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Everything posted by FootToAss

  1. Fuckin A hallboss, I live in the central valley too. CA has some great people, it's just L.A., the Bay Area, and Sacramento that are ruining what was once one of the best states. I really hate it when people assume all Californians are a bunch of friggen homo's who love taxes and hate guns. I'm in the Fresno area by the way if you ever want to have a Saiga shoot (CA legal of course)
  2. Just received mine as well, great job Mike! Nice job starting this thread mxps20, some people (TronJohn) probaly would not be considerate enough to thank Mike D for all his hard work.
  3. Thanks Juggernaught, I was basically trying to say the same thing. I think we are all pretty tired of certain people (TronJohn) hijacking MD Arms threads and asking when there drum will ship. I finally reached a breaking point and politely asked him to step away from his computer and go fuck himself. This was done for the good of all of us. Instead of taking my advice he decided to threaten to "shove his cock down my throat so that I cant breath any more" oh yeah and to sodomize my wife.
  4. Good job rotortuner for starting this thread. It is a pretty novel idea and helpful to estimate the ship date of ones drum. Unfortunately "only post your order number and date tracking received" was not specific enough for these assclowns. Yes I'm talking to you TronJohn, unless you have something to contribute I sugest you take a step back from your computer and go fuck yourself.
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