that we are.


    I've always said "equal but different" when the equality thing comes up.


    Men & Women are equal in value (it would be silly to argue otherwise), but we are different.

    We compliment each other sexually and in many other ways.


    When my daughter was young, I used that to try to explain that women do the dishes while men fix the cars.

    Then she said, but the car doesn't need to be fixed every day. Crap, Mom got to her first.   :)

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