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Posts posted by frick

  1. Actually, I don't like the looks of most of the big brakes, but this one is just right.


    I'M IN





    Hey folks.


    This forum and the members have been great to me, so instead of selling something I have can't keep (due to MI law requiring the AOL to be 30" or it has to be registered as a handgun), I'm wanting to give it away to a member here. It's midnight, July 1st EST as I'm writing this (technically midnight is the 2nd, I guess) , so let's figure one week from now (midnight, July 8th) when I'll use a random number generator to pick a person to get this:




    Click on picture to see more info.



    It's a MAA short thread protector with claws. Retails for $34.99.


    It was given to me by a forum member last month, but because of MI's stupid law, I need to get something a tad longer. So, I'm passing this along to someone else. It's been used for a couple weeks, but it's in great shape. Probably 50 rounds fired with it. If it






    In a similar fashion to how this has been done before, please post "I'm in." in the top line of your responses. If you forget and put it in the second or third line, I'm not going to disqualify you, but it would make it easier for me to keep track of things this way. This is only available to members here. One entry per member please. Your post number will be your "number" that I'll use to identify you.


    As I mentioned, at midnight a week from now, I'll take however many posts there are and go to www.Random.Org and have the site pick a number within that range to determine the winner. I will pay to ship it via priority mail anywhere in the U.S.A. If you live somewhere outside the U.S.A. I'd ask that you pay for shipping.


    Winner will be PMed by me. If they do not respond within a week, a new number will be chosen.



    So have fun and good luck!










    *EDIT* This giveaway is open to all members. I was originally going to make it just open to contributors because anyone can open 4 or 5 different member accounts and enter each one separately. It's a little harder to do that with a contributor account. I'm not going to change the rules a day in however. I just hope honor and decency will prevail here. Please understand that I'm not suggesting anyone is doing that. It was just a concern I originally had and I'd like to ask folks to PLEASE remain honest and let the chips fall where they may. Thanks.

  2. You know, you really got to love it, Laurel posts above trying to rankle me, making bad jokes, that don't even make sense, because he won't read my posts, and Hardy is backslapping him for a good joke, that he too, cannot understand, because I am on his "Ignore list" as well.


    The shame is, I actually agreed with Mr. Bean, but, psychic powers and all, he still missed it, and is attempting to start a broo ha ha on the public portion of the boards.


    Nope. Sorry girls, but no fight is occurring here, I learned my lesson about tossing the crap balls in public.


    IF you are going to ignore me, then do it, and please, keep your mouths shut, and your opinions to about me to yourself.


    What the hell is the use of ignoring someone, if you find the need to publicly attempt to flame bait me into a fight, again, and again.


    Till you both decide to grow up, both above posts have been reported to the mods, and I will continue to do so, until some resolution is made about your juvenile antics.


    Whats good for the goose, is good for the gander, don't you agree Mr. Bean???



    Of course, this post WILL be totally useless, because the people who so heartily disagree with anything I say, CAN'T SEE IT!!!!!!





  3. The bottom line, is right now, if we do business with Kali, we face repercussions if the t's aren't crossed, or if the i's aren't dotted.


    Plain and simple, they are forcing an unfunded mandate upon the FFL's of 49 other states.


    Its not worth a few bucks of profit to have to deal with the hassle.


    I totally agree with Barretts choice to refuse sales or service to all LE located there, unfortunately, I am sure they are still getting their 50's from some other hooer who puts dollars ahead of principle.


    This isn't kicking someone when they are down, its a kick in their ass to either step up the fight, or leave, its "Tough love" in action.


    Till then, bend over, and pay the price for having a legislature that disrespects your civil rights as a citizen, and gives them to the wetbacks.

  4. G3, I don't know how long you have been gone from the burgh, however, the days of dirty city air, are pretty much gone.


    The last time we had a major inversion, it was in part due, to the effects of a big forest fire that was burning in West Virginia.


    Crime is, for the most part, limited to black on black, youth crime, random shootings in the bad neighborhoods and projects, but, its a rarity to see someone killed outright, that wasn't putting themself in a situation of risk.


    Chances are today, that the average City dweller is going to be in Birkenstocks, instead of steel toed boots.

