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Posts posted by Juggernaut

  1. i like the christian faith being related to the military it just makes more since to me!



    Creeps the holy hell out of me. What does service to one's country have to do with religion? One should be able to serve without any bindings onther than love of country, be they gay, Muslim, or black.


    Does this answer your question?



    Wow, people like crosses



    Obviously, some people don't.

    first row on the right side 3rd up.


    I do have a problem when people try to deny MY right to worship MY God publicly.

    If I had a Veteran funeral tomorrow for a GAY HINDU I would proudly fold the flag and hand it to his mother.

    I would offer him as much respect as any other brother in arms that I may have fought along side with.

    and afterward I would gladly gather together and PRAY for his family.

    However, not to OFFEND anyone I would pray to my Christian God! as MY religion dictates and it is the ONLY way I pray.

    Furthermore, I feel that in prayer -praying to my God would be more effective as I do not believe in theirs and most certainly their God would not hear my prayers as for their religion I am a non believer. So out of respect to them and

    wishing them the best I would pray to my God and that they too could come to know Jesus. Not that I disrespect their beliefs. After all my sermon and the teachings of Jesus is about loving others. (perhaps your hatred of my beliefs blinded you to that.) It would be the same if I knelt next to him to pray if he (or she or trans gender) were wounded in combat.

    Not to mention I know very little about Hindu or Gay worship practices.

    and don't think for a second that I'm Hindu or gay bashing but the whole Christian/Islam

    thing was getting old and I just wanted to introduce new characters.

    If it were a funeral for an atheist, I'd crack a brew and dump it on the grave.

    and still meaning no disrespect I may offer up a prayer to God for his family as well as it does little good to pray for the dead.


    Perhaps you could have as much respect for my beliefs as I have in others and yours.


    with respect.


    God Bless & Semper Fi

  2. Hmmm. As an atheist and a "veteran", I don't have a clue who to argue or agree with...lol. I love the idea of a supreme being. I was very devout as a child. I never experianced any combat or even had to suffer uncomfortable living quarters when I was in the military, so I dont have much to preach on. I think religious people are potentially dangerous but Christians seem to be relatively inocuous around where I live. They don't fly stuff into buildings or blow up cars. They usually just financially pose for eachother and send out flyers. I am sometimes glad that there are religious people in the world. It keeps complete anarchy from breaking loose. But on the other hand, it creates soooo much death, hypocracy and suffering that I often wonder which would be worse. Ofcorse everybody thinks that thier religion is the only REAL one. And the only thing that they all seem to agree on, is that dinosaurs never existed...lol. Nothing gets a heated argument started quite as good as this topic. I love discussing religion with friends while intoxicated! I think I'll call a few to come over tonight.


    My intention NEVER was to set off a debate. I am in school to become a pastor and simply wanted to "share" my latest sermon.

    I have no desire to shove my beliefs down anyones throat.

    I am proud as as a Veteran for service to my country. and I am honored to help others any way I can especially when they are in need of a "spiritual boost". Like when a family member comes home draped with our national colors.


    As a Christian I would like to apologies for SO many people that have called themselves Christians who have twisted and distorted the word of God and I feel that they will be held to account someday. Being Christan is NOT an excuse to never say your sorry. (I personally feel that is why so many people are turned off by religion.)


    *note* not all Christians buy into creationism. some follow Intelligent design http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_design


    Anyhow, thanks pistonring for the reality check. This would be a much better discussion over a few beers after a day of shooting. And I'd like to tell ya that back in the day this Celtic Dog could put 'em down!


    God Bless & Semper Fi

  3. I liked VERA from the show Firefly!


    I miss that show it was great!




    See the S-12 in her?


    Loved that show, loved that gun. It was ugly, yes, but sometimes thats the point, right? That link doesnt go to far into it but it appeared to fire a necked down brass 12 guage cartridge with AP FMJs somewhere in the neighborhood of .50 cal. Who wouldnt want that?


    As for movies, I'll agree that Heat was cool, but really, Comando was the first one for me.


    Glad to see I'm not the only Browncoat in the forum!

    Zoe's sawed of 30 30 was pretty cool as well

  4. M-18 Elite - The Future of War


    The Pentagon unveiled the new M-18 Elite, scheduled for intra-service deployment beginning in April. Making use of the latest in digital technology, the Elite will allow both military and ACLU lawyers to review all target site pictures via satellite, and give an instantaneous yay-or-nay . In addition, the President, House Committee on Military Affairs, and interactive viewers of CNN will have the ability to see, and refuse, targets that may be unnecessary, or deemed cruel. All shots will require 100% concurrence. Rumors that the UN was also in the loop were quickly scotched today when a DOD spokesperson said, "That's just ridiculous."


