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About tover26

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  1. This thread convinced me to get the glassbolt/ice thing from Pauly. I can't wait to get this back on my S12. Beyond looking cool, I expect it will shoot and cycle better. It's already fun enough going to a range and drawing all the attention. I think this'll push it over the top. I hate the OEM charging handle.
  2. And, the CSS/Greg video principles apply but the hammer tapping didn't work for me. Essentially, - I used the q-tip as shown in the video to seat the spring. - Then, I used a punch to replace the q-tip. I found that a hard whack with a hammer worked better than lighter gentle taps after the q-tip mashed up once. - The actual OEM pin did not want to replace the punch. As shown so masterfully in the video (where it looks moronically easy for Greg), any hammer taps for me of any kind unseated and allowed the spring to bend the instant tension was released. - So, I grabbed a vise tighte
  3. I also scrape residue off the puck surface, scrub it really good with bore solvent, wipe it dry, and gas it with dry lube. If the threads have a lot of build up in them, I'll scrape those as well.
  4. Ironically, yes. Great video. Greg makes it look so easy. Watching it, I realize I might be lacking a punch that small. But will check my tools out and give it a shot today.
  5. CSS is a stand out for excellent customer service. There are so many good ones here at S12, but I saw your post and reflected on the fact that I've always had amazingly fast service from CSS.
  6. Mag Release Tab Spring... recently came off my S12. I got the replacement parts from CSS (link back there) and have learned new profanity trying to get this on. The issue I'm having is: - Very tiny pin. - Very strong spring has to be almost fully compressed to insert pin. - Compression bends the spring so there isn't a straight slot to insert pin. - You have zero visibility or access to bent spring while trying to insert pin. That's what she said. Paper clips, bobby pins, etc... no problem, but also not strong enough to hold the tab where it needs to be. I remember earlier thread
  7. Get a safe. Lock 'em in the safe. Put the safe in public storage. Make sure it's a public storage place that takes credit cards.
  8. All LEOs, no matter who or where, all begin with a desire to protect and serve. I believe they come for a desire to make America safer and better than the worst of us would have it be. They stay for the cool cars, the flashing lights, and all the hot babes. They don't ever leave, but far too many are taken from us in the name of pointless ignorance.
  9. LOL... the end of this video was cheesy. But I loved the slow-mo video of the different rounds hitting the gel. They should've hit the gel with the dragon slug and measured temp change while they were at it.
  10. On the flip side, Maryland has a cool state flag... that's gotta count for something. Hello? Anyone?
  11. I bought my first Saiga from a shop here in MD. My 2nd was FFL'd in. Snubnose, barrel length, and lack of familiarity are going to be your issue. But it should be easy to do.
  12. GeorgiaPD, congrats on the birth! WTG. On everything coming now, you have my wife and my best wishes and prayers.
  13. Duh, for whatever reason - brain said "feet" but my fingers typed yards. Are you on ZS - what's your name there? PM me.
  14. I had always understood that AK x39 ballistics are essentially flat from 100 to 300 yards with very little distinction. As such, an AK zero'd at 100 yards is pretty much zero'd at 300 yards and eveything in between. It's going past 300 yards where the AK has problems... I just want a good scope because my vision isn't all that good past about 80 yards.
  15. Wow... 75,000. Sweet lord, but you're going to be boxing stuff for a while. I'm unclear as to what I need to do. If MO to you, I'll need your name and address. If to the FFL, I'll need their contact info and final price + shipping right? Let me know how to proceed. If you end up with people who don't take stuff they ordered, I'm game to grab another 1 or 2 thousand rounds. Eric
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