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james lambert

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Everything posted by james lambert

  1. Ignorant children And some wonder how we have come to this place
  2. pointing to one wrong does not excuse another. and drugs are NOT the same as alcohol
  3. The THOUSANDS of people murdered by drug cartels and smugglers are not victims of crime . You buy the dope from people at some level....but the cash goes to the top. victimless crime my ass! your arguments are defining the type of person you are
  4. Trump can crash and burn all by himself, he needs little help from us to do so. This is SO much less about a prefered candidate, than it is about trumps behaviour during the primaries. His record is pure crap as well! I like many, remain uncommitted and unconvinced. I see little proof trump is fundamentally different from hillary
  5. Of course one has never seen a burning bush, talking snake, talking donkey, or man formed from dirt... so logically there is no observable evidence..One must also be able to present a universe in which life did not occur to conclude this is design and not inevitably. So to conclude either way, evolution or creation is intellectually dishonest. I point to the beginning and you rip pages out of the middle? Do you really think it is not obvious? Beginnings are everything, as all intent and will is deposited into them. Well I have never seen Earth from space, the conclusive observa
  6. No It would take actual patriots to do that, those willing to pledge their honor, lives and fortunes
  7. I'm sorry but Ted Cruz just simply does not have any appeal in the general election. Right down to his voice, his mannerisms, his speech style, his looks. It works with his base very well. But it does not work in the places he would need to win. I'd rather not have President Clinton. So, you guys nominated the one guy on the republican side that Hillary has the best shot at beating. Thanks a ton. If you care at all about what the polls showed, they pretty much all showed Cruz doing better against Hillary than Trump. I'm not one of these guys who is going to stay home on election da
  8. My experience with a rotten cop cost me plenty of cash...I prevailed, but it was costly and I was about 18 as well. I would guess there is more to your story than you let on. Miscarriage of justice can on occasion happen, but its no excuse for the 99.9 % that are correctly convicted and correctly labeled or monitored! Plenty of mistakes are made on both sides of the fence I have NO, count that as NO tolerance for criminals period. do the time, pay the debt....I still wont associate with them
  9. Ahh...The millennial generation invented most of the things you listed Granted some of those liberal ideals have been around a while, and people like me have fought them for decades. trump may speak some politically incorrect things, that doesnt make it so
  10. If you think the Fergusonites will all suddenly become employable and employed Then start voting for personal responsibility not a chance, I dont think any force in the universe can change the entitled welfare class
  11. Our population has been sliding downward on the intellect ladder for some time now. I just wonder if Darwin awards can be granted to voters
  12. http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/boehner-pals-obama-after-calling-cruz-lucifer
  13. I was considering That I would have to vote for trump if he were the nominee, and was going to follow thru. The last few months of tantrums, lies innuendo and name calling against other candidates gives me reason to reconsider. This may well be the first election in my life where I choose to stay home He would have to work pretty hard to change my mind, Let see who he chooses as vice
  14. Dont discount the possibility of the communist piece of shit. WE ARE FUCKED!!!!!
  15. well Cruz just dropped out The voters chose an imbecilic ass wipe over a True constitutionalist Get ready for the democrats to run the nation the rest of the way into the cesspool. get ready for all kinds of restrictions on your guns and other liberties I just wonder what liberal he will choose as vice.....Crispie cream I guess
  16. That info is directly quoted from a poll....so take it as you will, could be right could be wrong. The facts I stated are on the record, disputing them is less than honest. He is also on record saying he wont actually build a wall or deport illegal aliens. so just what can we believe of all the things he claims?
  17. Childish name calling qualifies as trolling......been guilty of it myself Trump does well with the less educated and lower income bracket people. His rhetoric plays VERY well with all of us that are sick of the GOP hierarchy promising one thing, then doing the opposite. But for those who choose to look at it....his record is EXTREMELY liberal. He agrees with more of hillarys agenda than he disagrees with. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.....he calls Cruz a liar but in reality he himself is the one most guilty of it. His bullying, name calling and overall asinine behavio
  18. Name-calling? How old are you? Dont feed the troll Sim Maybe he will go back under the bridge
  19. What grade level? You could have a very positive influence on young kids, not so much with older ones. Also where would you be located in both instances ?
  20. Only one (so called ) religion is carrying out heinous crimes against humanity
  21. Might as well put california on the mexican side of the border
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