  5. My Chinese Drag has the filter equipped scope, when you flip it into position, its makes the optics cloudy, and supposedly, will pick up active IR light sources, such as the big light that was used on the M3 Carbine sniper set up, or, like an infrared laser, or illuminator, as used on some modern IR stuff.


    Seeing that most, if not all Mil issue stuff is completely passive, its use, is somewhat dubious in value, on a modern battlefield.


    The OP's scope, as noted above, does not have the lever or lens, and is not a night vision device.

  6. Compliance with the laws to ship firearms to California, is unconstitutional in my opinion, and I don't see shipping guns there as a service to the residents, I see it as a slap in the fact to the constitution.


    The only chance that we as dealers had, to assure that this cancer doesn't spread to other states, was to see that residents in Kali suffered so badly, in their attempts to purchase legal weapons, that some poor, brave bastard would actually take the case to the federal courts, as an interference in Interstate commerce.


    Why should I, a resident of another state, have to comply with another states law, before placing a legal item, into the hands of a common carrier, and shipping it to another state.


    If Kali wanted only their FFL's and residents to take more action to receive a firearm, that is their problem, but to make out of state dealers get permission to ship into the state, is a travesty.


    And, you can rest assured, that sooner or later, some FFL is going to screw up in the sale, and they are going to be getting a subpeona, or an arrest warrant, to show up in Kali for court, or to face charges.


    I am very sorry for you guys, but, as said earlier, get the hell out, quit paying taxes to a corrupt, socialist failure of a state, and help it fail even quicker than its going to.



    One other thought, and from a dealers point of view, concerning the above mentioned "Grey area", the whole idea of the mag release "Lockbox" to me, has been dubious from the start, a screwdriver is NOT a "Special tool" its a commonly available item.


    Plus, add in the possibility that the box can be thwarted, permanently, with a dremel, or a hack saw, the modification is just not permanent enough, to insure that it can't be removed, and then, if used in a crime, you now have the dealer facing a lawsuit about selling a weapon, which was easily modified.


    You can bitch, and moan, that its legal, but, you aren't the ones facing the loss of everything, just for the convenience, of your customers.


    Its great to fight the good fight, but, I assure you, the dealers that sell "Grey Weapons" are probably already singled out, on a list, somewhere, and they probably get special treatment, from your oppressive "Guvmint'.


    Its just not worth it, to me, to have to deal with your screwed up laws, or to face possible charges in Kali, if I do something wrong.

  7. Everyone should probably take a course in how and when you are allowed to use your firearm for their own liability.


    Speaking from what I have learned in PENNSYLVANIA, if you use a deadly weapon, you must be in imminent danger of death and/or severe physical harm, or, someone in your home or vehicle, must be in the same situation.


    There is no such thing, in the eyes of the law, as a less than lethal use of a firearm, for that matter, mace, tear gas, tazers, etc.


    If you are in danger enough to merit the use of any of those weapons, then, and only then are they acceptable to use.


    IE, someone comes up to your window in a road rage incident, and spits in your face, and you mace, taze, or shoot him, you are going to jail.


    You may have been insulted, but, your life was not in danger.


    Same as someone breaking into your home, either you are threatened, and correct in your use of force, or you aren't. Using a half measure of force just to scare or wound someone, is going to get you charged, more than likely, because of course, we are guilty until proven innocent in todays legal culture.


    And, there are monetary liability issues as well, you shoot Barry Crackhead with a rubber buck shot shell, and you put his eye out, and if you are not legally justified to do so, some scumbag lawyer sues you, and Barry Crackhead leaves court with a judgement that leaves you homeless.


    Either you are in enough physical danger to kill, or you aren't, load a real round, or none at all, do not ever consider half measures as acceptable, because sure as hell, your local DA wont.

  8. "I know this is retarded...but is there more than two srews to take out to replace the stock on a 308 saiga? Please help"


    Yes, there are twelve of them, some are very small, and you must look VERY closely to see them....... :rolleyes:


    And, don't worry about GETTING on the list, you can damn near rest assured that you are on it, just for being a member of this board, let alone spouting any rhetoric to garner more attention.


