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Long Shot

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Everything posted by Long Shot

  1. Great post, "merely doing what should be a given" It seems so rudimentary but is almost the uncommon attitude these days. Its good to see the simple concept of respect for another mans property isn't dead. I think we have a responsibility to convey that message to our youth. Where I live shooting ranges are all but a thing of the past because of the rampant lack of respect for property of other men. I battle it every day at work with the youngsters and the guys that are old enough to know better are just better at concealing it. Thank you for posting this.
  2. There is manual thumb toggle you can switch at any time. The ergos aint bad.
  3. I finally had a chance to fondle one of these the other day at a gun show. I gotta say the action, fit and finnish, 14+1 cap, bull pup, all rock solid. It's a great new idea, how it holds together with the kel tec stamp on the receiver we'll see. Mine should be in my hand in a couple of weeks (been on a waiting list for three months) I'll let you know.
  4. My experience at gun shows has been a good place to buy high and sell low. Only made a good deal a couple of times. I think they rely on first time gun buyers to pay for the table. Something to consider is a local Ma & Pa gun store that deals used guns, I'v had a lot better luck with a little shop out of town than any show. I still like to go to the shows to fondle the cold blue steel but usually just end up buying parts and ammo.
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