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Everything posted by barnez

  1. try gunbroker & gunsamerica.
  2. As a noob I'm searching and digging for as much info on parts/accessories for my saiga 12. It would be great to have an entire thread that listed the major parts/accessories (i.e. pistol grips, rails, stocks, mags, etc...) with a street price, country of mfg, and a pic. Is this thread out there and I am missing it or would one of you guy like to create one? Thanks
  3. Thanks, I bought the gun tonight! $350 used but in excellent shape.
  4. As the topic says I want to buy a 19" Saiga 12 in Dallas this weekend. New or Used, converted or not. Let me know what you've got.
  5. Hey guys, I'm brand new to the forum. Looks like there is a ton of great information. I was wondering if any Dallas/Ft. Worth or Houston gun shops stock saiga 12s? Thanks in advance!
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