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Posts posted by Dad2142Dad

  1. What about something like this




    Not very grey man, but they are pretty solid. I have a knock off of one of these and have to say, shoulder straps to wear it back pack style would be nice. It's nice for range use and that's it IMHO.


    Thanks Yarp the shoulder straps are a great idea. Settled on this one http://sap075.channeladvisor.com/p-28-42-inch-molle-soft-padded-padded-weapons-case-with-backpack-straps.aspx


    I am not worried about being grey, the south doesn't seem to uptight about guns :D

  2. When me and my son go to the range, ammo's in a cardboard box, guns on the back seat separated by blanket layers. I do need to get a couple of bags for range trips, not so sure about gun cases as they are not required where I am at. Also need to get one for the night stand, be eaiser just to have a bag there with a flashlight and extra clips. I am thinking for SHTF that getting some low profile plastic tubs would do for ammo, any thoughts on that?

  3. I have a feeling not many Americans these days would be this ballsy.

    (note to add before anyone gets the wrong idea and analyzes this too deep. lol I mean this in a general stand point of the original protest and the crowds protesting the government in general. Despite who or what they support. Not the general rioting and fighting. Also the people coming together to protect their families and neighborhoods from the rioters despite their lack of arms is impressive as well.)



    The US population has become too comfortable to do anywhere near the same thing. From PC to not having tough punishments for crimes to everyone gets a trophy. Everything is going towards making the population a herd of cattle. There is even talk about the government setting up its own internet kill switch for the US. The sad part is the fiery kids of the 60's who did stand up, are now supporting this kind of crap.

    • Like 2
  4. While I have neither the Saiga 410 or the handgun/Judge I would have to acknowledge that for what you state is your main purpose for this weapon, the JUDGE would be a very desirable alternative for filling that requirement. You may want to reconsider your priorities and go for the Judge.



    AL raises a great point here, home defense has many points to consider. Local laws, layout of the home, ability of the home owner with what you decide to purchase etc. One of things I will be doing later this spring is a home defense course in my house from the same guy who did my CWP training. The reason for this in my opinion is that a break in will happen most probably when I am asleep and have to react fast. While everybody can get around their house on a daily basis. It will be different in the dark, in my underwear with the alarm blaring away. Being a veteran, the value of training when life gets real shitty is priceless.


    Not sure if you can find this were your located, but I would recommend it. Especially if your thinking of purchasing for that purpose. The worst thing you could do is buy something you are not comfortable with.

  5. I think at 20 feet or less, with a decent buckshot load, your perp will be just as dead whether a 410, 20 or 12 gauge...





    With the new .410 rounds that are made for the judge, a .410 could very easily be used for home defense. These will leave a good mark http://www.winchester.com/Products/shotshell-ammunition/supreme-elite/pdx1410/Pages/S410PDX1.aspx


    Also the .410 slug rounds do quite nicely.



    • Like 1
  6. I left the following message:


    As a 25 year police veteran I assure you this is nothing more then an attempt to disarm the people of the USA. It has nothing to do with "crime control" and everything to do with "citizen control."


    If you want to see a real weapon of mass destruction in the wrong hands I submit to you usage of the ordinary automobile by the inebriated. One car may selectively used to run over one person or for mass carnage into a large crowd.


    The answer is to quit trying to invest inanimate objects with intrinsic criminally and start realizing that we must do everything possible to find and punish the perpetrators.


    It is that simple.


    Excellent comment, more people are killed by alcohol than pretty much any thing else.

  7. Make sure you voice your opposition to HR308 and S32 which are the magazine ban bills of the house and senate.


    The following sites are from opencongress.com. You can place comments on these as well as vote your opposition. Politicians and voters browes this site so it may help.






    Done, thanks for the links

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