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Posts posted by lewie212

  1. +1 if you are patient and handy, you can fit the bits into a piece of wood. You may need to add some epoxy or other filler for support in some areas. (thinking of the little place where the latch catches.)


    Also AK 100 series have a cutout router-ed into the left side to clear the scope rail. IMO this would be ugly on a wood stock, and tricky without a template and router guide. Also many stocks might have hollows where you would want to mill in. This isn't a problem with the PAP, I imagine, since it lacks the rail, but I would be curious to know if the front latch would have a place to go on the receiver. Are those up front dimensions the same?


    For my $.02, AK 100 is nice, but not to the degree of the hype. I like my Bulgy wood on ACE hinge setup, with custom tang replacement ferrule better than those I have handled. Your taste may vary. This would be very easy to install on a PAP if you put up the cash for a stamp.

    I would be sbring the SLR, and fortunatley I purchased the one without the scope rail because I never intented on putting an optic on it in the first place. I also thing the SLR reciever is already cut to the proper angle. its much steeper than my other saigas and vepr. Kind of convenient now that I want to give this a shot(after all legal steps are taken). Thanks for the help gunfun and 1911, greatly appreciated. Do you know of anywhere that sells just the hardware with the stock itself? Im also looking for the templates for the cut outs..

  2. Do you know a reliable place to get templates from the internet?

    The rear trunnion has to come out and get replaced with a hinged trunnion with release/latch mechanism. The receiver already has the correct slant cut for the hinged trunnion to drop in. Obviously you need to drill the holes for the release button on both sides. There are printable templates for this online.


    On the front, you have to drill the bottom of the receiver to install the latch pin. The trunnion should already have the hole for it. If not, drill it. You have to drill the cut for the latch on the side of the receiver. The tough part is getting the thing installed. From what I've seen, it can be a real bitch to squirm that thing in there with the trunnion in place.

  3. Well I went with the arsenal slr106. I now see that they are producing a version with an 8.5 inch barrel? How bad would that effect the ballistics of the 556?


    My main question is.... Am I a step ahead with this when planning to sbr and install an ak100 folding stock? What is the deal with the rear trunnion in this thing?


    I also think it would look good with a wood stock back there, but then I would need to replace the trunnion with one that has a tang? Please excuse my lack of expertise in this area. I think it would be cool to make a wood stock fold with ak100 folding hardware. Is that even possible? big_smile.gif



  4. Isn't the castle nut necessary? The Asap adapter seems to hold the buffer tube straight.

    To each his own, no doubt, it kills me to see how much crap MAC has stacked on the back of that RD adapter. The RD Adapter itself stick out, then the castle nut then the ambi-QD in the video. Ick.


    I go way out of my way to make builds that are as low profile as possible. Only reason I will only have a folder is if I am able to get a duplicate of the Russian Vepr folder or the actual thing where there isn't a folding mech block outside of the receiver body.I

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