    Named in the Branch Davidian/Waco search warrant as a reason to attack them, was that they received subversive literature, like "The Shotgun News", kind of makes me a subversive for about 25 years now......

  9. Well, I hate to bump a thread so old, however, there is some clearly wrong information posted in this thread, and in the time since this was posted, I have had time to confirm a number of details from the individuals involved, and some from backdoor, LE info.



    First, the shooter was never "dishonorably" discharged, he received an "Administrative" discharge, which, does not disqualify you from a gun purchase.


    Second, he had a PFA in 2006, which had long expired, and that did not prevent him from getting his guns.


    Third, his mother told the 911 operator that he DID have weapons in the house, she screwed up, and NEVER passed the info along to the police responding.


    Fourth, he did not kill the first officers with the AK, he used a shotgun, and with the first shot, killed officer one, and hit, and disabled, officer two, the presumption I understood was that it was a slug, that passed through the head of office one, and hit number two. He then execution style shot the wounded second cop to death.


    The third officer was killed during a rescue attempt of officer one, or two.


    Fifth, I spoke with the salesman of the non AK weapons that he purchased, not long before the incident, and he stated that there was nothing illegal about the sale, and that he faces no charges, and that all procedures done were correct, and the guy legally passed the check.


    The people in charge though, will not state to the media, that nothing wrong was done, leaving the media to hang the business in the public eye.


    Sixth, the shooter was hidden, wearing a vest, and ready for a shoot out, when the officers arrived.


    This, fact alone, along with statements from friends and the media, stating that he was "afraid that Obama was going to take his guns", and that he would "die before giving them up", all support my conclusions, that we have, and are still creating shooters, who, are ready to take on the SWAT teams, before going out in a blaze of glory.


    The real shame in this case, is that it was three "peace officers" who came to the house, ready to help with a domestic dispute.


    These are true heroes, who selfishly, went into the situation, armed as police officers, and not psuedo soldiers, and died because our society, has seen fit to marginalize, and disenfranchise certain segments of society.


    In this case, a whack job, white supremacist, who was certain that the "Man" was coming to get his guns.


    Completely opposite the scenario of the "persecuted black man" in Oakland, who did the same thing, to the police who were doing their duty as peace officers, when he was initially pulled over.


    But both with the same results, good, honest, dead cops.


    I put the blame for all their deaths on the politicians on one side, who constantly create a war on something outside our country, and on the other politicians, who constantly create a war on individuals in our country.


    If we are at war, at this with the Republicans, and with that with the Democrats, and our police, are stuck in the middle, and are again, and again, going to be killed for no legitimate reason.


    And the fact that we as voters allow it, is the real tragedy....

  10. And I apologize for trying to bring an intelligent debate here, its obvious that it cannot be supported.


    If there is one salvation, I learned how to leave "Snarky" comments after receiving a few. I will admit though, its tough to think like a third grader after so many years.....


    I had thought that gun owners, who usually have some modicum of independent thought, could possibly see a different point of view, pertaining to who hates the police, and a whole segment of society that includes them, and why, but, at least for some, they are so cloistered in their own hatefull beliefs, that independent thought, is no longer possible for them either.


    Maybe just solving all our problems with a big shoot out may be the only option after all.


    Pay attention to Israel, because thats the road we are headed down.

  11. Well cmon there retired po po, give us YOUR version of the truth if its so profound, or, can you just hurl more insults, and accuse everyone who disagrees with your own point of view as liberals spewing faxed over talking points.


    Or, does it scare you that other people with guns, that respect ALL of our civil rights, may hold YOU and your brethren to a higher standard, and actually treat the down trodden with a bit of charity, and respect or heaven forbid, HOPE, that there is a chance to re-Amercanize them, and turn them from useless tuds, back into productive, or at least, CIVIL, people?


    Wait, how do any of us even KNOW you were a cop, retired or not, if you are going to debase me using that same tactic of spewing lies, that if told enough, become the truth.


    I also don't consider the Projects, and the ghettos, in the same league as each other.


    Ghettos may contain the poor, but, I don't think that everyone there, is living on public assistance, as IS the case in the federally funded, locally run projects.


