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Posts posted by Heartbreaker


    Good!  You then know what's going on!  A lot of new folks don't!  My post was mainly aimed at them when they read this.


    Have fun on your build!


    I'm very wary on Dremel tools as they can remove a lot of material quickly, and a slip on something like this could be disasterous.  That's why I like going slow with Arkansas stones and numerous checks for fit.  I got lucky on the above gun as she beat herself into a working condition, and all I mainly did was clean up the mess, but it could have been worse.  Some of the damage in the pics was from overgassing due to a mis-machined factory plug that blocked the ports on the #1 setting forcing me to run hot 2 3/4" loads on #2.  This would cause breach flashing on hot loads.  I found the problem when I tried firing 3" shells on #1 and had ejection failures on every shot.  These guns can make you tear you're hair, but are a good learning experiance, and because of that, a lot of fun!


    No device has brought more joy or tragedy to the average household than a Dremel lol.
    I beg to differ. Exhibit A: the Television. Exhibit B: the Soap Opera.
  2. I'd like to see it on a vehicle-mounted, belt-fed, full-auto, saiga, fitted with a spade grip. But yeah, I don't want one or be friends with someone who does.

    If I'm gonna have a vehicle-mounted shotgun on a swivel, you can be dang sure I'm gonna have AR500 shields and not that sheet metal crap. The only way I would have that shield is on a Catamount Fury behind glass. If even.

  3. I had it easy. My dad already worked at the company and they were short on people so I basically had my foot in the door already. Didn't have to submit a resume or excessive documents, just went in for a short talk with the boss, filled out some insurance and tax stuff and that was pretty much it. Been working there for almost 3 years now and have made myself almost indispensable (it helps that most of the guys are a few years from retirement, plus it's a specialized field that not many people get into and thus there will be a manpower crunch coming).

    • Like 1
  4. "First off, we have to figure out what happened, and then we will have to decide will [arming more soldiers] make a difference," he said.


    According to authorities, Kuwait-born Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, of Hixson, Tennessee, unleashed a barrage of fire at a recruiting center in Chattanooga, then drove several miles away to a Navy and Marine reserve center, where he shot and killed the Marines. He was shot to death by police.



    What a complete douchebagel. They already know what happened, but I guess they still have to figure out precisely how the guy did it and then they have to talk for a few months before making any decisions. Also, Armed Forces. The name should say it all.


    Who put him in that high ranking position. Wait, let me guess: Obummer.

    • Like 3
  5. Every now and then just unscrew the gas plug and dump out the crud, then use a small pick or wire to poke through the gas holes if they are blocked.


    Try pulling the handguard down and wiggling it, you can also stick a thin flat-blade screwdriver between the receiver and handguard to lever it out some.


    For a cheap and easy bho, you can cut a notch in the safety lever to hold the charging handle in the open position. Simple and effective.

  6. attachicon.gif12063912.jpg


    I heard that the US is now doing yourself Kalashnikov - in forum is a this topic?

    I want see a photo US-AK. :smoke:

    So far Kalashnikov USA is only selling converted and modified Saigas and AKs. We have yet to see if their advertising is true and they actually make quality stuff, or if it's a bunch of hoohah. Some people have said that they do a cheap crappy job on conversions and that they are not affiliated with the real Kalashnikov, so expectations are not high.



  7. I need somebody to talk me into more of this Saiga 12 fun and madness.  I was hoping to downsize my firearm and ammo levels, not increase them.  But the excellent 20 rd drums are on sale at 50% off;  they work fine in my S12, I have the money, this stuff is not going to get any cheaper, and we do not know what the future may hold.  All good reasons why I should buy up some more drums.  The problem is I do not really NEED them.  But ... but ... but ... what should I do?  Buy?  Wait?  Pass?  The Whole World Wonders.  HB of CJ (oldest coot) :)

    When in doubt: shotgun. Buy a couple. At that price you will make a nice profit later on.

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