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About Voliminal11C

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  • Location
    Central Louisiana
  1. Definitely a quick scrub with a soft bore brush after every range trip, more out of piece of mind than actual necessity. The Army instilled the mind set that my weapon will disintegrate into a pile of dust if a carbon atom is left on it overnight. Obviously exaggerating a bit but I don't see the harm in knocking off any corrosive substance before it causes any microscopic damage.
  2. Here in Central Louisiana, I've noticed that the highest risk for violence is usually at the dawn of any disaster. I've lived in the area for nearly 8 years now, and there hasn't been a shortage of natural and/or economic disasters yet. It's normally during the "Hey, you need to get your stuff together and leave or button up and prepare" phase that causes the most tension and conflicts. The population density usually drains the stores of any and all relevent resources and of course everyone feels more entitled over the next guy, mix that with anxiety, frustration and confusion and blammo, you
  3. These are some of the first rounds ever shot through my S12, being completely unmodified fresh from the box they shot perfectly fine. Definitly felt the sting of the recoil. Was shooting at a silhoutte target at 25 yards and the pattern was a recognizable 12" diameter with 3 small holes in a triangular fashion with the larger one in the center. Not all of the rounds patterned this way but most of them did. After seeing the devestation done to the 4x4 holding up the target I decided to save 4 of em and load the 5 rounder up with 2 of these rounds sandwiching a normal winchester 00 Buck for my
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