    I don't have to travel far to my neighbor states, to find "appalachian" communities, which make the ghetto's look like an Amusement Park, and I don't see many projects popping up for po' white folk in West Virginia, or Kentucky.


    Why is that? I think because the liberals know they wont get the investment on their dollar back from white trash(their term), as they do from the poor negros(their term) in the inner cities.


    Fortunately, for a backwards, and steel millish, and dirty, as the country perceives Pittsburgh, I don't really think we have any areas of low income, run down housing, in such a poor state to actually call any of those communities, a ghetto.


    What we do have, is cop and whitey hating areas, primarily black, that are quite Katrina-ish in their inability to take care of themselves, because they have become so dependent on our screwed up welfare system, while living in a Democratically controlled stronghold, that hasn't had a Republican Government since early in the 20th Century, quickly coming up on the 100 year mark of single party rule.


    Come on, whats ARE YOUR solutions to the problem then??????


    And let me be clear on one point, I respect all who wear a military uniform, or pin on a badge, because you have done a service to our country, however, that does not give you Cart Blanche to use that as the only reason to criticise me, or my beliefs.

  12. SJGunguy, that is EXACTLY what I took from my time in the Projects, the abject generational poverty FORCED upon them, by the Democrats, with an endless promise of meal tickets, housing, medical cards, in return for blindly voting for the Democratic Party, at over a 90% rate.


    The people in the inner cities no longer understand how to exist without assistance, and that was evident when Katrina hit, I will say it with NO racist intent, but, I don't believe there is ANY inner city community, that is primarily black, or African American, that could exist for more than a week, without turning to looting, and crime, before degrading into an everyman for himself, kill thy neighbor, or flee the city scenario.


    And, don't for a MINUTE, think that the Liberals don't use and cultivate the use of firearms by the inner city residents, and then USE that as an issue justifying the banning of guns for all of us.


    Why does hollywood GLORIFY the use of guns to sell movies, and then turn around and do everything they can to see them banned in the real world???


    Is it any coincedence the people making millions from the sale of their propaganda, turn around and become spokespeople to the world, on how bad the USA, how guilty we are, what bad people most of us are, and how the world would be a better place with only some "Change" and a bit of help from the United Nations..


    When hollywood teaches all the black men to hold their glock sideways, and to hate the police because they are always corrupt, as is the Army, or any form of white "Authority", why is it a surprise when one goes down shooting, taking as many evil police with him as possible.


    And thats the basis of what I am saying here.


    Create a system that endlessly pits one class of society with another, arm one sector of that society far more heavily, and force them to use military style tactics in the most COMMON types of enforcement, and you are going to end up creating criminals that become "the better mousetrap".


    If, you give a cop a whistle, the criminal will use a club, give the cop a club, the criminal will obtain a pistol, give the cop a pistol, the criminal will use a shotgun or a rifle, rifle, to semi, semi to full auto, we have seen the escalation of use of force both in the Police community, AND in the criminal community.


    Sadly, I don't see a cure by giving the police RPG's, to combat the use of "Assault rifles", so change is going to have to come from the bottom up, with the children, still unaffected by their parents and siblings.


    Which, in parallel, may be the solution in Israel and Palestine as well.

  13. Asshole your the last piece of shit I need to explain where I am in life or where I have come from, WHAT THE FUCK I have done or any fucking thing. You actually enjoy causing trouble dont you?? You are pitiful beyond belief. You crybaby till you run dry dont you?? Obviously when I say backyard I mean everyday business. Your stupid ass goes off the deep end, AHHH KATRINA, AHHHHH EMINENT DOMAIN!! AHHHH SKY IS FALLING!!! AHHH YOUR FAT LAZY ASS NEVER DOES ANYTHING AHHH!!!


    LOL you cunt.


    Off to screw my wife now.. ta ta...


    Good luck man, you should lower your stress levels though, they can cause impotence, if you aren't careful.

  14. My idea is live your life, worry about your own back yard, when you go on like a lunatic you reveal yourself. And bunker up, wait for the End Of The World, wait for the corrupt bastards to kill each other and start anew.... ;)



    You sad fuck.l


    Yeah, thats profound man.


    Live you life, and worry about your own back yard.


    I wish I would have thought of it.


