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Think reinstating the Assault Gun Ban is over, Think Again

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I love how the reports use establishment bias. For example. on the gun control side they interview regular people, grassroots activists, former victims, etc. For the pro gun crowd, they interview only big establishment figures like NRA officials, gun show organizers, etc. and call them "the gun lobby" and not regular gun owners, average joe's, people whose lives have been saved by self defense with a firearm.

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If the NRA "has a strangle hold on congress" as she / it stated, then why in hell don't they just choke the living shit out of them and finish the job. Like she said, they will pick the time and place, ie, when we aren't looking/listening and right up our asses. First step to fixing this nation is to get rid of ALL the asshats in Wallyton and start over. They are all just a bunch of career politicians, look at the asshat from PA today. Need I say more.

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The NRA is representative of the will the majority of the citizenry. That is what Feinstein's real objection is to, the fact that the will of the people is keeping her and her cronies from doing what they will, Bill of Rights be damned!


The sooner we are rid of this oppressive duplicitous crone, the better. Remember she is the one that used her authority to get a special commission as a US Deputy Marshal so that she could carry her personal Beretta 9mm on board commercial aircraft. You know for her protection, the same protection that she would deny you and your family.


We need to render her null and moot in the next election.

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