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Posts posted by Jeep297

  1. If I were you I would just order online from K-VAR. I bought two last week and they shipped out the following day. I also bought an SGL21 back when they were doing a sale at $499 apiece last year and they were great


    to deal with. All you have to do is order one and put in the information of your local dealer that you want to do the transfer with (usually $20-30). As long as they have the FFL on file (which is the vast majority of places), all they need is the


    address to send it to and you don't even have to have your FFL fax their info in like most other places. The other great thing about ordering online versus local is that you save money in taxes as well. Ordering guns online is unbelievably


    easy, if more people did it they would be shocked how much money they save. I started doing it three years ago and have literally saved thousands over that time.

  2. call it what you want but you shelled out money for something you wouldent have bought otherwise...


    I call it panic buying.


    I would have bought it eventually since it was very high on my want list, but I probably would've waited another 6 months to be honest. Call it what you want but I'm happy regardless of what happens since I got a price I was comfortable with. Being called a panic buyer doesn't bother me, either way I'm a proud owner of two new Saigas that are soon to be converted 027.gif



    In my opinion panic buying is good for those who needed an excuse to buy a gun they want, it becomes a negative thing when people buy as many as they can with the intention of profit rather than keeping them.

  3. As others have said, KVAR seems to be the best bet right now even with the price increase they did today ($489 to $519). New Frontier Armory who gets theirs from KVAR has a bunch of them (over 100) that were $550 but they just raised their prices to $586 010.gif

  4. My guess is the price is only going up. People aren't just going to drop their Saiga12s for huge losses....most would rather just keep it and have more than one.


    I think your right for the most part but if nothing comes out about the Saiga (I'm getting more optimistic now) I'm sure there will be a few people looking to dump their's quickly for a loss. It'll be hard for an individual to sell a Saiga 12 when KVAR and others are still selling them for under $500. My guess is that we'll see at least a few for right around $400. If so, I'll pick another one up while the gettings good, especially since production stopped for now. I did the same after the AR15 buying craze.


    You might want to check that price again. KVAR


    Saw that earlier. They'll come back down along with everyone else if nothing happens though. Its like a mini one week version of the Obama buying frenzy which means prices will bounce back to normal or lower quickly in my opinion.


    I agree. But I ordered an S-12 last night, before the price went up. I see this purchase as a "prudent buy", not a "panic buy." My other S-12 is an older Kalashnikov USA import. I wanted a newer S-12, to convert with different options. This was enough excuse for me. No regrets.


    I'm with you, no regrets here either. The Saiga was on my want list and I figured now was as good of a time as any since the prices weren't too bad last week. Now I just need the money to convert them. Wanting to get one done by Tromix and the other by Red Jacket in slightly different configurations.

  5. My guess is the price is only going up. People aren't just going to drop their Saiga12s for huge losses....most would rather just keep it and have more than one.


    I think your right for the most part but if nothing comes out about the Saiga (I'm getting more optimistic now) I'm sure there will be a few people looking to dump their's quickly for a loss. It'll be hard for an individual to sell a Saiga 12 when KVAR and others are still selling them for under $500. My guess is that we'll see at least a few for right around $400. If so, I'll pick another one up while the gettings good, especially since production stopped for now. I did the same after the AR15 buying craze.


    You might want to check that price again. KVAR


    Saw that earlier. They'll come back down along with everyone else if nothing happens though. Its like a mini one week version of the Obama buying frenzy which means prices will bounce back to normal or lower quickly in my opinion.

  6. I wonder how many gun dealers are sitting back laughing their asses off, counting their $ and thanking Prince Blogs??? For those who didnt sh!t their pants wait six months and we all will be purchasing the guns at a reduced price.