    So, you never volunteer? Run for office? Try and do something to help those worse off than you?


    Heaven forbid that you make an effort to try and change ANYTHING for the better, huh?


    Are you one of those people who think that if you don't vote, that it actually makes a difference in how the Government decides to run our lives?


    What about when the day comes that your back yard is flooded, like Katrina?


    Or, when its being bulldozed, because your elected representatives decide that an Indian Casino, is better for the community, than your home, and eminent domain you?


    What exactly does it take, to get you OUT of your backyard, and off your ass, to benefit anyone, other than you?


    It seems that if anyone is a sad fuck, its you sir.




    Yep, Union brainwashing....


    And, please take NOTE of my exact usage of words, I was never, and will never be in a Union, whose only goal is to protect the least capable, at the expense of the more capable.


    I am a private contractor, who was FORCED to pay myself, and others Union Wages, because our Federal Government forces employeers to do so, its called the Davis-Bacon Act.


    And, as part of the contract, we were forced to advertise to the residents, any jobs that may be available, and we had to list those wages publicly, while 42 bucks an hour for doing Ironwork is really a bonus, having some idiot with a gun, and no job, knowing that, doesn't make for a friendly atmosphere.

  15. Janus, you have to take somewhat of a leap of faith here to see where it applies, and thank you for seeing deeper than most.


    If you speak "Libertarianese" at some people, they assume that you are Jane Fonda's orphan child, and lump you in with the Liberals.


    Arguing for smaller government, less police, less interference in our lives, and more personal responsibility, has become a foreign thought to boths sides of the political spectrum.


    I mean, what the hell is wrong with owning machine guns, AND thinking that a woman should have a choice whether she can get an abortion, legally, or not?


    Or that if you can go to wally world and buy a six pack and a pack of smokes, why can't you get a bag of pot?


    When alcohol and tobacco take a FAR higher toll on society than MJ ever could. How many people do you know that got killed, or killed someone driving while stoned, as opposed to driving while drunk???? I am not advocating anybody do either and drive, but its time to put some things in a logical perspective.


    Basically, most of black society sees themselves as victims, and, that whitey, and the man, are out to convict and oppress them because of their color.


    Which, a few years back, really was the case, and it still shows today in some of the mindsets, and comments here.


    But the Democrats have so institutionalized most of them, and filled them with such hate, that rage at the machine, in the form of anger towards the police, and the inability to get fair treatment by the court system has put them into a mindset thats very similar to the fight or flight reflex every human has.


    Theirs however, has become one of fight only.


    IF, you are going to be arrested, jailed for an unequally long time, compared to whites, and worse, sentenced to death in much higher numbers than whites, the chance of dying in shootout, or killing first to get away, becomes an automatic reaction, and perhaps, may be better than a life in prison, I have only visited, never attended mandatorially, so I can't say.


    While in this case, there wasn't a direct drug link, they play an intricate part in the economics of most black inner city criminals.


    Thats what amazed me when I did contract work in the Pittsburgh projects, that the sales of the crack, and heroin, were mainly aimed at drive through WHITE customers, and not so much at the black residents themselves.


    Oh, they all smoked dope, and drank forties, but there wasn't a whole lot of evidence that they did much more in the way of drugs than most NASCAR fans.


    It took a good bit of realization to recognize that I too had fallen for alot of the stereotypical myths that many whites believe about blacks in the cities.


    And, I saw the other side, when a young black killed pulled a revolver on me, pointed it at me, and mouthed "BANG BANG".


    Why? Because I was white, and I had a job that payed union scale, and he didn't, and never would, and he KNEW It.


    I am not arguing for some liberal utopia, but both sides have made hate so much a part of our existence anymore, that I don't think most even recognize it.


    To help cure the ills of the blacks in the inner cities, you have to be able to look at it, racism aside, and speak the truth about what is there, or, just get on the Hitler Bandwagon, and lead them to the gas chambers, like the jews, for the "Ultimate Solution".



    I grew up, and was taught to find a policeman, if something was wrong.


    Today, I don't think very many parents teach their kids to do that, they tell them "STOP SNITCHING" instead.


