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Posts posted by Spartacus

  1. Never forget physics.  Being right doesn't make you bulletproof.


    The hunters did exactly what they should have done.  They came home to their families.


    It's very easy to talk about how "I would have done this" or "I would have done that".


    The solution that brings everybody home alive is usually the best solution. 


    They can fight about right and wrong later when nobody has itchy fingers on triggers.





    Depends on the situation, but most of the time this will be the correct choice.


    Even if you win the gunfight, you still lose.

    The govt. will spin the situation in whatever way they want to.

    • Like 5

    I hope JDeko stays despite the stupid comments directed at him.


    Ask yourself something Oddman.... who would make a better beer drinkin' buddy, a young guy who's into hot chicks and guns

    or somebody who sits in the corner making lists of people he doesn't like?

    Gotta tell you I am a bit surprised at the defensive camaraderie that this thread has shown.  Dudes, all I thought I was doing was bringing up something that needed to be addressed -- I don't know Jdeko from Adam (or Eve) but I have read MANY negative reactions to his/her posts. Just thought I was doing a forum service -- mea culpa.


    And Sparty let me ask you this;  do you really think I care who would make a better beer drinking buddy???  I sip single malt.



    I'm not running to his defense, just making an honest point about who would be a more pleasant person to socialize with.


    I told JD early on in a PM that I have nothing against him, but that this is NOT the forum to work out his gender identity issues and to expect some flak.

    You are surprised at the defensive camaraderie, while I'm surprised that grown men are coming totally unglued over this stuff.

    • Like 4

    Ok. I'm a newb to all this but I have to ask.


    According to chiles post, I don't really see a problem. Feel free to correct me, but I think it kinda explains the whole situation.


    Yeah I kinda agree with you. It sounds like Alaska has been trying to get this thing renamed since 1975, and Alaska wants it named Denali. If that is the case, I don't see a problem either. 



    I don't see a problem with it as far as the Alaskans wanting it.


    It still seems like it's meant as a poke in the eye for whitey though.


    As in "McKinley was just an old pasty white fat fuck whose time has gone." kind of thing.

    Just the general attitude of who's doing it.

    • Like 1
  4. I used to spend way to much time thinking and looking online about the same thing.


    Simple advice? Buy another unconverted x39. I know they're not as cheap as they have been but look around. When all is said and done you will have a complete set of "spare parts" that you can change into what you want on your own time and budget. Not the cheapest route but the most effective IMHO. Take it for what it's worth.


    That's how I see it too.


    Instead of stocking a bunch of spare parts, stock a spare identical rifle.

    Of course once you have them, then you need another spare to cover the first two.    smile.png


    Although if you stock different rifles, then you fix the problem of common mode failures.

    (ie. the same exact failure on every copy of that gun, for ex. several broken cast bolts)


    At least the backup rifles can be bargain finds from Gunbroker, pawn shop, etc.


    So the ultimate solution is to buy lots of guns.   smile.png

    • Like 4
  5. Funny, cause "Ain't none of my fault" might be a direct quote of trump each time a business he runs fails. (on purpose) I have Zero respect for that guy. Also, I have more money than him, since I only owe about 10x my yearly earning ability at the present. Did you know that he took a huge loss of ownership when one of his companies had a pretty much unanimous vote of the board and investors to fire him? The deal he made was that he would sell them enough stock to end his majority holding so long as he could keep the title CEO without any power to do anything. 


    He also doesn't believe in keeping his word. You don't have to look at how many times he said "I do" to tacky trollops, and didn't mean it. Just look at his book "Art of the Deal" He BRAGS about screwing anyone who does business with him. His business model that he has used, and advocates in that book is roughly this: Step 1) Trade on name to get a huge project going. 2) Sign a contract that is so big, your business partners will fail if it doesn't go through. Make sure All their eggs are in this basket. Step 3) do the same thing in a few other deals, so that you get unarguably overextended. Step 4) go to your business partners and say, "so guys. I know I signed a contract that says I will pay you $X, but I am basically bankrupt. (or I just filed for bankruptcy...) Either you agree to new contract in which you get $(1/3)X, or I will make sure the bankruptcy is so drawn out that you will go out of business. 5) Rinse and repeat.


    The guy manages to lose money operating a CASINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    This man is a terrible joke, and shouldn't be in charge of anything as complicated as dressing himself in the morning. Please don't waste public attention on men who lack even the basest integrity.


    I don't like him either, but he may have the skill set to be an effective president.

    I would take Trump over anybody on the left.

  6. ..just a bullshit made up stat. The Left never checks their facts, inless the facts have been carefully filtered to give the result they wanted.



    Leftist survey worker: "Our survey didn't show guns are bad, so we knew we had an error some place. Then we realized we

    needed to make some corrective statistical adjustments and then we got the result that we expected. Guns are bad and our

    new survey proves it."

    • Like 4
  7. The guys who have the repeat NDs remind me of the type of drivers who look right while they are hitting the gas and turning left.

    It just doesn't occur to them that they are driving their car one direction while they are looking in another direction.


    Then they are surprised when you have to slam on your brakes and hit the horn to avoid them.

    They give you a dirty look like you're the one who fucked up.


    It's a lack of fundamental understanding of the equipment they are trying to operate.

    It's that and also a far too casual approach to safety and understanding the consequences of a fuck-up.


    And yes, they make the rest of us look really bad.


    Thanks for that Mr. Reed..... ya dumb-ass.

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