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About Munanee

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  1. Thanks to all. I tried just about everything and finally found the problem. When I removed the trigger, hammer and bolt carrier group to be shipped to Cobra, I must have turned a small spring loaded chunk of metal (a little larger than a #4 buckshot) to the fore and aft position so that the bolt would hit it. At first I thought this piece was part of the receiver floor casting, but when I grasped it with a pair of needle-nosed pliers I found it to be held down by a spring (how you could ever remove it is beyond me). I also noticed it had a groove in one side. I soon found out that the Bolt Hol
  2. I just received my fire control and bolt carrier group back form Cobra and I am having a problem with the carrier group closing all the way (the bolt carrier group comes up four inches or so short of fully closed). After installing the hammer and trigger I tried to install the bolt carrier group and it just wouldn't go into battery. At first I thought Cobra had mistakenly assembled the bolt incorrectly, but after talking with Shannon and checking the photos he sent, I am confident everything was done correctly. But, the carrier/bolt assembly will not close. Something is preventing it from clos
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