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Everything posted by Berzerker

  1. Well it ain't happening here in the PRK...yet Maybe with our economy going in the dumper like it is, we'll be headed south too..Here's a shot of a group that comes down to the border to help us out once in a while
  2. You're probably right. I'm sure Chavez will welcome them with open arms in Venezuela. As for Cuba, there probably are nukes there already. I will bet they also put some troops in the Middle East, specifically Iran just to make it harder to attack Iran. Yep I'm afraid the Cold War is on it's way back to say hello.
  3. Well I have a 22" .308 and a 16" 7.62x39 but I kinda had the urge to get a 16".223 also but now I'm even more undecided and anyway I have an extremly tricked out Mini-14 than I can get my .223 rocks off with
  4. Yeah, I just got ome of those Shooters Ridge "Harris" knock offs and they work great at half the price of a Harris. Wal Marts where I got mine too
  5. You hit that right on the head about Callyfornia. That's why I didn't totally convert my 308 and 7.62 to PG configuration. With the standard stocks on both its really easy to throw the "its just like a Mini-14" logic at the LEO's and I might add the only one that even began to hassle me was a BLM Ranger down at the border. After I rattled off all the regulations at him and showing how legal it was. he wandered off to chase 4x4's and quads!
  6. Thank God they didn't make it to Atlanta yet! I don't have Jane around anymore!
  7. Ok, I did, sorry...I just get my guns up when Russian pulls stunts like this. This was a Planned Invasion with Putin flexing his re-found mussle. Too bad we were caught with our pants down - Georgia had been warning us, but we ignored it since Bush has been having BBQ with his buddy Pukin. Let us all realize the KBG (putin) are firmly in power there and they want their empire back. Whoa BullShark, I wasn't defending them. I just said they have always been leery of the West since we intervened in 1919 in the little known attempt to overthrow the Bolsheviks and by them having to eat crow
  8. I don't want to sound anti-American here but ever since the breakup of the USSR this country laid it on pretty thick on "how we won the cold war" and generally humiliating the former Soviet Union by saying we we're the only super power and such. As a result of the cold war the Soviet Union nearly went bankrupt and the USA spent a ton of cash on the military in "winning the cold war". Hell, the world has become a lot more unstable since the break up and the Russian people, being as proud as we know they are, are ralling behind Putin and many still hold Uncle Joe Stalin in high regard. Now wit
  9. Our girly man governator is the same one that signed the bills to ban lead ammo in most hunting area of Kallyfornia. This was to protect the Condors, you know the same glorified buzzards that were too dumb to fly away from the recent wild fires out here. And he's also the same one who signed the microstamping bill that will scare away many hand gun manufacturers here in the PRK. And he's the same one who also signed the bill banning 50 cal rifles, you know the ones all the gang bangers use...LOL He's another big dissapointment to law abiding gun owners. He is a fraud
  10. damn I wish I could do that with my .308 here in Socialista Commiefornia
  11. Well there are actually two different scopes and mounts on two different pictures. The longer scope is mounted on a high rise with the toggle type mount (can't think of the brand at this time) and the other one with the flip up scope covers is a UTG low mount with the side rail that has a Condor light mounted on it. The scope sometimes is switched with a Bushnell Eotech made holosight.
  12. Im impressed with the bipod - did you modify the stock to get that installed? What brand? Harris? Would the 25 rd surefires clear with it if they were legal there? Very nice gun! Thanks! The only thing I did was to change the Saiga sling screw for a standard amerikanski one and then mounted the Shooters Ridge bipod. Looks and works just like a Harris and WalMart has them for $39.95. I am hesitating getting the Galil hand guard right now as I kind of like it the way it is right now. I have one on my 16" 7.62x39 and I don't find it as terrible as some have said but I like it. As for t
  13. Do you have a pic of an unmodified mag so I can see the difference. Where on the mag did you weld the lip? I can't seem to tell from the picture. thanks OMG... why go to all that trouble? Just order the kit, drill one hole, tap one hole. bada bing bada bang... if you took shop in high school, you can do it, or just follow dinzags directions and go slow when tapping and you then can use any preban mag or standard AK mags... much cheaper than Saigas!
  14. Eotech 551 & PVS-18 NVG with a Pentagon light mounted forward w/IR filter
  15. PM me for info 308 guys...
  16. Something you guys might be interested in...PM for info
  17. Here's a little something to cover your thoughts when shooting your 7.62x39...PM me for details
  18. I had my druthers with the standard stock. I also have my laser switch pad mounted at the bottom curvature of the stock behind the trigger group. I also have a PAR-1 7.62x39 pump action AK with a Tapco T6 collapsable stock and PG and removeable mags which is legal here in Commiefornia.
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