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About mike456

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  1. mike456

    vepr12 ammo

    what is win AA?
  2. mike456

    vepr12 ammo

    need to buy target ammo, do not want cycling issues ftf fte, what should i get?
  3. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2017/03/02/breaking-russian-molot-bankrupt-will-sold/
  4. that drum looks gigantic, they couldnt get 30+ in that monster?
  5. was online hunting around, looks like they arent offered with the welded folding stock, fixed stock only, anyone know where i can get a welded folding stock version nib?
  6. i apologize for the photo angles, first two identify the connection to the pin at rear site, third at rear connection, fourth is a little hard to make out but there are several "set screws" that adjust from chaos to dust cover(one is missing)
  7. i have the rail, didnt notice it heating up, only had had the gun at range one day, ill go back one of these weekends and test it out for you
  8. yes rear site stays, a longer pin is provided cause the rail ends fork around the site on either side making it wider
  9. uses the the rear right pin, lock to the guide rod button, and have screw in tensioners
  10. the AKARS looks like the same setup i have with the chaos dust cover rail?
  11. It seems incorrect to mount the scope to a part of the gun that's not fixed in place and doesn't move. What are your thoughts, I have a little red dot site, where should I mount it and why?
  12. What is this? Does anyone have a picture so I can see the difference between my gun and a 3 hole?
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