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About nerdfrog1522

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  • Birthday 06/30/1979

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  1. Wow! Thanks for the quick answers. Appreciate the info. Its a bit too cold for shooting right now as it is so letting them sit with full will work just fine. This forum is like a magic lamp filled with info!
  2. I recently got my non stock mags for my Gen 1 Saiga. I havent fired it yet, but after loading the 5RD Mag into the gun with the bolt closed (no BHO). I find it pretty hard to charge. After Pulling back the Bolt I noticed it left a small groove in the shell. judging from the amount of force required to charge it I am just going to guess it won't cycle. Has anybody experienced something similar to this? Is there anything I can do? I have a Gen 1 unconverted Saiga 410. The factory mags work just fine. I am using 3" Winchester SuperX Slugs. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks, DM
  3. I thought about that as soon as I posted...
  4. How is it you have a Gen 2 Saiga manufactured before either of our Gen1's? I'm guessing the manufacturer year is incorrect?
  5. Finally got one on GB! Patience truly is a virtue. Thanks!
  6. I agree. This can be used as a good source of information for 410 owners. I have found this forum and its users to be very helpful in finding parts and understanding compliance issues.
  7. I'll Play. Manufacturer Year (Prefix): 094 Importer: Port St. Lucie, FL (1994-1996(?) Import Year: No stamp Gas Plug: Single Setting Gas Puck Style: Old Recoil Spring Dust Cover: None Bolt Hold Open: None
  8. If anybody can point me in the right direction for a 10 round mag. Haven't had any luck...
  9. Unfortunately, I didn't win. Went for a fair price too. I've seen them show up on eBay intermittently. Will keep looking, but if anyone else is willing to sell don't be shy!
  10. Wow. Thanks for sharing. I too have a Gen 1 .410 and have found many things need some adjusting when trying to convert. The Tapco stock, was the only piece that was effectively bolt on. Everything else I have done required filing, a drill press, grinder, etc...
  11. I am trying my darndest to get my hands on one SGM 10 Round mag for my .410. If anyone can point me in the right direction or is willing to sell me one. I have a confirmed Paypal account and can pay immediately. Thanks in advance! DM
  12. Look at your gas adjustment knob. If it has 2 settings you have a Gen 2 Saiga. The gas cylinder is slightly smaller on the Gen 1 and it only has one setting. It's designed for 3" rounds only.
  13. I was able to find some Surefire 5 rd Magazines from Mississippi auto arms. This should put me at even for 922r and still keep me legal to hunt. I am going to put a US made choke on it at some point and I am still looking for a forearm that will work with the Gen 1. If anyone has any info on that I would be greatful. Thanks!
  14. @Kurokaze. That's kind of what I thought. Looks like that will be my next step. @akastormi. You are definitely correct in this. It just seems the gen 2 customization stuff is a lot easier to find. I am just being lazy and didn't want to get too mechanical in the conversion. I'll take alook at replacing the trigger group and see how comfortable I am with that. Thanks for the info I appreciate it.
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