    And, its just not blacks, Nancy Reagan didn't have blacks only in mind, when in "Just Say No" they actively encouraged any kid, to turn in their parents if they saw them using drugs.


    If a kid today, found a bag of weed, went up to a cop, and told them they found it, would they be praised, or arrested, with the cop claiming the kid was just afraid of being caught, and only turned themselves in, and telling a lie.


    Unfortunately, I think most of the time, the kid would be charged.


    When is the last time that you hear a news report about anything perceived as a crime, that doesn't end with "charges have been made", "Charges are pending", or "Police are investigating to see if any laws have been broken, so charges can be brought".


    You and I, all of us, are guilty until proven innocent today, unless you are a cop, a judge, a politician, or someone with a lot of cash.


    Don't believe me, get a bad ticket from a cop, and go to court and see whose word the Judge, or Magistrate believes.



    Ok Bean, whats your idea, we just keep shooting it out in the streets, hating the police, and allowing the Guvmint to take more of our rights away, for the good of society, or bunkering ourselves up, with lots of guns and MRE's waiting for the end of the world, so we can come out, and rebuild society anew?



    And Cobra, you really seem to take pleasure in NOT ignoring me, even though you claim you do.


    Please, for the good of society, you and Racegal go get neutered.....I may be a prick, but I am not a FRICKEN idiot.


    And if you want to debate this, have the balls to put in some thoughts other than just hurling insults, seriously, I can MF you in the fight club if you wish, but, thats really something that Shirley would prefer to do....although I do have to admit, Racegal seems to have the bigger set on the two of you.

  16. Part of the sentencing took into account that he did 1000 hours of community service, and has done videos advising city yutes to stay clear of guns and drugs.


    Not that it makes his crimes less, but, at least he isn't crying martyr, and blaming the man for his conviction, and spurring the yutes on with more hate.


    If he was white, and a country western singer, would the penalty have been enough????

  17. Sold, owned and shot many WASR's.


    Biggest non problem, was wiggly mag syndrome because of the lack of dimples.


    And, drums took a dedicated fitting to the gun, so I sold the drum with the gun when I moved on.


    WASR's may be the poor bastard son of the AK family, but they usually work.

  18. You are all missing the points I was trying to make, which, is not something that I see as all that uncommon in todays society.


    We have become polarized into two sides, one sees the police as an enemy, won't report crimes, even when their own children are being shot in the streets.


    The other reveres Law Enforcement, as unerring, more holy than thou, can do no wrong, demi gods.


    You are supporting allowing the police, who started out as "Peace officers" to be transformed into quasi military, all because a huge part of societies systemic ills are propagated to put money in peoples pockets.


    The police should NOT HAVE to be put in the position of becoming soldiers, only to police the morality or lack there of, in our society.


    I suppose a few of you may understand the term "Prohibition"?


    Are you familiar with the ills that the prohibition of alcohol caused, during the time it was illegal?


    People still drank, but cops, prosecutors, judges, all became paid off pawns of the booze barons that trafficked the stuff.


    What I am leading to, is that the same situation occurrs today with our war on drugs, the real reason that it nots going to become illegal anytime soon, is because everybody profits, including the cop on the beat, if only for his job, and thats not counting the drugs and money that are skimmed, and disappear into pockets along the way.


    We have the worlds BIGGEST prison population, most, being there for drug crimes, by the statistics I have read.


    Near me in PA, the new prisons have been HAILED as "Saviors of the local economies, because they create jobs".


    Is that what we really want to become as a society?


    Using prison as a tool to drive our economy? Needing two to three percent of our population to be life time criminals, only to fund a beast who grows on incarcerating more and more people, for lesser and lesser crimes?


    The police who once were "Of the people" no longer are, please read "Rogers rules" for police, to venture further into his ideas of what our police should be, Sir Roger Peel, was the founder of the London Metropolitan Police in the 1850's.


    They are still considered the first truly "Modern" police force.


    Here are his Nine principles.


    Quoted from the site here http://thelawdogfiles.blogspot.com/2008/04...are-police.html


    Coincedentally, a site started by an LE member, who feels the police have fallen too far from their original principles..



