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Everything posted by XD45

  1. So Cruz is not endorsing. So fucking what. Even trump said he doesn't need Cruz's endorsement. I'm voting for the egomaniac toddler. I'm urging others to do the same. But that sure as hell is no endorsement of the juvenile prick. It's just that I believe he'll do less damage than the traitor cunt.
  2. This video is a few years old but it's timeless.
  3. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/07/22/did-healey-gun-ban-backfire-leads-spike-sales/uu0awrrETYtyLKnbp6cHKK/story.html
  4. Says the man who flies around the world in a 757 to go to meetings about global warming. A 757 burns 65,000 pounds of fuel for an 8 hour flight. But it's OK because he's saving the world by putting together plans to take away cars and air conditioners and god knows what else from the little people.
  5. Does Johnson have a chance? A chance of what? A chance of beating the laughable 1% he got in the last election? A chance of beating the whopping 3.5% he got in his home state? Of course he doesn't have a chance. And I know I just pissed off the libertarians but facts don't care about hurt feelings.
  6. This pair will make barry o and crazy joe look like amateur hour. Hildebeast picked him because he's a true believer. A big gov leftist who sincerely believes that gov has to control the people "for their own good". That makes him a useful idiot for her ambition. He'll back her power grabs without question.
  7. I have invested in quite a bit of lead, along with brass, copper, and steel. But after you put away a decent supply of those, silver is a great way to store wealth. Gold too but silver is more undervalued than gold atm, and gold is less liquid. When you look at who is stockpiling metals right now it's obvious that trust in currencies is at an all-time low. My trust in currency has been low for a long time.
  8. Supreme Court. Supreme Court. Supreme Court. Whatever other damage hitlery will do (and it is hard to imagine), putting 3 or 4 more sotomayors on the Supreme Court will be the end of America as we know it. You go to war with the army you have. This is a war for America and Trump is literally the only thing between hiillary and our freedoms. It is a choice between a man who is deeply flawed and a woman who is deeply evil.
  9. My last days will be lived in east Texas. I'd be there already but just can't walk out on the salary and benefits currently enjoyed. In a couple of years I should have all pieces in place.
  10. Bath houses.Don't forget public restrooms and military barracks.
  11. The first 2.5 hours of Steven King's It were great horror. Tim Curry's Pennywise was perfect. Then the last half hour with the giant spider puppet ruined it all.
  12. I am involved in the hiring at work and I have specific things that I always reject an applicant for. Things that will make problems for the company, for me, and for the other employees. It's damn near impossible to get rid of problem people these days but I'll be damned if I'm going to make more problems by hiring those who will certainly cause more harm than good.
  13. "The gun industry has openly defied our laws here in Massachusetts for nearly two decades. That ends today," said the dumb cunt. You said a rifle can't have features X, Y, Z. Gun makers sold rifles that didn't have features X, Y, Z. That's called COMPLYING with your idiotic law you ignorant gash. The slide to hades is picking up speed. Freedom was a grand experiment, but a failed notion. The human race simply doesn't want it. It's obvious which step we are in. And what comes next.
  14. I did let my fingers do the walking before I posted. All I see is that one site reposted dozens of times. No genuine attribution. Anything on the internet is suspect, and I don't believe shit without some kind of proof other than words on a website I've never heard of. Too many liars pushing agendas and generally stirring the shit.
  15. Oh it won't be confiscation per se. Not a door-to-door thing. Nobody is that stupid. Even the left. Without a registration it's not even possible. They'll ban them and tell us to turn them in or instant felon. They'll call it a "buy back". Commifornia is leading the way.
  16. Tyranny 101. Create a "threat" that requires drastic measures. More control. More power. Is that what happened in Turkey? Guess we'll never know for sure. After all, history is written by the winning side. Of course that tactic could never be used here. The American people are way too smart for that. I mean, right? *cough cough* \sarcasm
  17. I'd like to see a source for that, other than a statement with no attribution.
  18. I didn't say anything about enemies. Our rulers have a tendency to use excuses to ban the import of firearms and ammunition. I was wondering if this might be used as yet another excuse to ban imports. I assumed others would make that same connection since it was so obvious.
  19. The issue isn't whether or not Turkey would want to continue exports, but whether our gov would ban imports if they don't "like" the new turk gov. But apparently the question is moot. Coup Fails
  20. John Carpenter's The Thing is my favorite of all time. The sequel was... unimpressive. Aliens is my favorite action/horror. Theatrical version please. The extra fluff in the director's cut adds nothing. The original Alien deserves an honorable mention also. We won't mention the "other" alien movies.
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