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Everything posted by ericb382

  1. ^^^^ nice... you prompted my number choice... 2871
  2. Ok, thanks guys. I cut some grooves in the factory gas plug turning it into a tap (buying a tap is almost as much as a gunfixer plug)and it threads all the way in now, but is VERY tight. The puck also wont go in. The factory puck goes down just past the last groove. I looked in the gas block and there is a ridge there, just before the opening to the gas ports. That's what it's getting caught up on. I tried honeing it with a brake hone, but it still doesn't want to go. I'm going to try putting some new pads on the hone (the ones on there are pretty FUBAR) and hitting it again... any better
  3. Just went to put everything back together after my conversion. It looks like I must have slightly screwed up the threads on the gas block when I welded on my HK front sight. I did really short passes to try to keep the heat down, but it looks like I still screwed them up. I measured the gas plug and it looks like either 21 or 22mm x 1.0... Does anyone know for sure what size tap this would require?
  4. I just got done applying KG's gunkote to mine. I'm very happy with it and the support was great too. I called tech with questions a couple times and they were extremely knowledgeable/helpful. This is the only coating I have applied so I cant compare, but I love it. $60 to have a pro do it is an awesome price, btw. If you use the recomended sanblasting media you can expect to pay around $60 for that alone. I just used silica sand to save time and $$ and still spent about that much to diy...
  5. I just got mine from carolina shooter supply a few days ago. They seem to be one of the only places with them that are not backorder. They shipped extremely fast too...
  6. Yes it is... I just ordered 2... Use the link thats 4 posts up.
  7. I just went back and actually added up the parts tally, I guess it is a really good price, it just makes my jaw drop to see one sell for well over a grand...
  8. I just wanted to "do it right" the first time and I see tromix etc, selling theirs for ungodly amounts, I figured there must be an advantage of welding everything as opposed to bolt on and diy... The weld on is $30 cheaper, but my time is definately worth something also... What about the stock safety stop with weld on t-guard. Is that any cleaner looking than the diy one? I'm not opposed to weld-on parts (in fact I'm trying to convince myself it must be better,)but if I'm going that route I feel like there should be a reason for the extra work...
  9. I've been having trigger reset issues with my s12 so I finally decided to convert it and hope that fixes it. I've been reading up for the past couple days. One question I still haven't found the answer to is this.... If I use a bolt in reciever block for the stock, will it add more overall lenght to the gun than if I use a weld in plate? Can you see the screws that attach the bolt on model? Is the bolt on as ridgid? Any other +/- of bolt in vs weld on (aside from ease of install and price of course.) I'm also wondering about the angle. Everyone advertises that they weld the reciever plate
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