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Posts posted by DaGroaner

  1. Which probably explains why the Red State suckers love bashing Mexico. They're the only people left poorer than the Red State monkeys, from a country even in worse shape than ours (though at this rate, Red State Republican voters might soon find themselves swimming across the Rio Grande in search of jobs in the Canadian and Korean malquiladoras, while the Red State womenfolk end up in brothels patronized by Swedish and Austrian sex tourists, because it's the only way that Jethro and Bobby Sue can afford to shop at Sam's Club, now renamed "Svjen's Club" ever since the Danish buyout...).


    Best bet for this guy is he doesn't end up in my line of sight.



    Unemployment is as low as it's ever been. No one will be swimming South across the Rio Grande unless a Democrap gets elected with a Democrap Congress.

  2. It would be better to call a Continental Congress. 2/3 of the States can convine one, and change the entire Federal government. The current federal government is an abberation of what was envisioned by the Continental Congress that set it up.

    All power comes from the States. The Federal juggernaught needs to be redefined. The powers they have siezed are not in the interest of the States or the people."Unfunded Federal mandates" should be enough to make every State Governor call for a new

    Continental Congress to reset the Federal system to one of govervance and not one of rule.


    Me three!!!! :smoke:

  3. He IS a Congressman and was elected to represent those who elected him. As long as earmarks are the currency of Congressional return of Federal taxes, He would be a FOOL to pass up getting His share for his constituent's.


    Paul wants to revoke ALL income taxes, and I am 1000% behind that! We thrived as a nation for many many years without robbing the American people, and we should stop it NOW!


    It means revoking the "free trade" treaties that make it more profitable to close American factories and ship them to China or Mexico. For 150 years import/export duties paid the bills nicely.The We also would need to shrink the Federal bureaucracy to it's constitutional limits.


    I have worked all my adult life in Federal buildings, and those of Federal contractors , and if the American people had any idea just how much money is wasted they would have a rebellion!

    I heard this when I was a kid, and I have seen it for myself. But anyone who escapes this hell hole and tells his story is never believed. Maybe 10 cent of you'r tax dollar is used to actually DO anything. Most is just wasted on donothing jobs, overpriced

    office furnature or just thrown in the trash.


    He is a hypocrite and a phony by your own admission. Thank you. Are you a Federal employee? That would figure perfectly.

  4. SHTF 2! Allot of talk on bug out bags.

    Anyone else plan on bunkering in?

    My land has been in my family for 4 generations. (including my Son)

    SHTF I ain't going anywhere!


    When I was a kid I always wanted a cold war style bunker.

    Thinkin about makin one out of a couple of "New" Septic tanks.


    Anyone else planing on bunkering in????


    My old gun club in Commiefornia had a 100m underground rifle range that was constructed by burying 12' concrete sewer pipe 25' deep. It was awesome! We had a picnic area built on top of it with what looked like a storage room but it was really the top of the stairwell that led down to the range. Those guys really were the greatest generation. :super:

  5. Ron Paul has introduced a bill to repeal taxes on tips. About time the working people get a break.


    I wonder if I could get him to excempt half of my pay from taxes too. This just proves what a phony Ron Paul is. Everyone should pay the same percentage of tax on their income with no breaks period. That would be just and transparent.

  6. http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=3244



    Disney Readily Violates the Second Amendment


    Wednesday, September 26, 2007


    While the Walt Disney Company will immediately fire employees who have a legal firearm unloaded, cased, and locked in their private vehicles while parked on publicly accessible company property, Disney is not firing one of its employees who was recently arrested by the FBI on child-pornography charges.




    Page 8A





    Police: Disney worker arrested on child-porn charges:


    ORLANDO --- A worker at Walt Disney World was arrested late Thursday on child-porn charges, according to police. FBI agents arrested Disney food service worker Tony Guerra in Central Florida on Thursday after an investigation. Guerra was put on unpaid leave until the case against him is resolved.



    Disney's integrity died with Walt.

  7. I'm sorry here but I don't understand this. I just talked to my ex. He tells me about these 'issues' he has. Don't confront me. His problem, not mine. Why I gotta be the only one to pay to raise his son? If you can't tell, I'm really pissed right now.


