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Posts posted by _Boris_

  1. Boris, are you selling here...??? I see you have Boris.Build in your pics..??? Website doesn't work and you want ppl to PM you...?


    No, I am not selling anything.


    Boris.build is where I host pictures and keep tabs on my builds. It works as fine as the original link to my build of Saiga12 on another forum. I figure that Saiga12 forum is the right forum to share pictures of ... saiga 12 build, no?


    I don't want "ppl" PM me. "ppl" can spend 15 min to figure out coordinates of the guy who sells them or just ask me where I bought my kits.

  2. So apparently there are S12 kits trikle to market, looks like demils of unfired carabines. There is a build thread on another forum, not sure if cool to post the link (http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/threads/270040-DIY-Saiga-12-takedown-from-kit-build-%28first-US-made!-prima-noctus-Sayegus%29)




    Instead of "converting", shotgun is done "right" from 80%




    Cool point is that S12 trunnion is a good candidate for a takedown shotgun. Very similar to AK type1 trunnion. No rivets touch barrel.



    • Like 2
  3. I believe that some people tried to patent or register just the "adapter" that would thread onto barrel and allow a filter to be threaded onto it. The point was in making a part that's cheap to make and with a stamp would be completely legit. I believe that, like with many issues trying to enforce nonsensical laws, the suppressor was the disposable can and ATF little brains were exploding. That's the last I heard on that.


    High energy rounds (and all the hot gas that comes with it) toast the paper filters very quickly. I don't know what other techs are there in terms of filters/fillers to withstand. Yes, it adds weight, and no you can't see iron sights, but them people shoot aluminum rifles too, so to each his own.

  4. I don't think that average NKian has a computer of any kind and Kim gets his porn from somewhere else.


    I have a great idea, why don't we try to starve that country until they crave capitalism or take away any colorful clothing so that all they got to wear is bland khaki uniforms.


    ... and as a last resort, let's try to feed them rotten cabbage!

  5. NK is probably 100% dependent on the last big commie neighbor in the area, China. I bet most of this crap comes out of China, because making fun of corrupt, inept commie leaders ... well, that's basically making fun of China and its politbureau ... which is alive and well and is "invisible" because it's not PC to say that US/ Walmart is so dependent on beads and mirrors from a commie country.


    Don't be quick to invade NK. There is very little nothing that you can take away from those people to actually scare them and they have been brainwashed since in utero. Expect pacific campaign replayed all over again.

  6. His name might as well have been Barak Hussein Obama.  The racist in chief.


    who is that guy? Are you talking about Barry Soetoro? Doesn't have the same ring. If you are aiming to be a movie star need a name to go with it and Barry knows it. I still don't understand why people would change their family name for the sake of sounding cool. That is a perfect example how fake and bloated is the fame/ politics.

  7. This was the work of gash Clinton. The same woman who wants to be your President and married to the guy who gave away our missile technology to the Chinese.


    Want to know the real truth about the Castro henchman brothers, seek out Humberto Fontova:



    and don't forget the true Che's legacy, basically a murderous psychopaths who put people against the wall on the whim. Cuba was and is, much like Soviet Union in the 30's, they are just too small to setup Gulags or kills millions, because there is just not too many people to start with.


    Step away from the "resorts" and show-case "people's hospitals" is a powerty striken land and people, where most of the crap has to be imported and not much can be exported. The only thing they got to trade is the location, close to US and flirt with Russians/US to see who can give more loans or freebies.


    You guys should remember or read up on Afganistan and Amin, Karmal and Najibulah. Same old story of toilet real estate playing the game and the amount of money and lives that went into that shithole.


    There are some things that should not be accepted, no matter how long embargoes go on. Evil is evil, 50 years or now. Accepting it should not be an option.


    Happy Birthday bro. Bottom line is it's your choice. I find myself viewing the safe as a roach motel for guns-every time I tell myself it's time to thin the herd, something else shows up. Maybe the real question is do I need a bigger safe?

    Im up to six safes now...and need a new one


    No such thing as too many guns, so sure build another AR in some cool caliber



    It would be cheaper to build a walk-in safe/room ... and I need another room


    To OP, why not Saiga or something more buildy and less assembly.


    Think Casinos, Vacation Destination, Beautiful Prostitutes, check your morals at the gate before you take that flight to CUBA...!!!


    That sounds like Montreal ... also Cuban cigards are sold there

    also if you think that Fatty Moor's movie about Cuban healthcare was real .... it wasn't. That was the best hospital Cuba had to offer, def not for rank proletariat. Actually AIDS in Cuba is pretty big and people are skinny because food isn't exactly cheap or plentyful.

  10. You guys missed this one.BO just did something that should have been done 30 years ago. You do NOT win 'hearts and minds" with isolation. You win them with Chevrolets and I-Pods. No glory for Barry- this has been on the US 'to do' list for those 30 years, BUT Politically it could never have been done. EXCEPT by a lame duck President whose VP is as politically dead as he is. Even used condoms have their uses (save 365 of them , make a tire out of it and call it a damn good year!). 


     The fact that loosing Cuba is another poke in the eye for Putin is just sweet icing on the cake!


    Back in the days of USSR, only "more equal" comrades had chevrolets and iPod equivalents. That wasn't the reason why USSR went down. Same deal with China, you do realize that it's 100% communist country with a pseudo-capitalist system tightly controlled by the same commies. US corps try to put some "new china" face, but the reality is that country haven't changed much in its core. My guess is it's easier to buy products from the same comrades that fought US in Korea and Vietnam.


    Also, just for the record, USSR traded with the west just fine, in fact my city shipped a whole lot of steel to US at the hight of the cold war. Did that do anything to regular Soviet grunts? Not one bit. Cuba isn't different.


    Putin isn't getting pocked in nothing. In fact US has been loosing South America to Russians. I bet the first thing Cuba asks are loans for the Castro family and their commie compatriots. We we'll have another "friend" like Pakistan that costs us billions and harbors our enemies.

    • Like 1
  11. Aside from getting tangled in the troll net on barfcom, AKs was the best choice for Soviet Army all the way back and probably still is today. There were a lot of studies done, sponsored by the state and the resources to do those tests were enourmous. Two institutes researched best paint and study involved most advanced of all methods available. Shitty black paint was a concious choice based on a lot of research. You may not understand why, but it was a choice.


    What is good for Soviet Army may not be good for you. Is like you hating a pink velociped because you'd not buy it. Hating like this nonse.


    Direct impingement would not work for Russia. Too much variation in temperature, in gunpowder. During WWII the quality of gunpowder and ammo in general was really bad, not very consistent. You may not have time to train people to understand gun well and how to deal with this. AK is point and shoot, very open design, you can repair yourself or inspect components. Tank runs over AK, you pick it up and bent it back. It works or easy for parts. Is good choice.

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