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Posts posted by sjgusmc21

  1. Yes, we SHOULD ALL BE OUTRAGED and I hope, the Governors of the other states will follow the NC's Gov's lead.  Stand your ground.  I agree with you Unforgiven, God help them if they do.  I have two daughters. 


    As for Jails/Prisons having meat-gazing areas, I can verify that the San Antonio Jail does have one, devoted ONLY to sword fighters.  It's very WEIRD. 

  2. if we dont support the jackass, hillary or bernie will win


    pardon while i vomit


    Finally, folks are putting away the kool-aid. 


    Losers should pay. Let cry baby Cruz pick up the tab.


    So I guess next you are going to call him Ly'in Ted, Right?


    Damn that kool-aid must be some good shit.


    I LOATH the Clinton's.  However, just because Trump is 'it', he has to EARN my vote, not take it for granted he will get it.


    Again, state your POLICIES clearly and concisely and be prepared to back them up.  Oh wait, HE HASN'T DONE SHIT EXCEPT FLIP FLOP


    more then John Kerry did, which I didn't think was possible.


    Yes, we will have a NY Demoncrat either way we look at it.

    • Like 3
  3. I am not disagreeing with any of you.  Hillary is a two-faced, libtard bitch.  I loath the Clinton's.  Everything about them.  But I am not sure we are getting anything else better with Trump.  The 'man' is constantly flip-flopping, acting beyond childish, and flips elementary-grade insults better then a 8 year old.  He uses the National Enquirer as his gossip mag, and launches complete lies about his opponents.  Those that think he isn't establishment, I just don't know what to tell you.  Politicians are dirty...those that buy politicians are even dirtier.  


    I am not saying I will not vote for him.  I just have to sell my soul first before I do.  I can't believe it has come down to these two.  Unreal. 

    • Like 3
  4. The NEW RINO is the colo-rectal conservative who tears down any candidate that is not to the right of Genghis Khan, and then whines about the leftist that won the election.


    Really?  Holy Crap, I have been wrong all along. Genghis Khan hugh?  Spoken like a true Trump supporter, which btw he is NOT a republican, nor a conservative.  People said John Kerry flip flopped a lot....he doesn't have shit on the Dumpster.  


    But all of this doesn't matter, right?   

    • Like 1
  5. I like words like integrity. Yes, I am fully aware that politics and the word integrity do not go togerther, at least not as much as they should.  However, how many of you heard the piece that the National Enquirer (Trumps Front Man Trash Rag Newspaper) put out about Ted Cruz's father (not to mention the hit piece on Ted Cruz having multiple affairs)?  And because it received very little attention from anyone with half a brain cell, Trump had to bring it up AGAIN numerous times yesterday, just to make sure it was put out there on national TV.  


    So those of you that say, it doesn't matter, its' no big deal, well think again.  I didn't care that Bill Clinton received a blow job from a fat, stupid intern in office....but what I did care about and LOATHE, is that he LIED UNDER OATH and continued to do so...


    So now, lets put it in perspective:  How many times has Trump made crap up about his opponents?  Really think about it.  What if he is the President?  Think it is going to stop?  Just like he is going to be 'more presidential'?

    • Like 2
  6. He also looks like a slime ball   So we let this Cruz guy literally steal the nomination through obstructionist strategy and shady backroom convention rule loopholes and cleverly gaming the system




    Amazing.  To hell with the constitution right?


    Whatever.  I don't drink the koolaid, never have.  IF Trump is our Nominee, hello President Hillary Clinton.  Not saying it would be different with Ted Cruz, but his negative numbers are not nearly as bad as Trumps.

    • Like 1
  7. If you have read my posts, you know I am a staunch conservative.  Always have been, always will be.  I have watched Fox News for quite some time....and Bill O'Reilly for probably over 9 years.  Well, that now has come to an end.  I tried to give Bret Baier a fair shake, but damn the management there must have gotten to him as well.  In fairness, he is probably one of the least opinionated people there.  Doesn't matter, I just cannot get over how one sided the entire channel is for Trump.  No, its not because i am against Trump and yes I am.  It's because they have always flaunted (and for the most part deservingly) the fact that they are unbiased, and fair.  How can they EVEN use those two words...FAIR and BALANCED any longer when it pertains to their programs?


    They are the only 'conservative' cable news network there is.  That is why I watched Bill and Bret Baier.  No one else.  Well, Fox, you have permanently lost a viewer. You are now the official Donald Trump Super Pact (yes...they have been for a while) No big deal, right?  Wrong.




    So, you keep on Bloviating Bill about how great Thou Trump is, and how you are so fair and balanced, while your ratings continue to tank...and that is a good thing. 


    Ever watch international news?  Wow, what our news networks could learn from them.  Brutal, in your face truth and facts. 


    Yeah, I am done.  And to be honest, my life has been better now that I have stopped getting upset over the idiot toob. 


    Have a great weekend folks and sorry for the rant.  I just hate seeing so many make such important decisions because they can't think for themselves. 


    Semper Fi!

    • Like 1
  8. Not too happy about it what so ever.  Minimum is a starting point...it is a place to 'start' and learn, to want to move up, want to do better, want to make more money.  It is entry level.  I look at this just like free college....why earn it?  Right?  If someone is just going to give it to you.  And yes, I do believe it is going to hammer the dog shit out of small business, and who will suffer in the long run?  The consumer. 

    • Like 5
  9.  If and only IF trump is the nominee, I will hold back the projectile vomit, Pray he wont sell the whole country out for a DEAL

    And vote for trump   but only with no other choice


    I am so disgusted at Dump....just a freak'n embarrassment to the entire country and how some decide to vote.  I understand the anger, frustration with self-centered, self-serving establishment Republicans (Politicians as a whole), but PUT THE DAMN COUNTRY FIRST AHEAD OF YOUR ANGER.  Use your head, brain, cranium cavity and THINK.  I am now convinced, and I hate myself for thinking this way, that if Dump gets the election...HELLLOOOO 8 years of Hillary Clinton!   THAT is the worse nightmare ever. 


    I too will vote for DUMP if I have to.  But if I do, I will shit my colon, prostrate, and soul right out my ass afterwards.  :(

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