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Posts posted by 308SAIGA

  1. So I have a few questions please. 1st sweat SBR, this is the first time I heard of 338 "federal", when I saw 338 I thought DAMMMMM he has a Short Barrel Canon!!!!big_smile.gif  ....


    I had a question a while back about gas blocks and their purpose, the site I posted on stated that in a AR application you should only install adjustable gas blocks on a CAR legnth gas system, the gas block is supposed to control the amount of kick that a CAR style weapon has.       Is this correct?


    Velocities on a 338 Fed, according to Hogdon, is in between 2350 - 2600 for standard loads and 2500 - 2700 max, then I would say the answer is, when you opened the gas block it reduced the pressures which in turn reduced the velocity, this would also leave behind unburned powder in the barrel Did the kick change? It looked like you had it benched.

  2. Didn't they try this some years ago with Canada? The goobers (Gov) stated they would bring them in, a bunch of people wrote the Canadian Gov warning to stay out, at least they said they did...  ??  Can't remember why....   I have a question;


    "Countering Violent Extremism" ?


    Who is the extremist? The towel heads they bring into this country? Or those of us that are going to upraise against the goobers when they declare bankruptcy?


    It's coming....

  3. The first thing you have to ask yourself is "Is my idea worth at least $11M in retail sales within the next 18 months?". If not, then you are wasting your time and money getting a patent on it. Everyone talks about their "Million dollar idea", but it takes WAY more money than that to design, market, and distribute a successful product. Assuming your product is successful, then you had better have REALLY deep pockets to fend off all the patent lawsuits that are surely to come. Also remember that you have to file the patent not only in the US but outside the US as well (this is where it gets really, really tricky). If you have not already done an exhaustive patent search, STOP. There is a very high likelihood that anything you make could infringe on an existing patent and all your hard work could end up being totally worthless. Knowing what has been patented, what is already in the public domain, and being able to carefully craft the wording and design of your product to legally get around both of those is the key to having a sellable idea.   


    If you do have a great idea, your best bet is to get it out to the market yourself (mortgage your house, max out your credit cards, borrow money from family, etc.). If you have not done absolutely everything you can to fund this yourself (or shown that you have spent thousands of hours coming up with something tangible no-else could come up with), why should anyone risk their $$ if you have not already risked yours? If you have the best thing since sliced bread, investors will be coming to you to help you ramp up production. Before you show it to the world, just make sure you have a correctly filled out provisional patent application just to give you that year buffer even if you don't plan to file for the formal patent.


    Finally, I don't care how good your idea is if you don't have a finished and tested prototype. If you come to me with just an idea that you want me to fund, as an Angel Investor I am going to ask for FAR more of your company that you would ever view as reasonable (you would absolutely be the minority investor in the company).   


    Funny enough, this EXACT topic was covered in the 9-11-15 Dilbert comic strip ;-)  To quote Alice: "I believe the economic term for what you have is "Nothing" :.    




    For the most part you are correct,


    Is this a multimillion $ deal? I believe so, and if you are an investor I would be willing to show you and your attorney what I have, just sign a non disclosure, no compete agreement and you can make your own determination. As far as the patent goes I only need it in the US, using a copy that came from outside this country would make the rifle noncompliant with 922r laws. Patent search? I will not be doing one because I know for a fact that this does not exist, you will agree with me once you see what I have...


    So you make the call!


    Thanks Steve

    Shark Tank


    They will only loan $$$$ if you are already established....  Thanks

  4. You personally want to produce, market and distribute it?

    Or just sell the patent/idea to someone?


    A very well planned business model, collateral and start looking for a small business loan.


    Partner or contract with someone who can manufacture, you market & distribute, share profits.


    Thanks for the reply, as stated I need capital to be able to contract a designer, then patent, the sell, market? it will sell itself..

  5. So I have an idea for a gun related product (non AR/AK/Saiga) but I do not have the ability to finish the 3D CAD files which I started over 4-5 months ago, this is because of the limitation of the sw and my limitation (self taught) that I am using from Emachineshop I am very close to the finish. I need an engineer with more experience then myself to bring this into specs. then of course funds to put the product out...



    Can anyone point me in the right direction??

  6. Yep ... the courts can not make law.  Also I was taught a long long time ago, (before the dawn of time) that they can only rule on court case presentations.  That means if a case comes up in their court, then they can interpret that law or rule.  What the courts CAN NOT DO is arbitrarily rule on law or make court decisions based upon NO court cases like I think has been happening more and more, especially out in Kommiefornika.


    Then we have the non elected APPOINTED various state and federal agencies creating agency rules that also have the full force of law.  Just me here, but how in the world did the courts ever allow THAT?  And what are the chances of us starting various concurrent court cases that end up at the Supreme Court where THEY MUST rule on the danger of out of control regulatory agencies.  California Air Resource Board comes to mind.


    It has gotten so bad that some state and federal regulatory agencies HAVE THEIR OWN COURT SYSTEMS!  The IRS and the BLM come to mind.  Taxes and mining law.  Nobody elected these august people.  Yep .... again we need to exercise that ballot box. 


    Just old silly me.  HB of CJ (old coot)



    Case files?, a judge makes a bad ruling no one contests it and it becomes case files......   We need to get rid of case files all together @ least the bad ones....


    In 1975 the US Supreme Court ruled that it is a felony for any police officers to serve a false warrant &, yet they still do today....  Why?   Son it is called corruption..............


    People complain about police officers, all you have to do is to get rid of all bad judges; this will send a clear message to police officers & attorney/s….  Just me…  LMFAO…




    • Like 1
  7. It is being reported everywhere that Obama has criticized the US Supreme count and has allegedly said that the court should not be messing with or have messed with parts of his Obama care medical insurance program.  I think he said the court had no right to enter into it?  Duhh.    If true ... just how long are we going to let this stuff go on?  Is it not the Court's job to do what it did ... or may be doing?  Just me.  HB  Headline news on Fox



    This is true the courts can not legislate from the bench... It is the law...   They get what they deserve, was it not them that said "It was OK for big business to have our politicians in their back pocket" ???


    So what part of corruption (I mean TREASON) do you not understand?  LMFAO......  




    • Like 2
  8. And higher diesel and gas prices.


    That is a given, I mean does anyone here know why the prices came down in the first place? I dough it, remember when Barack had a tiff with Putin and gays? When only 5 US States recognized it and not all 50?

    What happened right after that? Importation of  Saiga rifles/shotguns/parts, ammo stop being imputed right?

    That is when the prices came down, what is one of the major exports of Russia? Oil!!!!  and when you can not compete? What happens then?


    Barack conspired with the Saudi's to bring down the price to hurt Russia and other countries like Brazil, I mean you remember the Petrobras scandal with the refinery in California right? It was in the NY times, I have the articles I'll post pics later....


    Now apparently we are in conflict with China, they are building military installations on unrecognized islands not belonging to China, CNN reports possible War..  OF COURSE!!!!!!  The US can not pay back the debt, as I keep saying,



  9. There is no such thing as GLOBAL WARMING, so do not go their....   Although Barack has admitted that there is, don’t believe him....  Yes Congress will speak about global warming (did you see their little spew on TV?), soon, just like jobs, what is it now 12 years and we are still waiting??? and immigration reform (I mean SLAVERY) Barack's family where slaves why can we not bring in others to do the same... I mean the rich folk in Loxahatchee/Wellington FL and upper NY State needs their horses taken care of and they are not going to pay $16 an hour for this service...


    Hell do you want peace on earth? All we have to do is to toss each and every politician in jail for the act of treason and I guarantee this.....


    I hope I come here one day and see a thread motivating a civil war........ 

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