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Saiga 308 is short cycling

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I aquired a Saiga 308 in a box. It had been dissaembled for conversion. It was missing a few things, so I got them. Finally got it all back together and went to fire it for the first time and it short cycles. Seems like the carrier is falling about 3/4" short of ejecting and loading another round. The only thing I can see is the carrier is hanging on the hammer, but everything I've read suggest that this is normal. I included a pic showing how far the carrier is going back when fired and a video of where it is hanging. I am really unsure whether it's struggling to get past the hammer or whether it's a pressure issue. Fires and loads great if I wanted a single action rifle.


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  • 8 months later...

Ill give it a shot. For starters you will want remove the automotive grease. I see what you trying to do.Not sure that is

the right hammer for that. the profile is high. Next Do searches for polishing. and profiling. Not sure if anyone still does that here. COBRA did mine Carolina shooting supplies i believe still has parts. .

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