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About S12KS-K

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  1. Thanks. I figured they were already being distributed. Atlantic and centerfire had them listed but when they're in the cart it says not in stock. lol
  2. It's not the LRBHO lever, it's that the sgm mags follower sits lower it the mag because of the large plastic feed lips. Insert your empty factory mag on a closed bolt and rack the bolt back and let the bolt stay back from the LRBHO and then remove the mag. Now insert a SGM and you will see that the LRBHO lever will not be touching the SGM follower. Even after bending my friends lever down it still does not touch the sgm follower when this test is done. If you experience this, you should send it in for a replacement. The SGM mags work with LRBHO. My sgm's work the lrbho 100%. The Factory ma
  3. I'm surprised no one has said anything or even done a youtube vid about the sgm drums now available for the vepr12. Can someone do a review? More importantly, compare the feed/follower angle to the factory mags?
  4. AFAIK the VEPR12 mag is the same thing, at least for mine. One thing I have noticed is that the feed angle is NOT the same as factory!! This is fine for 00 buck but anything else, I get stove pipes.. So, what mod are you specifically talking about? Because in my 030, the follower is too LOW compared to the factory mag. If the 030 mag well was shorter, that would make the follower too high... which it's not... Please clarify. I'm hoping there's a way to make my SGM mag reliable but if not then I will be contacting SGM to see if they'll take their mag back..
  5. You must remove the magazine safety bar for this to work.
  6. You must remove the magazine safety bar for this to work.
  7. You must remove the magazine safety bar for this to work.
  8. You must remove the magazine safety bar for this to work.
  9. Fully functional swing swivel down gsg5 trigger pack mod
  10. I would not use steel case or any +P ammo. It LOVES winchester white box 124 grain. The heavier subsonic 147 grain plus it will shoot but you will have to replace the recoil buffer every few hundred rounds. It's simple and the buffers are cheap, though.
  11. S12KS-K


    The best book you will ever read.
  12. They can't even get the feed angle for the VERP/030 right and you want them to start investing time and materials in a double stack mag for rimmed cartridges? LOL
  13. Koch bro's are on our side. I read a VERY lengthy article on Koch's experience in Russia post Soviet Union and his disbelief at the conditions of Soviet industry.. It's nice to know the American industrial complex is on the side of gun owners and freedom. As Ms. Victoria Nuland so eloquently put it, fuck the EU. I've had 2 tenants from Oregon and both of their were weird... lol
  14. Oh, I'm awake. I simply don't suffer from Schizotypal personality disorder like you do.
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