    The modern American male(I won't say man because it is not apropriate) is an absolute pussified piece of shit. I meet very few males that I have any respect for anymore. I just can't befriend someone that whines about how his ex is ruining his life for expecting him to pay his fair share. There are so many males in this pathetic state of being I fear for the future of this country. Why can't these males keep their wives? Why do so many have restraining orders against them and how can it be that they aren't even embarassed by it? Women are not that complicated, all you have to do is realize that they are better than you and respect them accordingly. Hold a fucking job and provide for your family. All you have to do is get up off your ass five days a week. It couldn't be easier. Women do it all the time, sometimes twice a day because of the scum-sucking losers they got hooked up with. This subject really gets my bile backed up. Seriously, what the fuck is so hard about being a man and taking responsibility for yourself and your offspring? Deadbeat "dads" are truly the scum of the Earth. Issues? Issues my ass. Put down the bottle and go to work you useless piece of shit.

  8. I am not into Zombie movies!


    A little story. I'm in my 40's now but when I was in the age somewhere between 1st and 5th grade, I had this Fangoria magazine which I believe had a script or something like that from Night of the Living Dead. So my parents go out one night and leave me with a sitter and she reads me stuff from the magazine. Now my sister and I had a bathroom between our bedrooms. So all I remember is going to bed and then THE SITTER JUMPS OUT FROM THE DAMN BATHROOM ONTO MY BED SCREAMING AND STUFF.


    Talked about TRAUMATIZED !!!


    Then my parents move and we end up living about 100 yards from a graveyard!!


    I had some of the worst nightmares you could imagine. I think they stopped once I got into my 20's.


    I probably should volunteer to be a zombie in a movie just to undo all of that.


    They intrigue me but I will not see one.



    On the contrary... you need to immerse yourself in them. The good ones all have an element of humor to them and make a poignant statement on man's inhumanity to man so it's not like there isn't a positive element to them. You need to dive in Bro.

  9. http://www.myfoxmilwaukee.com/myfox/pages/...mp;pageId=1.1.1


    WITI-TV, SHEBOYGAN -- A Sheboygan jury convicted a registered sex offender for trying to entice a nine-year-old girl for sex. Later, the judge overturns the decision. The FOX 6 News team and Tami Hughes tell you about these developments


    Why can't children get justice in the U.S.?



    Because they're barely more than a fetus which is just a lump of protoplasma. :ded:


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a rabid pro-lifer nor do I want Federal legislation banning it but it's a simple fact that when a society doesn't respect innocent life... that society doesn't respect innocent life. We are one fucked up society in 2007.

  10. You're painting with too broad of a brush that's all. There are plenty of assimilated Mexicans in America, you just don't notice them as much because they've assimilated.


    Personally, I think the ones that have assimilated came here a long time ago. This current wave doesn't seem too interested in this country. Just what they can get out of it.



    What's a long time? I know legal aliens that have been here 10 and less and have assimilated very well. Every other wave of immigrants required a generation or more to pass before assimilating. We need to stop the government giveaways. They are the root of all evil in this country because they allow too many to shirk their responsibilies to themselves and their fellow citizens.

  11. One of the fundamental issues for me on the issue of immigrants is that the current crop (no pun intended) is not interested in integrating into our society. There always have been "little Italy's" and "China Town's",etc. but it seems that this time it's different, no one is talking about how to integrate them into the existing culture, but how to change our culture to accommodate them.


    In prior immigration waves people changed the spelling of names, named their children more "American" sounding names, learned the language as soon as possible and were proud to be considered American.


    I'm pretty open minded on most subjects, with a liberal bent. However, it did piss me off when I saw people marching for immigration rights while waving a Mexican flag!


    Someone already pointed this out, but it bears repeating.- If you choose to move to another country because it represents a better opportunity for you, wouldn't you want to fit into their society? Why would you want it to be just like the place you left behind?



    You're painting with too broad of a brush that's all. There are plenty of assimilated Mexicans in America, you just don't notice them as much because they've assimilated.

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