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G O B last won the day on August 11 2022

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3,516 Excellent

About G O B

  • Rank
    Grumpy Old Bastard
  • Birthday 12/11/1950

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    Cen TX

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  1. Most of the crazies would have been prohibited, IF some asshat had just done their job. NOT reporting to NICS needs to be a crime, and mental health people need to lose licenses/accreditations as well as hefty fines for NOT reporting.
  2. Faux dimples. BUT does it have the Russian civilian barrel that deforms the shell casing? You might want a different barrel if you ever reload or want the military correctness.
  3. When I had this house built, I had a commercial aluminum roof installed. 50 year warranty so any replacement will be SEP(someone else's problem). Asphalt shingles come in various weights, the heavier, the longer the guarantee. But climate and environmental conditions can greatly shorten their lifespan. Look for erosion in the space between tabs. That and poor flashing cause most leaks. In MD I found that oil heat weaken shingles, and leaves do also. Both from the acid.
  4. I think those are the ones that were available from GB. There was an English Company selling parts and accessories, but many were less than great.
  5. ON the S-12, you have to push down on the bolt group fairly strong, the hammer is a bit higher and needs to be compressed. When you get it all aligned right, pressure downward will cause it to click down in the rails and slide forward.
  6. I would try a dummy round.
  7. Gun control is a post 'war of Northern aggression" construct to control newly freed slaves with "Jim Crow" laws. Funny how every thing that was meant to apply to one group morphs into the loss of EVERYONE'S rights.
  8. Bad time to sell. Saigas are not the current rage, and prices are all over the place. More importantly, you will always regret selling it!
  9. 36" barrel extension on a 12 ga. will do that for you. Big lead slug, accurate enough at 75 yd. and pretty quiet. The 36" extension makes the barrel a one chamber suppressor, lets the gasses expand and cool to subsonic velocities.
  10. Celebrate earth day with Barbecue! Grilled on charcoal!
  11. Retirement is not the end , it is the beginning of a NEW FREEDOM! No more alarm clocks! Wake up when you wake up! Go to bed when you fell like it! AND - EVERY DAY IS SATURDAY!
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