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Everything posted by JDeko

  1. Admittedly I'd have to learn my PTR much better before I'd feel safe with one if the made an HKG3 one.
  2. Seeing the Echo Trigger pack has me thinking about AR-Trash seriously for the first time in my life.
  3. Basic hunting license Michigan waterfowl license Federal waterfowl license 1300 PPU Tokarev JHP rounds
  4. They need to stick their dick in a light socket! We the People are getting fed up with this Shit!!! I hope... that is a great descriptive image
  5. Still might buy an SXP for my mum if she decides she wants to shoot geese too. Most of the money would be going to Belgium and America anyway.
  6. MERRY VAGINAL EXPULSION ANNIVERSARY! Thanks for making my Saiga awesome!
  7. I was thinking of doing that but didn't know if it would work. I also don't have a vice to use.
  8. Seeing the reactions I get hunting with my Saiga, and this having so much plastic I'd love to go waterfowling with this.
  9. Can of B'Laster to try to dislodge my muzzle brake Paying a gunsmith to do it for me after that didn't work, neither did heating it to the point it started to melt my strap-wrench.
  10. 60 more Remington 12ga sluggers and 50 more red, white, blue, and pink Federal 12ga field loads.
  11. like a schoolgirl in red plaid... wish I could find a pic.. i tried to find that one too. good lord it was quite a sight that night.
  12. I've not watched S.E. since she left for CNN. I wonder if they let her dress like a naughty librarian out of a late night commercial there like she did on Red Eye back in the day?
  13. Indeed, I meant it more as to show that there is a bit of confusion amongst .30cal rounds. I admittedly didn't know that 7.62 NATO was .308 for a long while and thought it was just "AK ammo" of better quality, as to say it was made in the First World instead of out of a factory last modernized in 1951. My response to his question was "Which one is your gun chambered in?"
  14. I have to say the recent but incredibly far reaching fad of every one using "7.62" as a complete caliber description in conversation should be on this list somewhere. As near as I can tell, the video gamers who bought into firearms at the last major scare started talking like that so that they would sound like old hands with guns. I get that from a few friends of that description. I keep telling them that it makes them sound more ignorant, rather than familiar, but they continue. I think this will stick. As much as I think the pedantry about clip/magazine is pointless, this one bugs me a lot.
  15. -Several boxes of 12ga shells on my table- -12ga shells splayed out on my table- -Spent 12ga shells all around me- -Loading 12ga shells into my magazine- "So... Does that shoot 7.62?" asks the person in the lane next to me.
  16. 60 Remington 1oz 12ga 2.75in slugs 10 Remington 2.75in 0Buck shells 5 Federal 3in #4 Buck shells
  17. And no carry ammo is going to make you a better shot under pressure but its widely said Speer Gold Dot is a great carry ammo. I'm asking if Black Cloud is the Speer Gold Dot of waterfowling?
  18. Do you guys think Black Cloud ammo is the ammo uber alles? I see it venerated as if its the greatest thing ever created and admittedly I'm willing to try whatever it takes to increase my chances after going home without a body all last season.
  19. 50 Federal 12ga field load shells. They were cheap, plus one was the red, white, and blue kind whilst the other was all pink shells.
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