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22_Shooter last won the day on July 25 2012

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About 22_Shooter

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    Make Your Own Luck

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  1. Booked a guy at work last night who said he worked for the ATF, NASA and the Whitehouse. He was very coherent and almost convincing......and then the process search officer yelled over and held up the guy's "badge". It was a flattened soda can bent into the shape of a police badge! Bwaahahahaha. I love crazy people.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. psl sniper

      psl sniper

      yeah as booking officer you just procees property and take care of the crazies while they D.T. I HATED! booking. old drunk ladies walking the cells naked, screaming that demons are after them. we dropped the county contract so now i dont deal with people straight off the street.

    3. Paulyski


      Schizophrenics are great...


      Be careful though, many times you'll realize they're smarter than you.

      Be careful when they have that "dear in the headlights" look.

    4. 22_Shooter


      Had a guy kinda like that once. He had a spaced out look, and seemed way to calm as he was being searched, before being uncuffed. Everyone was watching him close, because he seemed like he was going to swing on someone when he got uncuffed. He didn't end up swinging, but he did give us a hard time.

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