    Sounding more and more like this is the case. When the Obama panic craze settled KVAR sold a bunch of SGL-21s for $499, and I saw tons of ridiculously good deals on ARs (bought a complete unfired Spikes for $500). This should be similar unless the temporary production stoppage keeps it stable. Here's to hoping that some of us can pick a couple up at $400 or less 027.gif

  7. Look at the name of the player (3arc) JD_2020 http://www.youtube.c...h?v=j0JAoHcShS8


    Lol, WTF? One of the Treyarch guys has that same name for his Twitter account. Maybe a pre-release match, of the developers messing around? I dunno, but I can tell it's on PC. PC is easily hackable, so aimbots like that are probably fairly common, I'd assume.















    Check me out messing with this Second Chance guy:







    :lolol: I swear, doing stuff like that is more satisfying than having a really good, high-kills game. He was knifing the air, too. Bwaaahahahahaha.


    LOL!!!! Freaking hilarious, I'm going to have to try that. I hate last stand bastards and this would be a good way to equally annoy them.

  8. MD Arms is sold out.


    That was quick! Only places I know left that have them for halfway decent prices in comparison to everyone else is KVAR ($519) and New Frontier Armory ($550). Not sure how many KVAR has left but I image quite a few since they supply New Frontier Armory which has more than 100 still left in stock.


    When I bought mine yesterday, K-Var had them listed at $489.00!



    Me too. They raised the prices a little over an hour ago.


    So......what increased by $30? The cost of them to purchase additional S12's? or The PROFIT



    AND....if it was just a $30 profit increase.....do ya think it will drop $30 as fast as it increased? when this all blows over


    I would image its mostly about profit since they probably came back in to work on Monday and saw how many orders were placed over the weekend. If this whole things blows over I would bet that they will bring the price back down after waiting a little while rather than right away so that they don't make it too obvious they were trying to get a better profit margin. However I'm also willing to bet that if this all turns out to be about nothing there will be some killer deals to be had when some of the panic buyers are looking to dump theirs quickly. There are/were quite few people buying way more than they needed with the intention of making a good profit. However, if nothing happens with the ATF, they are going to have to compete with Carolina Shooting Supply, KVAR, MD Arms, among others who will be selling them at or below $500. The only thing that could keep prices up in my opinion is an ATF ban (obviously) or how long it takes for the Russian plant to start producing them again now that they have temporarily ceased.

  9. MD Arms is sold out.


    That was quick! Only places I know left that have them for halfway decent prices in comparison to everyone else is KVAR ($519) and New Frontier Armory ($550). Not sure how many KVAR has left but I image quite a few since they supply New Frontier Armory which has more than 100 still left in stock.


    When I bought mine yesterday, K-Var had them listed at $489.00!



    Me too. They raised the prices a little over an hour ago.

  10. MD Arms is sold out.


    That was quick! Only places I know left that have them for halfway decent prices in comparison to everyone else is KVAR ($519) and New Frontier Armory ($550). Not sure how many KVAR has left but I image quite a few since they supply New Frontier Armory which has more than 100 still left in stock.

  11. I bought mine from KVAR for $489 and they are still in stock. So is MD arms $499 and New Frontier Armory still has over 100 in stock for $550. Not sure why I'm seeing people buy them for $600 when they are still out there. Guess some people don't care to do much research.



    ETA- KVAR just raised the price to a $519

  12. My guess is the price is only going up. People aren't just going to drop their Saiga12s for huge losses....most would rather just keep it and have more than one.


    I think your right for the most part but if nothing comes out about the Saiga (I'm getting more optimistic now) I'm sure there will be a few people looking to dump their's quickly for a loss. It'll be hard for an individual to sell a Saiga 12 when KVAR and others are still selling them for under $500. My guess is that we'll see at least a few for right around $400. If so, I'll pick another one up while the gettings good, especially since production stopped for now. I did the same after the AR15 buying craze.

  13. Looks like one way or another prices are about to change dramatically pending Mondays announcement. If banned from importation it will obviously skyrocket


    but how low do you think we'll start seeing them if the ATF doesn't ban them ? The market should be flooded with all the panic buying thats been going on and


    could potentially be the best time to buy in years. Here's to hoping that the latter happens and we can get some awesome deals in the very near future.....

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