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Everything posted by JT1911

  1. Ouch, so it looks to get a decent folding stock on my saiga, it will be like another $125? Well, hypothetically if I do swing that, is installation straight-forward. I was hearing about welds and cutting and I would prefer to not have to do that. Especially if I'm forking out $125. And DoBravery is right, I would definitely want a cheek weld. Also with the folding stocks, is the length the same as the Warsaw or nato stocks? So in a nutshell, it sounds like if I want a folding stock on my saiga it will cost about $130. Cheapers ones probably will not be as functionally nice an
  2. So I'm now in a state where having a folding stock is legal, so I'm thinking about adding a side folding stock to my converted saiga. I saw an 8.5" ACE skeletonized stock on Carolina shooters for $65 but said it needed a folding tool. I really have no idea what it means by that. Most of the folding stocks that come all setup cost double that and way past my price range. How would I go about installing that ACE stock on my rifle so that it folds? Any recommendations on how to do this or install a good folding stock for not too much would be greatly appreciated!
  3. I have both 20 and 30 round surefires. Neither ytpe has any wobble on my rifle. Personally I prefer the 20 rounders, they just dont get in the way as much. The surefires are good mags and I did end up throwing a bullet guide in my rifle. The fact that I moded one of my surefires to work with it says something about how I feel about the surefire mags. As far as the price difference goes....Its gonna cost them about the same about of money to have their molds made for any type of mag and the about of extra plastic in a 30 over a 20 is a matter of cents. I wouldnt worry about that. Ju
  4. Thanks for the responses. As far as the bullet guide, maybe I'm just lazy or intimidated but I just steered clear. So I just thought surefire was the easiest since I only buy like 2 mags. So for the surefire mags, do the 20 round mags not have the side to side? Did anyone notice the 30 rounders not having good spring tension? It's just weird that I've found two sites now that sell the 20 rounders and the 30 rounders for the exact same price. Makes we wonder about the 30 rounders. . .
  5. So I recently moved out of Cali to Washington state and so now I can finally have magazines that allow more than 10 rounds in my saiga(not to mention I don't need a mag lock anymore...) , so I was going to get either a 20 round or a 30 round surefire mag. On one site they are selling for pretty much the same price but I thought I remember folks saying the 30 rounders had a lot side-to-side wobble, even with dimpled saigas. But I couldn't find where I read that. Any experience? I was leaning towards 20 rounders but if the 30's are good to go, maybe just get those seeing as they are the same pri
  6. Thanks for the replies. To be honest I'm not really high on going wood furniture unless I go completely AK. I thought about using the intrafuse handguard from tapco but I would put the rails on and it seemed like there would just be holes in the hand guard then. As for the UTG, the one I was looking at was the leapers tactical forearm and I think it is made for shotguns. Really all the forearms I like are for saiga 12. So no way to make handguards for the saiga 12 work for the saiga 223? Anybody else have any other suggestions?
  7. So I got the sgmt tri-rail on my saiga and I'm not super jazzed about it. I really don't use the rails, so it feels a bit out of place. So I have been looking to get a different one and it seems like there aren't too many options. The ones that I like seem to be only for the saiga 12. In particular the Leapers tactical forearm or even just the stock saiga 12 forearm. Are these able to be put on the saiga 223 or no go? Any other suggestions? Just so you know what I'm thinking, I really don't like the look of the TAPCO tri-rail, the golani looking one, and the quad rail is just overkill. Seems l
  8. Great, thanks. It should be arriving in a few days.
  9. I literally just ordered that exact one last night. Maybe I should just wait until it arrives. So this would save me from narrowly bashing my hand when I use the punch to move out the windage drum? I'm hitting that punch pretty solidly, will that tool be able to put out enough strength to do the job? Edit: And just to ask again, does anybody know about the krebs peep sight being crooked? Thanks
  10. Looking for some help to install these guys. I managed to get the krebs peep sight installed but once I installed it, it looks a bit slanted or angled when looking down topside of the rifle. It looks pretty snug in there and it seems to be following the same line as the original sight but looks a bit angled to one side. Nothing huge, but you can see it. Called Krebs and they said they would send me out a replacement sight but I was just seeing if this is common or even normal. I was going to re-install my factory rear sight to compare. Maybe I just never noticed because there aren't so many
  11. Thanks guys for the help. I appreciate it. I think I'm going to go Grip pod and hope to get one at a good price on ebay. Apart from the swivel thing, the only negative I have heard consistently is that they are a bit too heavy and tall, especially for bench shooting. But I think I can live with that.