  5. A bit of USMC history.

    Our first conflict off American soil was against (you guessed it!) RADICAL ISLAM!


    At this point in American history, the Barbary states, Algiers, Morocco, Tripoli, and Tunis were exacting tribute, (bribes) from American merchant class ships sailing into the Mediterranean Sea.


    The Barbary ports were heavily fortified with numerous corsairs manning well armed, swift ships. By 1785, American ships were being captured regularly and their crews enslaved. America was paying the Pasha of Tripoli $100,000 to ensure the safety and unimpeded passage of her ships.


    In June of 1801 the Pasha declared war on the U.S. An early American expedition succeeded in landing a combined force of Marines and sailors which burned several Tripolian ships. In Oct. of 1803, The U.S. frigate Philadelphia, while on a punitive raid was captured after running aground with 43 Marines and the crew taken. (Later, this ship was destroyed in the harbor during a daring raid by U.S. Marines.)


    Approx. 400 Marines (4/5ths of the Corps) was embarked upon Naval ships to eliminate Barbary threat to American shipping. Marine Operations aboard naval ships continued through 1804.


    A plan was submitted by William Eaton, (to replace the belligerent Pasha Yusuf Karamanti with his brother Hamet,) and was approved by President Jefferson. Eaton sailed for Alexandria aboard USS Argus, which had a detachment of Marines commanded by Lt. Presly Neville O'Bannon.


    On 29 Nov. O'Bannon, a Sergeant, and 6 Marines landed with Eaton and by March 8, set out with Hamet, and 500 men, some Greek mercenaries paid for with American gold: along with 107 camels overland through the desert to capture Tripoli and install Hamet as the new ruler.


    After a march plagued by mutinies (which the Marines repeatedly suppressed,) and, with the additions of native tribesmen the army of now nearly 1200 set out for Derna. Supported by U.S. ships which proceeded to bombard the city Eaton, O'Bannon the Marines and other troops attacked the city of Derna. By 3:30 the American flag was raised over the captured citadel.


    Campaigns and dates:


    * Enterprise vs Tripolian Tripoli Aug. 1, 1801

    * Raid on Tripoli May 20, 1803

    * Capture of Philadelphia by Tripolians Oct. 31, 1803

    * Constitution, Siren, Argus, Scourge, Vixen, Nautilus, & Enterprisevs Tripolitian vessels Aug. 3, 1804

    * Capture of Tripolian fortress at Derne-Triploi Apr. 25-27, 1805


    Significant Events:


    * This was the first time the Stars and Stripes flew in victory over captured territory in the Eastern Hemisphere.

    * Legend states that Hamet, as a measure of gratitude, presented O'Bannon with a saber 32 1/2 inches long with a distinctive, jeweled "Mameluke" hilt. This style of hilt has remained to this day the pattern of the Marine Officer's saber.

    * It was during this campaign that part of the first verse of the future Marine's Hymn was written : "...to the shores of Tripoli..."

  6. Hey Juggernaut,


    Not to bitch, but could you can the "Dusk To Dawn" film clip on your posts? It really sucks having to wait for it to load up all of the time for all of us still unfortunately stuck on dial-up. :cryss:


    She is a real hottie though. :up:


    I'd hate to see a clown cry! :haha:



    also a thank's from here! It was a cool clip. buttttttttttttttt dial up suxs! only good thing about living 3 miles from the nearest house is living 3 miles from the nearest house :) no B/S we had party lines until 1991. let me tell you that sucked big time. im really glad to have dial up.


    I think it's amazing that we have BOTH of you guys the last two that STILL use DIAL UP in our forum! :haha: :haha:

  7. Would you (AGP) be willing to trade Mags for T-Shirts?

    already printed some up with your mags for Red*Jacket.


    I ain't in no hurry - maybe next production run?


    not trying to be a pain in the ass, but if it could be mutually beneficial....

    *edit* Also looking for sponsors for the forum shirts.


  8. You guys are just CRANKIN' out the NEW guns :super:

    heh , I'm trying to convince Blaine there's a market for the .308 as a Micro :)


    while your at it convince him he needs shirts!

    (I'll help him out by buying more guns!)

    talk him in to sponsoring the Forum shirts along with you guys!


    I'll be calling at 6:00 p.m. central to get ya to shoot your SBS tomorrow

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