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Everything posted by NUKEZILLA

  1. Thank you! I'll just pay to have it done then.
  2. Has anybody done this? If so, was it successful? Thank you in advance.
  3. SOPA, PIPA, and hate crimes laws should make everybody work to destroy the aforementioned laws. Example: Gun Control declared a religion, open criticism of gun control results in criminal prosecution. Massa liberal don't like it when uppity freedom lovers don't mind their place, so Massa liberal gets the lynch mob fired up. Fortunately, they have not yet fully activated their Satanic agenda. Let us work to ensure that said agenda never succeeds!
  4. Do you need a bullet guide conversion to SAiga .410 shotgun in order to make it work with a ten round Surefire magazine? Thank you in advance.
  5. Thank you for your help! I'm thinking painting the hood circle and front sight post white, and letting the aforementioned dry. Afterwards, I shall paint contrasting neon colors atop the white-painted zone. Thoughts on this?
  6. I'm born again. I try to watch my language but don't always succeed. Yes, swearing is a sin. But it says in the Bible that some sins lead to death and some sins lead not to death. Now here's my take: If being correct by the New Testament is not good enough in your house, you are not saved because you are active-duty committing the sin of setting man above God's Word. In plain language, "Mister, I was raised that way..." does not cut it with me. 'My church's official doctrine is..." does not cut it with me. You go by the New Testament alone. Researching God's word to better understand it
  7. Hooded front sight with a fiber optic front post for the SAiga?
  8. NUKEZILLA: Godzilla is supposed to be a walking, fiery tornado of deat, not a semi-wimpy marine iguana!
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