    In order to mollify those who believed that professional police were "a curse and a despotism", and secure their aid in creating his professional police force, Sir Robert Peel developed what became known as The Peelian Principles; which are considered to be the basic foundation for all modern policing:



    1) The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder.


    2) The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon the public approval of police actions.


    3) Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observation of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public.


    4) The degree of co-operation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use of physical force.


    5) Police seek and preserve public favor not by catering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the law.


    6) Police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice, and warning is found to be insufficient.


    7) Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent upon every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.


    8) Police should always direct their action strictly towards their functions, and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary.


    9) The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.



    Please, take the time to read the above, and consider what our police USED to be, and what they have BECOME today.



    Those four policemen, and I don't deny that their deaths are a tragedy, died, because we have allowed our politicians and District Attorneys, to turn the control of crime into a spectacle, and they are selling the public the idea that every cop that dies is a hero, even though, they are in part HUGELY responsible for the societal conditions that caused their death.


    Now, we had a scenario near Pittsburgh this last year, and its continuing today, that may actually strike a familiar note with some of you.


    Home defense.


    Police, and FBI raid a home, for the husband who is actually an informant, and is dealing coke.


    Typical Army style raid, knock, wait three seconds, and start knocking down the doors.


    Hubby, flees to the basement to start flushing his stash, and leaves mom, and the kids upstairs.


    If we are to believe mom, she has no idea of the dealing, and hides behind the wall to the downstairs on the steps.


    She see's somebody knocking down the door, and fires one shot around the wall at the door, and hits and kills an FBI officer, who was not properly armored, in the neck, full body armor, shoulder, and neck, probably would have saved him, but the raid on the informant was considered to be a safe one, so he left the assault armor on the rack, and just went in with his standard vest.


    She has NOT been arrested, she is LEGALLY in her home defending herself, and shoots at an unidentified intruder, who happens to be a cop, during a SWAT raid, for a low level dealer, who had his OWN BUSINESS where he would have been, three hours later!!! Why not arrest him there?????????????


    Consider that, and she is facing murder charges.


    Now, what if that was YOU, in your home, and they Police have the wrong house, as happens way too frequently.


    Would YOU be in the same situation as her?


    A dead cop, in a tragic mistake, and you facing murder charges.


    Only because the Guvmint decided what you can smoke, or snort?


    And, are we willing to continue to kill policemen, put people in jail, for crimes, that could be prevented if those drugs were available by prescription?


    Or, do we all become "Militia Members" again, because of our love of guns, or our support of Ron Paul, or our anti abortion beliefs, as just stated in a Government think tank report, that is trying to direct FBI resources to potential terrorists?


    Because this "NEW" government under Frobama, see us gun owners as potential threats, and starts sending out agents to gun shows, as they did under Clinton, to burn down another "Waco", in part, because they had "Subversive Literature" like the "Shotgun News"?????


    Using our own police against us, again?


    That scum bag in Oakland, at least did us the service of ending up dead, and not costing us a paid life in prison, but, was that worth the life of four officers in exchange?


    Either we change society to become a different place to live in, or we face falling further down a black hole. When will we see the day where the drug lords are mailing Police Chiefs heads to the newspapers, to scare them into looking elsewhere, when its happening 2 miles from our southern border, right now.


    You can call me an asshole, hit the ignore button, but that doesn't change the fact that our society has become a shithole for the most part, but its time for a change, and no goddamn Obama change, but some big ones, or our country is going down the shitter, just as Rome did.


    We are dying from corruption from within, and our politicians, who are using their Policemen, as expendable pawns, in endless "Wars", only to show what a great job they are doing, defending us from ourselves, need to be the first to go.



    Oh, and just for the record, that SKS or AK he used, it doesn't matter which, because they are both "Bullet spraying automatic assault rifles" in the eyes of the media, and most of the public, have caused the inevitable, do we need to consider banning these death machines again, the how did he get one of those guns again, and why does anybody need a weapon of death like that again, debates.


    And you mark my words, when the list gets written this time, its gonna be a whole lot longer, and all of yours, and my own Saigas are going to be on it this time, along with a hell of alot more.



    And "Read the wall", I love the above post.


    Just shoot and kill the niggers first.


    Isn't that what you are saying?????

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