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Everything posted by CaptainSwitchblade

  1. Am I the only one who got a chuckle out of this?
  2. Great pistol. Hows the light?
  3. Damn! Look at the rust on the dust cover, mag release, and barrel! He must just sit it outside when he gets off of patrol. I think his partner needs more electrical tape on his mags too.
  4. Thanks for the info everybody. To be honest I didn't even know what it was when I got it. They had it marked as a Russian Ak47 so it caught my attention since I was in the market for a black gun. I picked it up and inspected it and everything seemed right about it so I put half of the money down and paid it off in two weeks. When I got it home I looked up the markings and learned what I had. So the Friday after X-mas I go to the range and put around 100 rounds through it at the 100yd range (everything else was full). I had a blast and fell in love with it. Happy shooting guys and gals.
  5. I don't think I will return it but chalk it up as a lesson learned. Black rifles in my area in particular have jumped up in price. AR15 used to be around $900 and now they are all over $1100. Then like I stated that WASR or whatever it was was $600 in bad shape at another shop.
  6. You are correct it is in fact welded in place. I don't know if its worth trying to clean the weld up a little or removing the guide completely and doing it the right way.
  7. Sorry about the quality of the pics I'm using a higher end webcam but it is still grainy. The guide has a beveled edge its a little rough but I figure this is from use. As far as who converted it I have no idea. But other than the bullet guide everything else seems like it was done properly other than the mag wiggling a little bit.
  8. After reading a lot of different threads on different forums I'm begging to think I got tooled on my Saiga 7.62. Used 2008 , already converted to pistol grip with tapco parts, tapco trigger, and welded in bullet guide(which I haven't seen before). I payed $850 including tax. On the other hand I found a nicely abused WASR at another shop for $600. On the upside I love shooting this thing and its been nothing but fun.
  9. I used to be into R/C cars and trucks and we had a trick for dye jobs on white parts. You boil water with some RIT fabric dye and the parts in there and they will be forever changed. Dying plastic R/C parts video tutorial If you are still curious I googled "dying plastic RIT" and had results from tons of different hobbies.
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