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SgtRaven last won the day on August 12 2016

SgtRaven had the most liked content!

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531 Excellent

About SgtRaven

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    Home of the Airborne and Special Operations State
  1. Another one in the family. Quite pricey for a truck gun, but I love the concept: PTR 203 32 GEN II 7.62X39 8.5 MP5 HG Black 30rd https://www.classicfirearms.com/ptr-203-32-gen-ii-762x39-85?utm_source=bm23&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Image+-+https://www.classicfirearms.com/ptr-203-32-gen-ii-762x39-85&utm_content=The+MKE+Z-5P+9mm+PSB...+The+Most+Recent+Reason+Clint's+Wife+Is+Mad+At+Him&utm_campaign=2018-09-05_RollerLockPistols&_bta_tid=42779556455476413427172220914768076432110586386008541840919021685629863281372629482732168824118882850055
  2. There is such thing as "Christmas in July" 1) CZ P-10C Fantastic handgun! The best I've ever owned, beating beloved Kimber Compact Classic and CZ P-02 "Omega". 2) Just ordered DPMSystem's "Mechanical Recoil Reduction System". 3) Savage MSR-15 Recon: still in shipping. Stock photo below.
  3. Urge Your Representative and Senators to Support Concealed Carry Reciprocity Please contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative and urge them to cosponsor and support passage of S.446 -- the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017-- in the Senate, and H.R.38 -- the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017-- in the House. You can contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative by phone at (202) 224-3121 https://www.nraila.org/articles/20170721/the-need-for-national-reciprocity Petition: TAKE ACTION TODAY
  4. Hunting Under Attack in the U.S. Senate Time to Counter by Moving the “Hearing Protection Act” We want to solicit your assistance on two fronts. First, Gun Owners of America needs your help to stop anti-gun Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) from scoring an anti-gun coup. Second, we want to remind you that one of the best ways you can support Gun Owners of America is by becoming a GOA Patriot member. GOA Patriots are monthly contributors who are serious about defending the Second Amendment. Not only will you help GOA stay on the front lines, you will get a great-looking GOA ca
  5. Illinois: Contact your State Representative in Opposition to Legislation that could Force your Local Gun Dealer to Close! https://act.nraila.org/takeaction.aspx?AlertID=1694&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=51510821&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_siOOhugrjQ-4kzrRAsv_lbLdAfv3ty0TjnRzWI7XCyfCOIB_mskyU8y-_3-wvNAfrqPzGfV4oR9A_NKUGWnLYUwHH1g&_hsmi=51510821 Click here
  6. Powder River Precision's springs kit and sear for my pistol (already installed), TX GunSmith' kit for my SIG556xi (finally installed: love it!), New MagPul sling and single-point QD adapter for "AKAR", 300 x 5.56 and 250 x 9mm ammo.
  7. Will “Son of ObamaCare” Become a Trojan Horse for Gun Control? “Son of ObamaCare” Bill Must be Amended to Eliminate Anti-Gun Aspects For six years now, congressional Republicans have campaigned on the promise that they would repeal ObamaCare on the first day that the GOP controlled Congress and the White House. But “ObamaCare repeal” seems to have devolved into a civil war in which GOP conservatives Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have now accused the Republican leadership of proposing “ObamaCare Lite” or “ObamaCare 2.0.” We won’t get in the middle of whether House Speaker Paul Ryan’s
  8. Action required: John Cornyn Introduces Concealed Carry Reciprocity in the Senate Generate and send your letter here: http://cqrcengage.com/gunowners/app/write-a-letter?2&engagementId=302713&ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxE4cltDvPYPlJSCaNpW_L9dtVJ0I15osww5Ube1gmWWugBCj2eAbgtt7b0IA6cCMjBGrHKpPGK5QHCo6hURxVVZUxXJDO2GX_4DcV61ckD88&lp=0
  9. Sign the petition: "Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on January 9, 2017, introduced the Hearing Protection Act, restoring your right to buy suppressors for your firearms": http://cqrcengage.com/gunowners/app/write-a-letter?2&engagementId=273153&ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAx5spGWrn8kYzB4UtkW-xbDH9vcRSTAmeN-O9b4etLxyY4QGDUV8JUjmik_jGCEV2L7clePq6TEl-hq6jVoi6SzvwYejQAclSg6ik-s2t-H_g&lp=0 Dear Representative: I am writing to ask you to cosponsor Rep. Jeff Duncan's Hearing Protection Act, H.R. 367. A "silencer" or, more correctly, a "suppressor" is, at its core, nothing more than a var
  10. 60 shot, 11 fatally, over Christmas weekend http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-christmas-shootings-violence-47-shot-holiday-weekend-20161226-story.html Some Christmas at the neo-commie's paradise for gun control...
  11. Oh hell yeah. Was amused to see the initial "Trump won - gun and ammo sales plummeted!" and shortly after "Guns and ammo sales are up" (on commie bastards regrouping). Case of Federal M193, "few" boxes of M855, another AK bayo, 200 rounds of 9mm (mixed weight and function), and more Wolf Oil. Lock'n'load 'Murica! Stay armed, stay strong!
  12. SgtRaven

    Gun Porn

    "What's wrong with ya??? Guns ARE porn"!
  13. "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else". Winston Churchill. God Bless America! And let's not try that sh*t again. Ever! Let's Make America Great Again TOGETHER!

    1. JESS1344


      SGT. RAVEN,




  14. I keep my Freedom, Guns and Money. Make America Great Again!

  15. Three cities — Baltimore, Chicago and Washington — accounted for more than half of the total increase in homicides in the country’s 25 biggest cities last year, according to the analysis, released Wednesday by the Brennan Center for Justice. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/04/21/homicides-were-up-last-year-in-some-major-u-s-cities-just-three-cities-saw-most-of-the-increase/?utm_term=.1d5ceb29aa9d Know what they have in common? I know you do. Liberals in charge of the mayhem, but reaching for our guns to confiscate. Homicides were up last year in some major U.S. cities
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