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Posts posted by iarneau

  1. I am sure the whacktard environmentalists will still say that the solar flares were caused because I don't drive a fucking Prius.


    Bahaha that's a good one.


    As far as the Mayans, they carved this calendar in stone right? I bet they just ran out of rock and said screw it, we won't be around then anyway. Some may buy into it but I don't think we'll see widespread riots or anything, we didn't on Y2K and that was pretty much the same thing.

  2. Jpanzer, ya I saw that one, hard to believe no one said "wait a minute isn't this probably how concentration camps started?" I don't know how much faith I have in it, some, for now it is the best, really the only thing I can think of to do.


    No problem Donkeyshins, I don't know that it will work, in fact I doubt it will but I'll at least try.

  3. You can't say it's worse to kill civilians than it is any other innocent person... Aka the soldiers in Hawaii who were NOT involved in a war. Forget your civilian vs. soldier way of thinking, innocent is innocent, they killed innocent people first. Is the killing of civilians justified? No. But consider the alternatives.

    They were prepared to fight to the last woman and child if we invaded. As in no more Japan. Now would every single Japanese person have died? Probably not but if you're a soldier in a foreign country and someone runs at you with a spear (which is what te civilians would have been armed with, bamboo spears) you're going to shoot them. So most of the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have died anyway.

    Again not that killing civilians is justified but that was the other option.

    • Like 1
  4. Someone just shot and killed 2 people at VT, they haven't found him yet. Nevermind that this person either has mental issues or is a very evil person, I would bet that gun control activists use this as a case for more gun control.


    Wait wait, I know what the problem is. He must not have seen the sign that said "Gun-Free Zone." he surely would have obeyed it if he saw the sign.

  5. They (those leaders, those soldiers, not the current generation) destroyed Pearl Harbor UNPROVOKED, THEY started the war. We acted in turn to 1. protect US citizens and 2. quite literally save the world. They were on Hitler's side and they literally wanted to take over the world.


    This is a cartoonish view of history. It's not even worth arguing with someone whose understanding is on this level. Go do some research, and learn to think and examine beyond the propaganda you've been fed.


    Research? They attacked us first, destroyed Pearl Harbor, allied with Hitler who was taking over Europe. What do you think I'm going to discover?

  6. I tell you what we can do, it will take less than 2 minutes, follow this link:


    enter your zip-code to find what House of Represntatives district you're in, then go to this site to get the phone number of your Representative:


    Tell them you want them to vote against the National Defense Authorization Act. If they don't, you're not voting to reelect them. I called and left a message and will call tomorrow when he's in his office.

    It will come up in the House soon, don't wait too long.

  7. I just think it's a shame there wasn't a cop around to protect this guy. What's this country coming to when someone can't pursue their chosen occupation without fear of being assaulted? The story is a sham anyway because it claims he had a gun. Everyone knows guns are illegal in Chicago so I call BS.


    Lol it must be BS because you're right, handguns are illegal in Chicago, therefore there's absolutely no way a bad guy had one. Because that law protects innocent people, of course.

    Good for the "victim. "That story made me laugh, he got what he deserved.

    • Like 1
  8. I suppose Roosevelt and Truman's Chief of Staff didn't know what he was talking about? Perhaps he was not in a position to know?

    You would be correct. The Japanese didn't say "hey U.S., we're thinking about surrendering, what do you think?" then we responded "oh we think we'll needlessly destroy 2 cities."

    They (those leaders, those soldiers, not the current generation) destroyed Pearl Harbor UNPROVOKED, THEY started the war. We acted in turn to 1. protect US citizens and 2. quite literally save the world. They were on Hitler's side and they literally wanted to take over the world. It is no more complicated than that, don't look for something that's not there.

    • Like 1
  9. BulletDestroyer- not gonna quote that whole thing but I've always said when it's brought up that suicide is pathetic- that really is the easy way out, that's why people kill themselves, because they can't handle life.

    I think dying's easy; living is hard. So a hats off to everyone who gets up in the morning to face it.


    So... should we be politically correct but pussies whose kids don't live into adolescence because they can't handle life, or get pushed around but punch the little f***** in the jaw because you've learned to stand up for yourself then give him one more for good measure so everyone knows you aren't going down without a fight?


    Am I politically correct here? Nope, but my kids will live past 12 and be proud of it.

    • Like 1
  10. Jim Digriz, the atomic bombs killed a couple hundred thousand Japanese, I don't make excuses for it and I don't celebrate it, what's done is done. It wasn't like the nuclear bombs were the first weapons to kill Japanese civilians. Entire cities surrounding military targets were burned to the ground after napalm strikes long before Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    The Japanese were also prepared to arm every SINGLE citizen with weapons as simple as sharpened bamboo stalks and tell them to fight to the death should ground forces invade. The Japanese were in no was ready to surrender as some have said here.

    Justified or not, had those bombs not been dropped and we had to invade, every single Japanese citizen would have been killed.

  11. No kidding BuffetDestroyer, i may be only 21 but it's not difficult to recognize that when you raise a generation of people, trying to protect them from ever 'feeling bad,' you raise a bunch of pussies. By not naming winners and losers even in grade-school sports so the losers don't feel bad, suspending kids for name calling because it's 'not nice', you raise them to believe they are always 'entitled' to feel good about themselves and get whatever they want (this is many people in the occupy movement). Parents need to start raising their kids with an attitude of 'suck it up and deal with it like a man.'

    A lot of people blame it on this generation, but it's 50/50 shared on those who raised the pussies. I'm in school full time and workig full time and feel like punching some of those 'occupiers' in their mouths so they can't speak while I tell them to suck it up and start from the bottom of the workforce like everyone else.

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  12. I don't see China initiating any hostilities against us, just about every other item I pick up in a store has 'made in China' on the tag. They fire at us, we stop importing from them, a big part of their economy is gone. Not to mention all the factories and call centers we have over there that would leave and take that many jobs from their country.


    If anything, they'll fund a third world country to fight the third world country that we're 'sectetly' funding like happened during the cold war. We won't be fighting directly but fighting through puppets wouldn't be a first.

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  13. I don't think they'd be "rounding up" very many people on here. At least not me.


    Not many, it wouldn't take many for the public to be somewhat literally up in arms and demand the government answer to them.

    And I "2nd" that, I won't be hauled off either by the military for suspected terrorism when I'm a citizen of this country and have done nothing but exercise my constitutional rights.

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