  12. Greg, thanks again for the reply. That all helps a lot. So I'm pretty set on getting the grip-pod but came across this similar grip bipod from command arms international. It has a swivel on it and seems pretty similar to the grip pod. Do you know anything about these? Command Arms Grip
  13. Thanks for the replies. So just to make sure I'm following all of this, the tri-rail I have may be a bit too far forward for a vertical grip, but having a vertical grip does help with shooting? I always thought a vertical grip would be helpful in control full-auto or needing a firm grip when swing the front around when clearing rooms or what not. But as far as for plinking, does it help at all with shooting or feel? And just to be sure, the grip pod doesn't swivel but is pretty sturdy. So does having a bi-pod that is able to swivel a big plus? And as far as looking at other bi-pods, how d
  14. Not too bad. Are those both the same bipod product and do they allow the gun to swivel on top? And as far as having that front grip, do you guys like having it verses not when shooting it? I've never shot with one and I could see the benefits in a tactical situation, doing a room to room thing, but as far as shooting it at the range, is it an improvement? Sorry for so many questions, but also how do I know if a bipod or front grip is compatible with the sgm tri-rail that I have? Thanks guys
  15. I was doing a little searching around on the forum to see what would be a good bipod to put on my newly converted saiga but the Harris's ones recommended are too pricey for me. Especially after the cost of the conversion, buying 3 surefire mags, getting a new hand guard, and getting the krebs peep sight and xs tritium front post. Adding another $100 wouldn't go over so well on the wifey. So what would be a good economic bipod that would get the job done and be a decent option? I have the sgm tactical tri-rail, so something that mounts to that would be nice so I could at least justify getting i
  16. I hear you... Nothing wrong with a basic conversion. I do want to add the krebs peep sight, XS tritium stripe front sight, Krebs safety, surefire tri rail. Then it would be PERFECT!!! I was looking at the krebs peep sigth and XS tritium stripe front site and they look like great additions. How difficult are they to install?
  17. That's what I used. Worked great. No need to mess with the stock one. Quick and simple. How the hell do they load the damn thing? It is a bit awkward. Especially since the surefire/saiga mags are more vertical and then close to the trigger guard. You have to put the "tool" into the mag release where there's a hole and then with the tool in rock the mag release towards the mag. And as I was saying, since the magazine is so vertical, it makes it a bit difficult but even still it's worth it to have the pistol grip and other "evil" features.
  18. Not too shabby. I'm sure you have it down to a science at this point. jc-75, yeah I know about the monster man grip but to be honest I really don't like the way it looks. Maybe I'm just shallow(actually that is it) but I'll sacrifice some functionality and convenience for looks. I'm not planning on taking on any militarized zombie hoards, so I don't mind the extra 5 seconds it takes to detach the mag. And plus I don't have any pre-ban mags.
  19. You know, I was thinking about that. I figured if I was going to drop the dough to get the tri rail, might as well try to vent the handguard and if it turns out horrible I have the new handguard. Now difficult is that by the way?
  20. Yep, having a mag lock is the only way for the folks of cali to get AK/AR type rifles. But the guys at Raddlock are very nice folk. But maybe one day I'll be in another state where I get actually some nice stuff like clips that go beyond 10 rounds. . . Also I was thinking about getting a sgm tri rail. Anybody like these?
  21. Thanks JulianH, that is that definitely on the list of things to do. Son of rooster, thanks. It is a saw grip and the "original AK stock" from tapco. Both seem great when I shot them. I read that some folks felt that some stocks left the gun too short and cramped but this stock seemed fine. GregM1, Thanks. I was surprised at how well it went. I was thinking about getting some more surefire mags. I really don't want to do a conversion to use other mags. So as far as doing/adding anything else (handguards, optics,etc) any recommendations? I don't need anything fancy but just want
  22. Just wanted to say thank you to all who helped me finally put this together. I dragged my feet on this, first looking at the vids, trying to see if I could do this. But I finally decided to do it and sat down to do the conversion a week ago. All in all it didn't that long and went pretty smoothly.(Though I still have a mark where I bashed my thumb when trying to punch out a pin) I just did a meat and potatoes conversion but I did keep the BHO, which I'm glad I did. And I took it out to the range a few days ago and I was amazed at how much of a difference it is shooting it. The trigger is world
  23. How long did the conversion take you to do from start to finish? I'm going to start the conversion tomorrow. I'm not handy at all and I'm wondering bad I can screw this up. . .
  24. I finally got all the parts. I just need to get some paint for touching up and I'll be able to start. Hopefully all goes well.
  25. Thanks a lot, those videos are great. Super helpful. I'm sold, I'll get to ordering parts and making it happen. Hopefully all goes well.
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