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About Monkeyman

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  1. I bought a UK-spec S12 "Taktica" which has a long barrel to meet UK shotgun regs. I cut the barrel back to 17" but the original front sight is soldered in place. I am trying to avoid the re-finishing misery involved in soldering the original front sight on the shortened barrel by finding a clamp sight that will work.
  2. I have an S12 with AK rear sight. I need a clamp front sight that is the correct height, it would be good if it was threaded for a flash hider. Any ideas?
  3. OK, took the gun apart last night and did some work on it. There were only three gas holes, each less than 0.080". I opened up all three to 0.095" and will do some testing this afternoon. If it still doesn't run I'll drill a 4th hole. Thanks.
  4. I have access to piles of cheap skeet and sporting clay loads for free. My Saiga 12 won't cycle them even with light-load setting and lighter spring. I've read the gas block can be removed and the gas ports opened up to 90 thousands of an inch to improve light-load function. I'm thinking this has been done hundreds of times before, can anyone link me to a tutorial? TIA.
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