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Posts posted by G O B

  1. I used to work on  elevators, and sometimes had to have large brass ring gears made. I found that spin casting made the best ring gears. Like a bell, voids and uneven flows make bad gears.

    You could make a mold spinner from an old axle end with a wheel on it, and spin it with a belt and slow speed motor.


    Good luck to you, wear leathers and a full face mask - and the mold MUST be heat dried, as the SMALLEST bit of moisture WILL cause an EXPLOSION. That was the first thing I was taught when learning to pour babbit bearings.

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  2. Now is not the time. Wait until after the mid terms. 2 years from now, the entire US/Russia conversation will be a lot different than the one we have today. P utin's domination of the Russian Government is quite brittle, and ALL the "collusion" in the US Government seems to be the Obamma-Clinton people  hiding from their own TREASON and pointing the blame at the FAIRLY ELECTED PRESIDENT.

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  3. There may be NO real answer to  WHY. This guy had $$$$$$$$. He was a high stakes gambler. His family has a history of mental disease.

    I once had a neighbor who's ex was mentally ill and "dangerous".One night her 14 year old son (fathered by crazy ex) woke up, found a claw hammer, and killed his mother, brother, and step dad. No reason, insanity is the LACK of reason.

    Maybe he lost BIG and this is how he payed off the debt?

    We may NEVER know - he was on Valium, anti-depressents can cause cause violent and vainglorios suicide attempts, remember the kid who flew the private plane into a building in Florida?.


    I see mental  illness as the most likely 'reason'.


    Whatever, I see bump stop stocks going away.

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