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Posts posted by camon

  1. Honestly... The idea that people, who the entire population could technically fit on a landmass the size of Alaska with about 50 acres each to live on, can cause such a significant effect on the global environment and denying that the sun, a HUGE nuclear reactor 100's of times the size of the earth, has no effect whatsoever is total bullshit.


    I do however believe that people are responsible for local environments. I'm all for moving to a new form of "clean" fuel. Not necessarily because it will stop global warming, but because a)I breathe that shit, and b)We've been dependent on the remains of dead animals for close to 200 years now... it's time to move on.



    If it's wasn't for global warming would the world still be covered with ice ?


    and wouldn't we have a dinosaur hunting season ? :rolleyes:


    I wonder how dino would taste... And how awesome it would be to hunt...

    • Like 2
  2. camon:> I think its not an issue of ideology. In other Words, Conservative and Liberal don't really matter. They use wedge issues like abortion, welfare, religion etc. in order to play us against each other. Neither a "True" Liberal nor a "True" conservative would approve giving money to foreign banks, or allowing a police state to develop, or any other amount of shit that we are forced into. The issue is how many people are aware that we are essentially serfs in a global system of slavery (Bank/Corporate control) to which the so called Patriot Act is just a small component.






    Oh I totally agree. I quit playing the "Red vs Blue" game a long time ago... about the same time the "Red" team passed their massive Medicare expansion.

    • Like 1
  3. There's a big difference between true conservatives and Leftist Liberals like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. Things like the Stimulus and National Healthcare for instance. Liberals love to spend big and grow the bureaucratic government. Conservatives, not so much. We've got three more years of Liberal policy and spending misery unless there is a tremendous upset in the 2010 elections. The problem with the Republican party is there are far to few conservatives and far too many RINO's. Few Independents can carry enough votes to get themselves elected. It's about power and money.


    So, was G.W. Bush a true conservative?

  4. As far as I am concerned the sheeple have elected Joe Isuzu to be POTUS. The LAST thing I expect of him is to weaken executive power especially and federal power in general. The assault on rights and the constitution is picking up steam not relenting.


    Here, here.


    One of the biggest arguments I make is that the Executive branch has waayyy too much power than they should have had and that they also act as the fall guy for the shitty legislation that Congress creates.


    IMO Congress has and is more powerful than the POTUS, but they hide and let the face take the fall.

    • Like 1
  5. Bounce 12, 1911, I'm not trying to start a shit storm about unions. I realize that there are people that are out to "fuck the big man", but those people exist in every craft and trade. The point I was trying to make, is that the average "joe 6-pak" is getting screwed every time he turns around. Yes, you get a 1.5% increase in wage, but at the sae time you get a 12% increase in health care, with a 10% increase in gas or a 6% increase in home heating bills. The shit never ends. Here in the mid west, we are known for our hard work ethic and above average intelligence. I don't know who you are comparing us to. There are zero options for 99.9% of the people around here to start there own business. Most of the manufacturing has been shipped overseas, including Monroe Shocks that just layed off 500 people in a small town 10 miles away (Cozad). We work hard and are true to our core work ethics. That is the way we were raised. When one sees the Gov. give billions, if not TRILLIONS of dollars to Wall Street and the Bankers for "Fucking Off", well, yeah, it kind of makes you wonder, "wheres mine?" Thats not to say thats the mentality here, maybe it's just me.


    Wow... you just explained the exact problem with our country's financial system... Where do I begin in this wall of text...


    First off. It's because of the "cost of living" and "minimum wage" increases that the prices of things keep increasing.


    Look, In the US, our money is imaginary. It has no actual value. It's not a commodity. Congress can say "WE NEED MORE MONEY TO THROW AT ISSUE" and Pelosi will spread her botox filled cheeks wide and shit dollars. So then we flood the market with more money. The more of something that exists the less of a value it holds, so therefore it costs more to do trade with other nations, specifically oil, which holds more real world value than any monetary unit. That oil that costs more means increased costs for said businesses. That added cost needs to be compensated somewhere, so it gets sent to the consumer.


    As for the latter half of that. Well Corporations run America. Why in the hell would they allow more small competitors to steal their market share? So they will push the legislation that makes it seem to the people that it will hurt them, but they are too big to really feel an affect, and instead it totally rapes the small guy.


    And as for where your share is, stfu, you don't get a share. You gave it to the Government who gave it to their good friend Goldman Sachs.


    But I'm Union and work as much as possible and as hard as possible, because I know that there are 500 people in Cozad that would be happy to have my job. Unions are not a bad thing. They allow the average "joe 6pak to be able to afford a house, car and maybe some extras. Union "benifits" aren't carved in stone and automatic. Pre 1985 employees have a huge pay disparity compared to post 1985 employees. I will never recieve Federal Income tax benefits, even though I paid into the system for 15 years. We are the backbone of the railroad (engineers and conductors) yet we don't receive any "profit sharing", Thats only for management. I typically avereage about a 36-40 hour round trip. I usually work 4 trips in a half month period. You do the math. I' not home alot. i'm in the hotel at the far end alot. Not all of of us can be rocket scientists and start their own business. Some of the people have to do the grunt work. If it weren't for the unions, we would be still at 16 hours a day. We are down to 12 hours now. I don't get overtime until 15 hrs 45 min. a truly sucky way to earn money.


    Again, well if you didn't catch my sarcasm up there I have to pose the question, why are we allowing the Government to take our paychecks?


    IMO the Union is nothing but an Organized scam. You talk about this profit sharing and crap but don't you pay a fee to your union in order to even have your job? What about those guys? You shouldn't need a union. Your solution is simple. Move somewhere else where your job is needed and has a good employer or shut up and take your shitty pay and hours. Don't rely on someone else or the Government to fix your problem because all it is going to do, especially the Government, is give you this false sense of entitlement and make it worse for everyone else.

  6. Tips from an ex-console COD4 player:


    1. Sights - For the love of god use them.

    2. Grenades - This game is after all Grenade of Grenade: Grenade Warfare 2...grenade.

    3. Knife - Don't try to get that melee kill unless the dude totally doesn't see you by the time you are about to stick your balls on the top of his head.

    4. Sprint - Only do it after you spawn to get to the general area of fighting and to get the fuck away from that asshole who just dropped a 'nade at your feet. It takes way too long to go from sprint to irons up.

    5. Burst your fire - don't just hold the trigger down, pulse it.

    6. E-peen - Don't hesitate to show off and gloat that you just raped some 13-year old fucker. The biggest asshole is the real winner.. especially on xbox.

  7. #1) I dont fully trust the safety on the Glock's and i think that Springfield improved it by added the 2nd grip safety to their gun, making it seem much safer in my eyes.


    You shouldn't have to worry about it if you follow the proper safety rules.


    Based on my limited experience I think the Glock is an excellent firearm. Definitely the best Double Action only I have shot closely followed by the XD series. I have only been in this hobby since early August, but I have shot a wide range of handguns in the last few months.


    The only reason I am choosing an XDm over a Glock is for the grip. The XDm feels better in my hands than the current gen Glocks.


    To get back on topic, .40S&W is the caliber I have enjoyed the most and performed the best with.

    • Like 2
  8. When my Saiga was unconverted the large slip on Limbsaver pad fit near perfect. It was just maybe 1/8 1/6 of an inch too small so it stuck to the stock end like a champ.


    If you restore... well let's just say that it does not fit on the Tapco sidefolders. I have my ghetto rigged atm with zipties. But it still slips off after a few fires.


    No matter now as I have a proper stock on the way.

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